Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Cambodian studies on the Sihanouk-hater "Doctors"

Translated from French by Luc Sâr
Cambodian Studies
“To avenge oneself,” by N. Sihanouk

Certain Personalities and People find that the advent and the establishment in (the 2nd Kingdom of) Cambodia of the (already infamous) UN ECCC, give them a “wonderful” opprotunity to avenge themselves against the disgraced N. Sihanouk whose “unforgivable crime” was to have “defeated” their “Khmer Republic” or that of their respective parents who are now taking refuge in the USA, in France, etc… or … returned to Kampuchea to “avenge themselves” against Sihanouk, to dirty him with the worst slanders, and to drag him in front of the “famous” UN ECCC.

o O o

In the New Petit Robert (French dictionary) of the French language, one can read these lines: “TO AVENGE ONESELF: return the offense (to someone) to compensate oneself morally; to compensate oneself (of an offense) by punishing its author; to find a compensation to (a humiliation, a constraint).

Did I, during the 40s, 50s 60s and 70s, offend (as little as it was) these Ladies and Gentlemen or their Parents or their Grandparents? Did I (if only just once) inflicted a humiliation of imposed any constraint whatsoever?

Our respected and beloved People and the entire world know that, during the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and up until their Putsch on March 18, 1970, all these Khmer “Republican men and women” or their Parents or Grandparents only received, are receiving only from me and from our monarchy: protection, multifaceted aids, honors, important positions, wealth, pride, deep affection.

And they reward me back with their Putsch, their sentence to death, with the confiscation of (my) properties and of the Khmer citizenship, and their horrible, so unfair and unending slanders which are extending all the way to the 21st century, which will extend and will undoubtedly intensify until my death and after my death.

I read also in my “Petit Robert,” HALLALI [mort in English: putting to death of the prey]: a hunting sound which announces that the prey being chased is in dire straits; this sound itself, or the note of the hunting horn which substitutes the sound.

To sound the mort: The last part of the hunting where the prey is put to death. To sound the mort of someone: to announce his/her ending.

Today, enthusiastic and greatly encouraged by the advent and the establishment in the current Cambodia of the UN ECCC, the Sihanouk-haters demand to sound the mort for N. Sihanouk, to send (me) to the famous UN ECCC which will put me to death.

o O o

Why this hatred which literally turn certain “Doctors” or otherwise to craziness?

I know the cause: their terrible sufferings and humiliations in April 1975, after 5 years of war which they wanted with all their heart and soul.

Mr. Sisowath Sirik Matak said: “The USA which succeeded in conquering the Moon, cannot lose this war in Cambodia.”

A few days before the total defeat of the USA and their lackeys in Cambodia (in April 1975), the same Sirik Matak wrote a letter to the US government, saying to the latter something like: “I believed in you. But here come the defeat and the humiliation. I (Sirik Matak) refuse to take exile in your country which I believed to be invincible. I accept to die here in my Country.”

What courage! What dignity! But nowadays, the “Doctors” and otherwise do not have such courage, such dignity. Not wanting to risk death or the least accident, they found that their “courage” and their “dignity” consist of sounding the mort of Sihanouk with the help of UN ECCC!!!

(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk


Anonymous said...

You have no idea after all what you've done.
A reminder,Khmer Republic was your own creation to be on top of Beijing plum tree.That's it.

The surviving sympathisers and supporters of Khmer Republic are not in the fusses.

Imagine and assume 2 million dead with remaining siblings survived Khmer Rouge,your other creation, ended up living abroad involuntary.

Hat and head must fit, so you are the creator who faces own humiliation.Croc never shed skin or nature which you,Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

By the way,Khmer simple riddle says chess robess khbach.
Go figure Mr.Sihanouk?

Anonymous said...

Cambodians work very hard so that SIHANOUK can live well in his Palace . they just need him to love them but decide decide to kill them. Many Khmers Kings worked very hard for Cambodia but SIHANOUK decide to destroy the country.
Traitor, go to HELL !!!

Anonymous said...

Norodumb, yes! I survived what you had created. Today, I lived & hoping your family would change your attitudes toward Khmers citizens. Nope. All of Norodumps are very Egotistical beings. You have dragged Khmers society into the Stone Age. Have we progressed since the "40's,50's, 60's, 70's, & present"?

