
Khmer Krom Network
Flanked by two uniform Vietnamese authorities, the man in the middle looks ahead,his faced etched with sadness and a sense of helpless as he waits for the Vietnamese Judge to announce his sentence.
Disrobed, deported and now imprisoned, Tim Sakhorn has found himself imprisoned for helping those less fortunate and for participating in human rights activities.
This is the first image of Venerable Tim Sakhorn released during his trial on 9th November 2007 in a Vietnamese court in An Giang.
No lawyer was present to defend his innocence.
Venerable Tim Sakhorn was brought to trial for attempting to undermine the relationship between Cambodia and Vietnam. He was initially defrocked and deported to Vietnam by Cambodian authorities earlier in June this year.
Although the alleged crime was committed in Cambodia, Vietnamese authorities have tried Venerable Tim Sakhorn and will be expected to serve his sentence within a jail in Vietnam.
Human Rights groups and Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation are working closely to monitor the situation and are concerned for the safety and well being of Venerable Tim Sakhorn.
Disrobed, deported and now imprisoned, Tim Sakhorn has found himself imprisoned for helping those less fortunate and for participating in human rights activities.
This is the first image of Venerable Tim Sakhorn released during his trial on 9th November 2007 in a Vietnamese court in An Giang.
No lawyer was present to defend his innocence.
Venerable Tim Sakhorn was brought to trial for attempting to undermine the relationship between Cambodia and Vietnam. He was initially defrocked and deported to Vietnam by Cambodian authorities earlier in June this year.
Although the alleged crime was committed in Cambodia, Vietnamese authorities have tried Venerable Tim Sakhorn and will be expected to serve his sentence within a jail in Vietnam.
Human Rights groups and Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation are working closely to monitor the situation and are concerned for the safety and well being of Venerable Tim Sakhorn.
Antip Tep Vong must be accountable for Tim sakhon's defrock and deportation to VN. Tep Vong will pay a cost....
Everyone in the picture looks like Yuon. Thus, this is strictly Yuon's internal affair.
No, you are wrong. Not everyone in this picture is Youn. But i don't blame you because you were born to be slave. So you know nothing but to clean your Youn's master's ass. Right?
Have a nice day
Khmer Krom Values - Lessons from history
By kkn - September 3rd, 2007
Tagged: features
A tragedy event in our history is a day that none of us will ever forget. We actually live with it; see in our own eyes and the event was carried on for generation by the Vietnamese government. The VN government destroys human life, the historic monuments, pagoda and the beauty of our landscape.
The aftermath, from one regime to another has been grim not only in terms of those who have been killed, tortured; but our culture, tradition, values - all have been taken away from us. Our nation's self-confidence has lost because of these threats.
The equality is far to imagine and is unspeakable in term of human right. The economic growth has never been developed where Khmer Krom resides. Hundreds of thousands of Khmer Kroms have lost their farmland. And many pagodas are struggling to take care and preserve the value of our heritage because the VN communist government has it strategy plan to eliminate our culture, religion to blindfold the world community.
Can any good come from what has happened? Are there any lessons that can be
learned? I think the answer is 'yes'. Here are six lessons that are most stands out:
Lesson #1: It's best to be prepared - for the unexpected event, which is always planned by the VN communist. The damage was significant in every event when the VN communist carefully plans it. So, don't allow the history repeated again and again: learn to investigate, to discuss, and to analyze before jump in to any conclusion.
Lesson #2: The outstanding leadership - By all accounts, Lok Ta Son Kuy's leadership was impeccable in the day that Khmer Krom was threated; and he understood and made the right decision to reclaim our values in exchange for his life. He kept Khmer Krom informed about what had happened and what was being done. He appeared in "our heart " and we listen to him with passion and to carry on his vision. In time of crisis, be visible - no matter what your leadership roles are. Develop plans, give encouragement and remember that the best strategy in the world is to tell the "Truth " which is Lok Ta Son Kuy did.
Lesson #3: A generous spirit in the heart - Khmer has a generous spirit in the heart. The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation calls for volunteers, pledges and expressions of support. The response is so great that in the past year, we have achieved in so many fields that benefit for our people back home. Volunteer to write article, tell friend and neighbor, inform your coworker, your peer about Khmer Krom and there are hundred of ways that you can help.
Lesson #4: Meta - Interpersonal conflicts are normal for a human being; but personal attacks destroy our good spirit. The conflict can not be far behind when human being meet. Sometimes, it's regretful because conflicts often result in disturbing personal attacks. We need to create a new ways to work together, how to achieve our goal and have the collective vision.
