Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Our sincere condolences ...

Chee Wei Cheng
Jeremy Goh
Poh Boon San
Reuben Kee En Rui
Stephen Loh Soon An

KI-Media team would like to present our sincere condolences to the family members, friends, and team members of the 5 Singaporean boat racers who lost their lives during the 2007 Boat Race Festival. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


KI-Media Team


Anonymous said...

Ijust wonder, why didn't they wear life saving jackets when they were in the water.Life jackets are unsinkable .They were designed to float.But what do they know , they look teenagers to me.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that no media covered the khmer boaters that was drowned also. If we are to prevent this in the future, we should investigated his injury as well.

As for the life jacket, maybe we can design a type that work with this type of sport. Maybe, we can position the foam where it would not interfere with the movement to row the boat. I am thinking something like a loose and light weight Styrofoam backpack that they can use in case of trouble. How's that sounds? I sure there are more ideas.

Anonymous said...

There are inflatable life jackets that stay flat on your body until you pull its string where the batery pumping mechanic puffs it up with air immediately.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that will work.


I think it works by the little compressed liquid helium can or container, not battery. That will take too long to inflate.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Actually battery is not reliable for this application because it might be dead if you don't check it.