Definitely not! Because Khmer Society never had anyone competent enough after Jayavarman VII, so you see Shithanouk Norodumb--you are the thorns in my eyes. If you are looking for a forgiveness, you not going to get any from me.

Anonymous said...

SPD (split personality disorder) = sdach ta lover = immoral being = lack life principles

Anonymous said...

These same haters are having no life beside going crazy online cursing. These loosers have no clues what King Sihanouk did try to save his nation.

They persist to have the trial inside Cambodia, do they support the Viet Cong/CPP?

Loosers always lose.

Anonymous said...

Shihanouk if you are willing to step down on the street of Paris I will put my life down to fight you to the death you fool can bring ah Hun Xen with you!

Your mother fucker think I'm stupid to fight unequal with you in Cambodia, after you help the communist CCP grab power by killing allot of freedom fighters in 1987?

You mother fucker go to hell I will find you after life!

Anonymous said...

These loosers claimed to know even after they death. :)))

The truth is folded. And how do you loosers know the truth?

Don't confess to me that among you haters are Yuon Communist agents trying to block attentions from dragging Viet Commies along with.

Anonymous said...


Go for 40 more years.


Anonymous said...

9;22pm. You are gang bastard, so stay as a gang low class.

Most of you are low class, no wonder you are suffering.

Go an dkill yourself your bastard son of the gun.

Long live King Sihanouk

Anonymous said...

"A few days before the total defeat of the USA and their lackeys in Cambodia (in April 1975), the same Sirik Matak wrote a letter to the US government, saying to the latter something like: “I believed in you. But here come the defeat and the humiliation. I (Sirik Matak) refuse to take exile in your country which I believed to be invincible. I accept to die here in my Country.”"

Here, SariMatak is doing the right thing. He can't live to face his cousin which he betrayed. Where will he goes? Where will he hide?

Thus, to those who is a true follower of SariMatak, the right think for them to do is to follow they leader by putting a bullet throught their skull. By running, it clearly show their shame, cowardess and betray to their leader (Sarimatak).

Anonymous said...

To all sihanouk supporters...
Did you know your Sihanouk supported communist yuon?Did you know your Sihanouk was a khmer rouge collaborator from the early stage of the civil war?Did you know your Sihanouk was used by the chinese communist to serve the khmer rouge's agenda?.
Khmer people in general before the civil war respected your SIHANOUK but he outrageously betrayed them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we know all that. So what?

Better yet, tell us how would you run the country if you were in Sihanouk's shoes then.

Anonymous said...

Do you believe these idoits like 10;38 PM think that we know anything?

These idiocies have no clues but bad mouth about the King.

Imagine how King Sihanouk had to out up with these bastard trouble makers.

The country was not even independent but to these son of bitches everything has to be white or black.

Anonymous said...

These King's haters are the dumbest on this planet. I tell you these stupid haters are no way getting better. They are the bastard worms in the society.
I don't believe in killing people, but I won't hesitate to send these bastards King's haters to the mekong river like Lon Nol did to Yuon.

Anonymous said...

10;38Pm you are a stupidest on this earth. How would you run the country if you were in King's shoes?

Anonymous said...

9:43 Pm you shit head , can you read the last sentense of your fuck up god king! who say people afraid of fight whole he fucking sale hinself to ah Hun Kwack?

You mother fucker better send your mother down the MEKONG!

Anonymous said...

Who is a ganster? and coward?
-The one who go by the law?
-Or the one who is hiding and depend on it corupted power?

Who with Youn Vietnames the one who praise Hun Xen and thing hun Xen is Herros?

If you are Youn OK! If you are khmer please open your eyes and braine!

Anonymous said...

These two 11:18pm and 11:21pm must be pork ah lut krap krorm laong thouli preah bat, well enjoy your fucking lifestyle .

Anonymous said...

Stupid above if i was on the King shoe I would run country MEMOCRATIC way! and hun life and right is the most repect!No cheat on religion1

And I will not bow to faked monk like TEP VONG EVIL SHIT HEAD!

Anonymous said...

