Wednesday November 28, 2007
Yahoo! Finance
Original Announcement: First Drilling program commences in Cambodia
Southern Gold announced that it has commenced its first drilling campaign on its 80% owned Snoul Prospect, in the Kratie Province, South Eastern Cambodia. The diamond drilling program at Snoul Prospect is focused on a series of artisanal gold workings and new significant gold-in-soil anomalies. Drilling will continue over the next few weeks with first assay results expected in early 2008.
Oh lord of heaven, please help us out of poverty by guiding these explorers to all of our gold mines.
Oh lord of heaven, please help us ["us" meaning Hun Sen and all our cronies and relatives) out of poverty by guiding these explorers to all of our gold mines.
Well, we don't want to leave anyone behind, especially our admins.
What about the present and future Cambodian peoples who are the owners of these resources?
All citizens owned the resources, but the State will be the keeper of it, and they decided how it will be used to benefit everyone. They normally don't distributed it.
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