By Ky Soklim
Cambodge Soir
Translated from French by Luc Sâr
The conclusions from a National Forum on rural hygiene underscore deficiencies which threaten public health, and which constitute also obstacles to the country’s development.
Only 16% of Cambodians living in the countryside own a toilet, in comparison to 99% in Thailand, 61% in Vietnam, and 30% in Laos. “This number shows that rural people do not understand well family hygiene. Therefore, they are more prone to catching diseases. This pushes them into poverty,” launched Yim Chhay Ly, the secretary of state on the ministry of rural development, on Tuesday 13 November, during the National Forum on rural hygiene.
In less than one decade, thanks to the economic growth, the rate of drinking water went from 24% in 1998 to 45% in 2006. The number of individual toilets has also increased: it was 9% in 1998 versus 16% in 2006. According to Yim Chhay Ly, this improvement is not satisfactory yet. The objective of the ministry of rural development is to meet a goal of 50% of rural people who will benefit from purified water and 30% of housings will have toilets in 2015. Up to now, 60 villages in 9 out of 24 provinces have encouraged their people to stop relieving themselves outside of a toilet.
According to Yim Chhay Ly, because of the lack of toilets and hygiene, 20% of children less than 5-year-old suffer from diarrhea. The result of a World Health Organization investigation shows that for each $1 invested in hygiene, $23 is saved in health care cost. During the Forum, Hun Sen called on the ministries involved to find solutions for flooded areas. “This is not a small problem when people have to relieve themselves in water, there are strong risks of infections,” Hun Sen said.
Only 16% of Cambodians living in the countryside own a toilet, in comparison to 99% in Thailand, 61% in Vietnam, and 30% in Laos. “This number shows that rural people do not understand well family hygiene. Therefore, they are more prone to catching diseases. This pushes them into poverty,” launched Yim Chhay Ly, the secretary of state on the ministry of rural development, on Tuesday 13 November, during the National Forum on rural hygiene.
In less than one decade, thanks to the economic growth, the rate of drinking water went from 24% in 1998 to 45% in 2006. The number of individual toilets has also increased: it was 9% in 1998 versus 16% in 2006. According to Yim Chhay Ly, this improvement is not satisfactory yet. The objective of the ministry of rural development is to meet a goal of 50% of rural people who will benefit from purified water and 30% of housings will have toilets in 2015. Up to now, 60 villages in 9 out of 24 provinces have encouraged their people to stop relieving themselves outside of a toilet.
According to Yim Chhay Ly, because of the lack of toilets and hygiene, 20% of children less than 5-year-old suffer from diarrhea. The result of a World Health Organization investigation shows that for each $1 invested in hygiene, $23 is saved in health care cost. During the Forum, Hun Sen called on the ministries involved to find solutions for flooded areas. “This is not a small problem when people have to relieve themselves in water, there are strong risks of infections,” Hun Sen said.
A symbol of Sihanouk house of power.
This matter is no different than during Sangkum Reastra Youm.
Anybody tried using public restroom for a fee in front of the Royal Palace or along River. Oh boy,it says alot of health ministry and urban planning and development ability.
What is wrong with it? Everything usually end up in the river anyway, especially in the monsoon season.
What's wrong with you,is more like it?
I am so pleased that the tourists exposed the incompetent CPP. This was clearly my points that I mentioned we (Cambodians) lacked the Clean Water access. There many skin diseases that dirt poor rural Cambodian has is infected, I believe from these officials neglected the citizens. What happens to the buget he begged each fiscal year for the public? Where does it goes?
9:42AM, you DO NOT have any idea of drinking muddy (yellow/brown/green) water from pond, you are clearly an Ignorant being. You should never been borned. Your next life will be a Septic tank!
Each community should have a pumping well and a sewage treatment plant. A well cost about $800. Where does Hun Sen takes the money to? No matter how remote a community in Cambodia is Clean Water Access should be on top of the agenda!
Someone said that Cambodia is the fastest growing economically among the world! Such claimed with miniscule knowledge is dangerous.
What are you talking about 10:03, sewage treatment plant? We don't need to treat anything that is dump into the water or land. Do think we are the only specie to dump in water and land? What about dogs, fishes, birds, cows, ... You are not concern about that?
It's on depend on the gov't. They can fix it if they want to.
On the riverbank or in the bush with a used bible and a cigar will do for me.
Everyone in PP city has a free toilet. Called a "Tonlie Sap Toilet"'
Yep, and we are very proud of it, and don't even try to copy our innovation either. You got that?
No wonder our fish (in Cambodia)are so tasty. Please keep up the good work.
It should be a mandate to have any new house built with toilet(s) otherwise it will not allowed to be built or penalize if violated. It is a simple thing can make a whole lot different in health.
Hey, if it is that bad, why are you guys paying big bucks for frozen Khmer fishes oversea, huh?
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