All of these Sihanouk supporters are TRAITORS : They are vietcong otherwise they are stupids and have no brain because Sihanouk never like clevers people and intellectuals (Khmer rouge regime).
Maybe they love Monique.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and we want to be traitor to all LonNolians and Sarimatakis people forever, alright?

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is an idiot at best. He never behave like a king. he is a disgrace to other khmer kings. you should hang yourself.

Anonymous said...

May God and angels give Sdach Ta the courage and wisdom to face stupidiy.

May Sdach TA live a long life so that those haters have a miserable live and those who love sdach ta live a prosperous life.

May Sdach ta be victorious against those poor and sore loosers.

Long life Sdach TA

Anonymous said...

All the sdach tmil supporters were born from the royal's sperm bank ,they were born to serve ,it's in their gene.I hope some day HUN SEN will cruxify all of them.

Anonymous said...

Dear my beloved knee jerks spineless laid beneath unscrupulous Sihaknuk feet.
There only way you can save Sdach ta with thousand years Ginseng but in the Marquis (forest) all your knee jerks has to ask Sihaknuk will tell you where they are at?. The communist Viet and China like to do business with Seihaknuk and koun chao sdach ta because they like ignorant people to do business with. in Sihaknuk matter if your folks believe with holly fetus(koun Krok) it will answer if daddy killed
one person I can sacrefy my self to save you but this two million souls daddy I can't help you. So all knee jerks and kounchao sva quit posting the junk demonstrate online it don't do any help and confuse no one except your self to the public how smart you are,I 've just wanted to remind you look at the world in the beautiful way,so you won't fell embarrass your self in the future. KRT they will managing reasonably task to determine their job what should and what shouldn't ,and Sihaknuk and koun chao sdach ta just prepare the packages ,ropes and learn how to swim because after the verdict that will be floating,hanging and exile to North korea. Do not depress and defense the international criminal people like Sihaknuk,because they will wrapping up that criminal are supporting the same criminal Cambodia is poor can't afford to buy more ropes to hang the criminals.
Please be not excited!

Anonymous said...

Give Sihaknuk the courage to face the stupidities?
How can sihaknuk dare to face with it? He already is him self,Tigers have never eat their own baby tigers, but not Sihaknuk he stole Khek Vandy wife ,he penertrated a lot virgin female king servants in the palaces,he made a lot babies uncountable ,let them fight and kill each others for expenses of the treasury of Cambodia, he made Cambodia turn to be blood bath and took it two million citizen lives away and try to wash the hand,walking away with responsibilities from the help ,of few little chivavas (tiny taco dog) sound bazzar and ignorant,so how can tiny dog can save the bull dog from creating slaughter's chamber in Cambodia ? Let bark the puppies and bull dog , alltogether to raise the voice louder for animal control to pick up.

Anonymous said...

Sdach Ta does not need help from any body.

Nothing is going to happen to Sdach Ta.

And non of you is going to get any thing from Sdach Ta. That the way it is. And that the way it is going to be.

Long life Sdach Ta

Anonymous said...

Yeah sdach ta will be living for ever like preh ong komlong lol that is unlaughable,but now two million pins in his cancer' sdach ta head get it?

Anonymous said...

This is why the neighbors are engulfing us because of our internal conflicts. We had Sihanouk, who is like a 5 years old that can manipulated and reinforce a certain behavior with a reward. Because of the Sihanouk has a trisomy syndrome, he was borned Retarded. I loss faith in him. Yes, i knew he can speak multiple languages. But, that just a re-inforcer.

He was a very incompetent leader. So, in order to hold to his seat, "sdach ta" needed an incompetent followers. Today, I went to accredited school, instead of accepting PhD from Vietnam.

I prayed that "sdach ta may grow out his peanut brain, accept his wrong doing, and go to Hell to repent his sins!"

Kone Khmer

Anonymous said...

"This is why the neighbors are engulfing us because of our internal conflicts. We had Sihanouk, who is like a 5 years old that can manipulated and reinforce a certain behavior with a reward."

Wrong, you got it all backward. No one dare to engulf Cambodia when Sihanouk was in charge.

On the other hand, LonNolinians and Sarimatakis people lost the entire country to Khmer Rouge, and that will not happened again. You got that, moron?