Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Which of the 3 NO-rodoms are you gonna vote for?

Left: Princess NOrodom Arun Rasmy (King-Father's daughter), Center: Princess NOrodom Vacheara (King-Father's step-sister), Right: Prince NOrodom Sirivudh (King-Father's step-brother)

Funcinpec: a member of the Norodom family will be the PM candidate

By Leang Delux
Cambodge Soir

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

With the approaching general election planned for July 2008, the Funcinpec party will elect in two weeks its candidate for the position of prime minister.

Princess Norodom Arunrasmy, Princess Norodom Vacheara, or Prince Norodom Sirivudh … of these three candidates, which one will be elected? The answer will be known on 18 October, during the vote planned at the congress of the party national council. “The candidate to the position of prime minister will be issued from the Norodom family. A man or a woman, we don’t know yet. But this person should be popular and should be a good coordinator with the partner party (CPP),” Nov Sovathero, Funcinpec spokesman, revealed on Tuesday. “Time changes, the party president is no longer necessarily the candidate to position of prime minister, unlike during the era of Norodom Ranariddh,” Ok Socheat, Keo Puth Reaksmey’s advisor, claimed. Keo Puth Reaksmey is the husband of Norodom Arunrasmy, one the three candidates. Long negotiations are under way as Prince Sisowath Thomico is currently meeting with Princess Norodom Vacheara and Prince Norodom Sirivuth, her brother, in France, where the pair are resting.


Anonymous said...

None of them=No Cambodian interest work in Cambodia has their house in French ,what we called Cambodian?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Traitor family,go to hell one day!

pyralis said...

Tell those royal pups to stop meddling in politics. They make better decor than an actual mouth piece for democracy.

Anonymous said...

I don't vote No Condoms!

Anonymous said...

They are just Boiled PIGS of the Royal families.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that Funcipec still turns to the royalties for leadership.

Anonymous said...

"Which of the 3 NO-rodoms are you gonna vote for?"

Good question, let me start my process of elimination: I don't trust number 3; I think number 2 is ill; thus, my only choice is number1.

Anonymous said...

How phathetic! #1 is too old, you can't take that to bed.

Anonymous said...

True, but what other choice do I have?

Anonymous said...

I have to caugh up with some dough to ask Ms. Cleo, then I will pass on to you.

For now, find Me-Kmao Sen Tov!


Anonymous said...

Hey 1:37PM do you mean me -kmao te moy?