Sunday, November 11, 2007

Khmer-Thai Border Disputes in Anlong Veng

Radio Free Asia, 8th November 2007
By Sav Yuth
Translated from Khmer by Khmerization

Khmer border guards in the Dangrek Ranges who are guarding the Chorm Sa-Ngarm border pass in Anlong Veng, Banteay Meanchey province which borders Phu-Sing district in Thailand's Sisaket province have reported that the black-clad Thai soldiers had sent a letter to them asking them to stop the construction of a concrete fence on the Khmer side of the border. Those border guards have also claimed that recently those black-clad soldiers had crossed into Cambodian side of the border to prevent Khmer soldiers from constructing a border outpost.

Vice-chairman of the Khmer Border Committee in charge of relations with the Thai Border Committee, Major Touch Var, has said on Thursday morning of the 8th of November that the Thai Border Committee had sent a letter on the 6th of November asking the Khmer land owner to stop building a 60 metres concrete fence on his land which is located on the Cambodian side of the border.

And ten days before heavily armed Thai black-clad soldiers had crossed into the Cambodian side of the border to stop the Khmer soldiers from constructing a border outpost by claiming that the area is sitting on the border line which has not been clearly demarcated yet.

Major Touch Var has said that:" They have sent a letter to us two days ago requesting us to suspend the construction of a concrete fence on the eastern side of the casino which is located parallel to the demining site which was also prohibited by the Thai side. Earlier we have converted our border outpost from a tent building to a building with a corrugated iron roof but the Thai side have prevented us from doing so".

A Cambodian border officer who spoke on condition of anonimity has reacted with accusations that those Thai soldiers had intended to cause a border crisis by violating the maps agreed by both the Cambodian and Thai border committees.

This same anonimous officer said that:" The Cambodian and Thai border committees have agreed to use the 1907 maps with the 1,200 scales. Everyday the Thai has been using the 150 scales American maps which are produced/drawn once every 5 years which we did not agree with, even if they say that their land is deep inside Anlong Veng we couldn't careless".

However, this Thursday Radio Free Asia is unable to seek any comment from the Thai Border Committee or from any officials of the Thai embassy in Cambodia.

Mr. Var Kim Hong, chairman of the Cambodian Border Committee has commented that he has not yet received any information about this issue and therefore he is unable to comment about it. Mr. Var said that:" I cannot confirm about this issue because I have not yet received any information regarding this issue".

The Khmer border guards have said that in the last 3 months the border disputations had occured 4 times, with the Thai black-clad soldiers crossing into the Cambodian side to stop the deminer Halo Trust from clearing land mines in that area.

On 10th of October the Thai soldiers have crossed the border to prevent the building of a petrol station and 10 days ago the Thai black-clad soldiers have crossed the border to prevent the Khmer side from constructing a border outpost in the areas which the Khmer border guards claimed that the areas are located on the Khmer side of the border.


Anonymous said...

The tactic of AH SVA KIMHONG is to say that he did not receive any information or he doesn’t know anything and he can not comment on it! This is his style in the past and this will be his style in the future to solve Cambodian border issue!

AH SVA KIMHONG needs to understand that Cambodia in information age and the information is traveling at a speed of light and so no more excuse on your part to deny your responsibility from doing your fucken job!

If you keep saying that you don't know and your fucken arse will be kicked soon or later! The day will come soon enough!

Anonymous said...

Send all generals over 600 to settle score with Thai Black clad soldiers.
Dare them to take lead...if they don't comply,fire them all.

Anonymous said...

Sva kimhong doesnt know the issue at the border, what the fuck he is the chairman for???? chairman should know the issue, not doesnt know like him, go to die va kimhong

Anonymous said...

Let's get all the border disputes wrap up; shall we? We can't develop trading zones without it.

Anonymous said...

They don't try to take chinese's land and they disturb cambodians all the time.

The border issue must be resolved by the International community only.
No one can take Cambodia's land anymore.
Understand vietcong and thaicong?

Anonymous said...

Well, the corrupted international community had over 50 years now and nothing was accomplished, and we can't stayed in poverty forever. Thus, fuck the UN, International, or what have you, alright? We'll do it ourself.

Anonymous said...

Hey atmil 9:31pm, if you can do it yourself why you as Ah slave to hun sen and ah hun sen slave to youn, and ah youn slave to china keep begging alm from UN and international communities ...uh.....Atmil? Idoit.

Anonymous said...

Please don't create war in Cambodia again.
Our countrymen sufferd and is still suffering of wars.

All problems can be solved diplomatically and stop thinking that we are in the stone age.

Anonymous said...

That is because your westerners trained fools destroyed our country, that is why, and stop ask stupid question, will ya, 9;36?

Anonymous said...

9:40, no one is planning on using bazooka and tanks to resolved border dispute. We'll just want to wrap thing up quickly so that we can end the suffering here, okay?

Anonymous said...