Lesson# 5: A simple act of kindness - Acts of compassion is the greatest gift. Khmer Krom and our friends around the globe have pledges support to the Khmer Krom Relief Funds. There are people calling to express their support, pledge for our programs. And their acts of kindness made our organization stronger and stronger.
Lesson# 6: Believe in ourselves (Hope) - Our task is difficult; but we manage to succeed in the past year. We believe that we can deliver Lok Ta Son Kuy's vision; not just for Khmer Krom but also to the world community on how the VN communist have been doing to our people. The greatest legacy of Lok Ta Son Kuy is that all of us will reclaim our values back.
Thank you for reading this and enjoy our service.
Ghos!!! it look the same those Viet
in uniform just looklike the youn in uniformin Cambodia(Hoklandy or Hum Xen bodyguard!)
yeah 10:16 PM, sure does, doesn't it? Hok Lundy, Sok An, and even regular Cambodian Police and MPs in parliament looks a lot those three police starting from Mr. Sakhorn's right side.
Maybe they relate? must be their uncles that invade Cambodia and stay in.
In this fucking world there is only a Vietcong justice! What about to Khmer justice?
The Vietcong justice can only be applied to the Vietcong population and not the Khmer population! This is a sad day for all Khmer!
Ah routaihbagne in the hot bright day noon!
There is nothing wrong fighting for his own homeland and his own people in Kampuchea Krom. Hanoi and its People are the criminal in this case in my opinion. They should be punished by the international community for crime they've committed against Khmer Krom and all Khmer people. Hanoi and all Vietnamese will go to Hell with their CPP government authorities.
WOW I thought it is from a fiction movie about feature!
Planet of the youn part 2!
When we human will be controled by the ap!
That is the stupidest question I ever heard so far, 12:10: When we human will be controled by the ap? I tell you when. When we human is brainwashed by the west, and select people like Ah Xam Frainsy to lead our country, that is when we human will be controlled by ap.
Cambodia belong to Khmers(khmer krom,khmer leu ,khmer kandal,khmer surin...etc...)
Comment nourrir le monde en 2050 ??!..
1er août 2005 - Lu 1295 fois - Par : happy life
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Bon appétit c’est vite dit. Pour que les 9milliards de locataires prévus sur la planète en 2050 puissent manger à leur faim, il faudra doubler la production mondiale de nourriture. Or, cette bonne vieille terre n’a pas des capacités illimitées. La mer est déjà carrément surexploitée, et les terres utilisables pour l’agriculture sont déjà presque toutes cultivées. Le pire, c’est que leur surface n’arrête pas de diminuer. Des soles fragiles disparaissent, laissent la place au désert. D’autres se gorgent de sel, ce qui les rend totalement stériles. Et les villes ne cessent de s’étendre, grignotant elles aussi leur lot de terres fertiles. Au final, c’est un véritable casse tête : Comment, en un demi-siècle, produire deux fois plus de nourriture avec de moins en moins de ressources naturelles ? Voici quelques exemples de solutions techniques proposées aujourd’hui par les agronomes et d’autres spécialistes...
EVITER QUE LES TERRES NE SE DEGRADENT Dans les régions chaudes, la terre est souvent fragile et très sensible à l’érosion. Une solution pour la préserver est de s’inspirer de la jungle tropicale. En effet le sol ne s’y érode pas, car il est toujours recouvert d’une épaisse couche de végétaux, morts ou vivants, et maintenu par des arbres ou des arbustes aux racines profondes. Ces derniers pompent des nutriments vers la surface, qui peuvent être utilisés par d’autres espèces. Transposer la jungle aux champs, cela veut dire donc semer directement sans labourer la terre, laisser les restes des récoltes passées afin que le sol soit en permanence recouvert de paille, et planter des arbres fruitiers dans les cultures afin qu’ils jouent le rôle de pompes et fixent le sol. Et cela marche ! En 10ans, le Brésil a préservé de l’érosion plus d’un milliard de tonnes de terres cultivables !
AMELIORER LE RENDEMENT DES PLANTES C’est particulièrement urgent pour le riz, la principale source de nourriture du continent le plus peuplé au monde, l’asie. Améliorer le rondement du riz est une nécessité absolue.
