Friday, November 02, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Prince Sisowath Thomico criticized the Funcinpec party, and considered this party of no longer being Sihanoukist anymore. The prince’s accusation was met with Lu Lay Sreng’s rage, and the latter ended up calling the prince “a useless royal.” Lu Lay Sreng’s reaction published in the Friday’s edition of the Kampuchea Thmei newspaper which quoted him telling others not to be concerned with a person who is at a deadend. Lu Lay Sreng considers the prince as a useless royal who talks nonsense. He said that in the past, he said again and again not to let this royal join (Funcinpec) because he will bring difficulties (to the party), at the end, it turns out the way he predicted. Lu Lay Sreng added that he is not replying to this useless royal, and that he will let the royals cuss each other.
Wow, finally I agree with KI media title of the article, hehehe.
LLS comment is very correct. Sihanouk will react soon. However, not only Thomico but the entire khmer royal family is useless more or less.
I doubt it. Sihanouk has gave up on his clan. No one listen to him anymore, and they'll continued to get themselves deeper and deeper into shit hole.
Lu Lay Sreng's head used to be full of hair and after many years of doing politic and now he has bald head and he is still going nowhere with his political career beside kissing up to CPP!
I can imagine feeling of all the rage and the frustration and not to mention sexual frustration about himself, his wife, and life in general!
Don't forget other people are your mirror!
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