If the thaicong can take khmer lands, they already did it with Preah Vihear.

If they dont't respect the law, The US army will only take 2 or 3 days to destroy Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Atmil 9:49PM, so who trained you hah? If you dnt like the western how can you tmil know how to write english and use computer, ahhhhh atmil?. Ah chke slave kantop hun sen.You must stop using it OK coz they are from western...Athok.

Anonymous said...

Thai will be taken back their territory, whom border at Svay Daun Keo. "Samei Lauk Mchass".

Khmer government is very very weak
they only care about their powers and 'Bon Sak, Loy, Srei, Sra, Villa.

Var Kin Hong is yuon borned living in Cambodia and pretending to be Cambodian. He has no guts to protect any border conflicts between Yuon and Siam.

Anonymous said...

11:27, I just learn English Language because it is the most widely used language. I learn French also but I don't practiced it much.

Anyway, I don't think like westerner do. At best, I analyze what they what they do just to see if anything that is worthwhile to us, but I don't see any good for long long term. Most of the things they do are very good for short term, but that is not what we are looking for.

Anonymous said...

That's right, 12:45, Cambodia is no superpower. It never was, and never will, but the least we can do is to get out of poverty.

Can you make Cambodia a superpower?

Anonymous said...

I'm v8,this is why youn-and siame-are better than us!in everything technology,knowledge and money not to mention military's power. that because they know the westerner are better than the chinese,going back to 300,years.we tents to look up to them fist rather than the westerner.this is why we are behind because- we don't know how to make friend's with the west.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 3:13, westerner do have better technology than us, but they are not smarter than us because we can kick their asses anytime.

Anonymous said...

To protect khmer boundaries, you don't need to make Cambodia a superpower. The government itself do have their duties to do so. That's the Cambodia superpower by itself.

Do we hear or heard from Cambodian leaders to say ...hey yuon and siam don't make your LOC move into cambodia? do we? have we? none....
They scrared yuon and siam very much.... because they want keep self "POWER"(.)<--- period.

Anonymous said...

A thok 2:50AM, if you think so why dnt u stop using computer and invest your own khnowledge for long term tov atmil? According to the time showed in comment, I dare say that ah tmil eng min nov srok khmer teh Ah thok... Why dont you go to live and learn with your proud kantop hun sen tov...ah muk chke?

Anonymous said...

3:25, that is no diplomatic way to treat our neighbors who has been one of our biggest donors. We would be in very bad shape right now if it wasn't for them.

Furthermore, it is nothing new that we were always worry of our neighbors conquering us. Why did you think we agree to the French Protectorate?

Anonymous said...

3:30, I work different shift. Right now I am on standby waiting for emergency call, just like a military guard watching his base.

As for computer, I applaud westerner for pioneering it and all. I am not against that. What about you? since you don't like Asian, why did you eat our noodle and dumpling, using our chop stick, playing with our firework, ... and using our printer.

Anonymous said...

Money buy everythings,why you use US!money?beside all the chips!in side printer are all call sharing the technology.and we don't have to eat your noodle,or use your chop stick,but I think your people lover AMERICAN-money too.the chinese people are stone headed.

Anonymous said...

Well, we don't like using the $US dollars, but when you trade people ask for $US what can you do?

As for computer, I only used 100% made in China, not US.

Anonymous said...

@3:46Am, We never agree to the French Protectorate. According to the History. Yet, have you study History thoughly well ? Go back to the history of 1860, and come back to tell us(Khmer)why?
otherwise, just don't even know your own history at all.

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up ha noi trained motherfucker,stop lyng you motherfucker don't want to use dolla....hah..hah...look ursefl into the mirror,what's the fuck you look like? r u western's beggar? ormotherfucker...communist brainwash..............

Anonymous said...

7:06, I don't care what some of our historian said about the French. Fact of the matter is the French came at the right time for Cambodia. I personally believe someone secretly invited them to come over to help keep Cambodia from being invaded by our neighbors.

Are you kidding me, do you know what thing are like in the mid 1,800th's?

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up ha noi's dog servant....motherfucker.....cheater.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia messed up,her kids one here and one there ,Sihaknuk used to be father nationalism,now he is the father who sold the land Cambodia to Vietcong,most Cambodian people love Hun Sen which is the guy who is youn servant he do not care about Cambodian interest but youn and his selfish power,Samransy he the one the best but his supporters are getting intimidate every day,with the threat from Hun Sen 's cheating ballots and with the help of Vietnam to swallow Cambodia ,the foreigners (vietnamese)hiding in side Cambodian communities ready to cheat Samransy 's voters,that is the bad war that Samransy facing with ,May GOD Buddha help Rainsy!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is what losers said everytime when they can't defeated Hanoi trained people.


Anonymous said...

We can't be dog eaters with you12:25 we want to eat pizza like a lot khmer people over sea.

Anonymous said...

Fine, stay oversea then.