Saturday, November 24, 2007

Search for missing S'poreans ongoing

Nov 24, 2007
The Straits Times (Singapore)

THE search and rescue operations for the missing Singaporeans whose boat capsized in a river in Cambodia are ongoing and the search circumference has been widened.

The families of the five missing Singaporeans have also been contacted, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said in a statement on Saturday. The MFA said it is assisting with arrangements for family members to travel to Cambodia.

'The 17 Singaporeans who were rescued were treated for minor injuries, discharged and are now resting in their hotel rooms,' it said.

The 22 Singaporean rowers were taking part in the traditional dragon boat race in Phnom Penh. The New Paper reported that as the boat reached the docking pier, the rowers asked that the towing boat be untied to let them row for leisure.

The boat subsequently hit a pot of swirling current in the Tonle Sap river and capsized.

The accident occurred on the first day of races, which draw millions of spectators to the capital Phnom Penh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn, that must be a huge swirl current that the boat ran into. I would love to see the video, if someone captured it.

If that is the case, the 5 boaters must had got suck down into the swirl. I would try to find the swirl, but the searcher need something to assist them to swim in the swirl, or just follow it. Once the swirl stop, go down to search for the boaters.