Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Political Poem and Cartoon: 2014 - Yuons will dam the Se San River

Poem by: Yim Guechse, Sam Vichea, Ung Thavry
Drawing by: Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

This is the kind of pain and suffering the Vietcong inflicted on Khmer people while they extended their friendship and preached brotherly love and good neighbor!

The fucken Vietcong think that Khmer people must be a fool not to know what the hell is going on!

AH HUN SEN Vietcong puppet is the only insurance that the Vietcong have in dealing with Khmer people! I believe AH HUN SEN insurance is none renewable after his dictatorship term is over!

I like to see the Vietcong land go through another instability and chaos again!

Anonymous said...

Rangoon: ‘army mutiny’ reported
Troops refuse to fire
on crowds

Reports from Rangoon suggest soldiers are mutinying. It is unclear the numbers involved. Reports cite heavy shooting in the former Burmese capital.

The organisation Helfen ohne Grenzen (Help without Frontiers) is reporting that "Soldiers from the 66th LID (Light Infantry Divison) have turned their weapons against other government troops and possibly police in North Okkalappa township in Rangoon and are defending the protesters. At present unsure how many soldiers involved."

Continue reading "Rangoon: ‘army mutiny’ reported"

Posted at 01:11 PM in burma | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)

‘Coup’ claimed in Rangoon
Than Shwe ‘deposed by No 2’

Military sources in Rangoon are claiming that the regime's number two, General Maung Aye (right), has staged a coup against Than Shwe, and that his troops are now guarding Aung San Suu Kyi's home. A meeting between him and Suu Kyi is expected. Maung Aye is army commander-in-chief and a renowned pragmatist.

Our diplomatic sources are also telling us that Aung San Suu Kyi has been moved to a police academy compound outside Rangoon, where she is expected to meet Maung Aye. As yet, though, we have no independent confirmation of this development

LINK: Army strongmen who call the shots in Burma

Posted at 12:00 PM in burma | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)

Rangoon braced for more violence
Thousands gather in city centre

Rangoon braced itself for a third straight day of violence as tens of thousands of protesters again streamed onto the streets on Friday afternoon. Riot police and troops opened fire directly into the crowds.

The authorities began a house-by-house search around the Sule Pagoda, a focal point of the demonstrations, hunting for protesters seeking refuge with residents, who were ordered to stay indoors while soldiers carried out the action.

Posted at 11:01 AM in burma | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Resistance spreads to Mandalay
Popular resistance to the Burmese junta spread this morning to the country’s second city, Mandalay, where troops and riot police raided a leading monastery during the night, dragged about 40 monks from their beds and bundled them into waiting trucks.

News of the raid spread rapidly through the city and brought angry residents out onto the streets. Groups of residents were reported to be arming themselves to defend the monasteries.

Mandalay is Burma’s most important Buddhist centre, and its temples are among the most sacred in the land. About half Burma’s 400,000 monks are in residence at Mandalay’s 300 monasteries.