Dear KI-Media Readers,
Due to the Pchum Ben festival, the amount of information posted will be reduced, but not stopped, starting from today until 15 October.
Our team would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers a happy celebration with your family, friends, and relatives.
May Lord Buddha bless you all!
KI-Media team
Due to the Pchum Ben festival, the amount of information posted will be reduced, but not stopped, starting from today until 15 October.
Our team would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers a happy celebration with your family, friends, and relatives.
May Lord Buddha bless you all!
KI-Media team
Oh plzzzz, don't do us any favor.
hey shut up 2:40, don't ruin our Bun cjuom ben!
wish you all the same.
Thank for your time and great job making ki-media possible!
Who said anything about Pchum Ben?
Thank you KI for your excellent job.
You guys deserve the best.
May Buddha bless all khmers!
Buddha had already left His Great Dharma for humans to practice if they are looking to be Blessed, but the people of Cambodia are mostly evils. They are evils when they are alive and they are evils after they left their bodies.
Bring all food to feed those evil monks while the poor people are left cold with no food to eat.
Cambodia, the land of Great EVILS.
In that evil land, the people who are not evils are also all infected with it, unless they turn to GOD.
They will not stop killing and accusing each others until the border of Thailand meets the border of Vietnam.
You're absolutly right, In my view I see the khmer herself may never have the border any more, or ther border maybe at Svay Daun Keo in 1939. Good luck all khmer people,
peace is in your hart.
May Lord Buddha be with you always,
2:45AM and 2:56AM, your comments have no sound basis. I think your brain is fucked up. I wouldn't be surprised if you both were pure evils in human form.
I don't know where your birth place is, may be you were born in hell, but I'm sure you're not Cambodian. The international community has no such view of the Cambodian people, if anything they say Cambodian people have a genuine smile, unlike the Thais and the Viets.
Of course, Cambodia has its share of problems, so are the rest of the world. Calling it and its people evil can only come from a deceased animal in hell. I'm not sure I can get this message through your thick brain, but I try anyway.
I just finished my deeds at the pagodas, and I also sent the merits of my offerings to your deceased ancestors who were unfortunate enough to have both of you as family and relative.
2:56 and 5:50... you can used that word only with the criminal viets and thief siams but not cambodia...hear it idoit.
Besh beshes KI and our beloved Cambodians!
Yeah, and don't forget to use those words with criminal colonialist infidels also while you at it, okay?
2:56 and 5:50
you may be siam and viet that why you speak with such barbarian word.
You people live a life of killing and stealing others only.
May Buddha Bless Cambodia!
Special thanks to KI-Media team for your work and uptodate news, good english and very good photoes. If only the newspapers could do the job half as good as the KI team.
Cambodia will never disapeared believed me idoit 2:56 and 5:55 only siam and viet will meet that future...
The Champa and our khmer krhom will distroy viets form within oblishing the viets in the next 20 years. Whereas the siam, will meet waterloo with the south muslim and other muslim in the worlds fight in the south spread to middle with the help of Khmer majority in the north east. Khmer Sorin is on the way back!!!
Wait and see who is going to cut their border in the future?
may Lord Buddha Bless Cambodia! the Empire is Back!
Keep on fantasizing... .
Buddha Can not bless any body he is in Nipean!
Only Goodness and Buddha's preaching can bless us!
Please do good as Buddha preach to be bless! and Cambodia will be great place as Ankor era!
And what happened to rule-of-law and democracy, that don't work any more?
On this auspicious Ancestors Memorail Services or in Khmer Bon Pchum Binda, staff of templenews tv wish to extend our cordial inviation to you and your family to watch our tv episodes 34-37 on this religious holidays.
To learn more about the meaning of our Ancstors Memorial Services,
Sept. 26/27 - Oct. 11, please logon to http://www.templenews.info
Here is how stupid Hor Nam Hong and stupid Hun Sen need to do for solving the border agreement with Vietcong and Thaicong as Honduras and Nicaragua did in the UN court. Not just doing secretely with Hanoi and Thaicong. These treaties that Hun Sen and Sihamony did with the Hanoi are all illigal document:
"The U.N.'s highest court Monday granted Honduras sovereignty over four Caribbean islands in its decades-old dispute with Nicaragua, and carved up rich fishing grounds and offshore exploration concessions for oil and gas." from Yahoo News under Latin American.
After the celebration of this Pchum Ben, let's all continue the spirit of sharing and giving and spreading it to the area of slump in Stung Mean Chey, all orphanages, and any rural community where people barely have anything to eat. I believe the spirits of our ancestors will be much happier and proud when we do that, unless our dead ancestors were all cold-hearted.
Could someone explain why we expect our ancestors hovering around every year waiting for our offering of food? If there is reincarnation, would not they have already moved on? And if this is for only those ancestors who are stuck in hell (norouk yumbal), then why would they still want to rack up the bad deeds by putting curses on the living relatives who do not participate in Pchum Ben? If they were bad people who got sent to hell in the first place, would their curses still be relevant?
I see the connection of this feudal and revenge system even with our living people - punishing the ones we hate or dislike, and rewarding those who are our favorites. No wonder we are now struggling so hard with the concepts of fairness, equality and democracy. I thought true caring and loving parents or ancestors should unconditionally and equally love and care about their children.
This is just an honest question, I am not against anyone practicing any rituals or beliefs, it is their right and freedom to do so as long as their practices do not harm others.
9:47, this is not about logic, but about faith. And faith is to accepting thing without required proof, which is contrary to science. Furthermore, faith and science don't mix, just as oil and water doesn't, and each of the two is in a two separate universe.
I hope that give you some idea.
12:22 PM, thank you for pointing out the difference between faith and science. However, I am bewildered about the conflicting points within the realm of faith. Do budhists believe in reincarnation? Do budhists believe that their ancestors' spirits are still hovering aroung waiting for the time of year to check on their children to curse or bless based on their action during Pchum Ben? What does budhist faith really say about these issues?
Also, when we accept faith at face value, do we agree that some of the faiths in the world that require killing and/or condemning other/non-believers should not be questioned/reasoned-out?
Hello 9:36 AM.
I agree with you 100%. When I was a young guy, I haven't have faith with Buddhism. But now after years of life experience, I have my faith with Buddhism because I found that I cannot resist with my destiny at all.
9:36, Yes Buddhist does believe in reincarnation, but don't ask me why and how. As for our ancestor hovering around waiting to judge their children for observing Pchum Ben, I don't think if we are being judged. The thing behind faith is you just do it, I mean pay respect to our ancestor because they are our creator and they love us just as you love your kids. Without them we don't exist, you don't search for reason to justified it because that will defeat the purpose of faith.
Okay, here's a deal: our ancestor is not in our universe, they are in a different universe. A universe lack of logic and reason. Thus, to enter their universe to see them, you must get rid of logic and reason. Otherwise, you can't get in to their world, and they can't see you from their universe. Do you see the link?
And another thing that is fascinating is our universe existed due to its imperfection; their universe existed from its perfection. There are no disease, suffering, corruption, ... , or nothing, just pure peace.
Oh, and I know many people have rejected the faith world because they can't prove it existence scientifically. What does that mean for those people? All it means is that those people making their choice to stay in an imperfect world. That is all.
1:06 PM,2:29 PM, and 11:57 PM, thanks to you all for sharing your personal conviction and faith. I totally agree with your idea of repecting both our departed ancestors and living parents, I also think that the souls are somewhere in another universe, and are free from all the earthly and humanly issues that existed before their death. However, I am very confused with all the different beliefs, particularly, the ideas of what happens after life. For examples, buddhists believe in reincarnation, while christians believe in eternal life in heaven or in hell. As you can see, it gets really murky in terms of the unknown and the imperfect world.
Anyway, thank you. I have decided, that if anything (faith/non-faith/science) that make our own and others' current existence meaningful and happy, we should embrace.
You're welcome, 1:49, but I don't understand what you meant in your last paragraph. Are you saying you don't care about your spirit, que sera sera?
I don't think there is a difference between Buddhism, Christian, and other, just in expression. The common denominator is the spirit that live in the faith world. Was it written anywhere that and eternally living spirit is not allowed to come back for whatever purpose?
2:46 AM, yes, it may sound like that - as there is no written document any where saying that eternally living spirit is not allowed to come back, there is also no proof anywhere that proves faith-based claim that there is that other realm. We are all at the mercy of the unknown and unconfirmed. My point is, most religions/beliefs expect all the livings doing good deeds, so, as long as we all do good deeds toward one another, we should cover most requirements - thus, que sera, sera. If Pchum Ben makes people feel better that they have shown respect to their ancestors, I accept that as a positive thing, just as I accept other people's going to churches confessing their sin to god, or belief in good humanity is also a good thing.
In conclusion, there are so many diffrent faiths and unexplanable logics/science, so I am not ready to really commit to anything, individually, in totality.
Yes,3:09, that is what I have been saying from start. There will not be any proof of the faith world here ever; therefore, don't look for one. It will be up to you to accept it or not without proof.
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