CONQUERIR DE NOUVELLES TERRES Il ne reste plus beaucoup de terres agricoles à conquérir. Et si le réchauffement de la planète en faisait apparaître de nouvelles en "décongelant" les vastes plaines glacées au Nord du Canada et de la Sibérie ? "Ça se tient", explique BERNARD SEGUIN, agronome et expert du réchauffement climatique. D’ici 2050, la température va augmenter de 2 à 4°C. Or, pour chaque degré gagné, les cultures peuvent grimper de 150 km vers les pôles. S’il n’y avait que le climat, on pourrait ainsi avoir de la vigne en Normandie en 2050 ! Reste que d’autres facteurs sont en jeu, notamment la qualité des sols, au Canada comme en Sibérie.
LOOK at the picture stupid! the APs in uniform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah Hun Xen and Ah Tep Vong(Vietcong Tep Vong)are the Youns Hanoi's slave(Tiesa kar youn).Please look at the picture!!The communist youn uniform?Dictator Hun Xen and Ah Tep Vong like this uniform!!!
Please all khmers stand up!!!
Case of Tim Sakhorn is unusual for Cambodian people. Cambodian government has violated national constitution relating citizenship and rights of citizenship.
The accusation of Tim Sakhorn is not relevant and had no ground, and the government neglecting allowing Tim Sakhorn to be tried in VN is a sign of no responsibility.
Especially, this case is the debate on national integrity and sovereignty of Cambodia.
Wrong, any Yuon who used Khmer's land to create hatred and tension between Cambodia and Vietnam will be deported back to Vietnam, period. And what Vietnamese official do after that, that will be solely Vietnamese's internal affair, and we don't give a damn.
DECLARATION OF REsigNATION from the khmer krom networks
Transition to CPP MEMBER party IN KAMPUCHEA
We, all Khmer Krom in Kampuchea, and all Subsidiary networks around the world, solemnly and unanimously declare before the Khmer Krom World Organizations, the highest international body in the world created to protect and assist all Khmer Krom who have fallen victim to injustice that:
“We, all Khmer Krom in Kampuchea will refuse, regardless of any condition, and at all cost, to Kampuchea Krom under the organization of the Khmer Krom networks around the world”
To this effect, we appeal to the Khmer Krom World Organizations to find any possible means to disconnect us from any third and free country, should not have us or ask us presence in Kampuchea to cause any difficulties for this country; and
We request the UNPO, whose major role is to build a world order based on the principles of justice and international law, to find means to:
- Not to put pressure on the leaders of the Kampuchea and Vietnam to all ceases immediately the activities of the sufferings of follow Khmer either in Khmer Krom people;
- Not to assist in establishing the fundamental rights and freedom of Khmer Krom people, and not allow them to reunite with each other;
- And not to assist international observers to enter Khmer Krom to look at the situation on the spot.
Done in Phnom Penh, November 5, 2007
We, representatives of Khmer Krom in Kampuchea.
Kim Van-Chheng, the association's chairman
Excellency the great chief of cambodian National Police HOK LUNDI,
Deputy Prime Minister Mr. SOK AN, the Minister of the Council of Ministers
Excellency the Minister of Information Kieu Kanharith
- CPP Members
- All Khmer Krom
- Khmer Krom Coordinating Committee,
- KKF, President : Thach Ngoc Thach, Prak Sereyvuth
- KKFYC Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation Youth Committee
- Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation
- Khmer Krom Government; Prime Minister Thach Chan
- President of the Council Thach Tan Dara, Kien Rin
- Counsil of the Foreign Affaire Ly Deip
- Vietnam Embassy in Phnom Penh
Ah joker Kim Van Chheng, is this his declaration to surrender to ah Vietcongs. Surpise, surprise, suprise!!!How much blood money did Kim Van Chheng get from ah Yuons Hun Sen to have him speak this way????Don't hide!!!!Tell us the truth.
Sure Yuons' blood money and Srey Yuons bought your head, but NOT mine!!!Got it!!!
None sense! What has Kim Van Chheng done for the suffering Khmer-Kroms in Kampuchea Krom so far? Probably zero!!!
Yes, Kim Van Chheng has done with Srey Yuons(Prostitutes) and being bought by Ah Yuons and by Ah Hun Sen. Money talks right?
I have been fighting ah Yuon Vietcongs since the 80s, and I am still fighting for Khmer justice in Kampuchea Krom and in Cambodia.
Jey Yoh Jeat Khmer!!!
Khmer-Krom freedom fighter from Preah Treapang.
"The Souls of Oknha Son Kuy, Ven. Kim Toc Chon, Ven Lam Em, Ven. Thach Sang, and the many fallen Khmer-Krom heroes must live on...!"
Here are the situations in Kampuchea Krom under the Vietcongs rule:
1. Khmer-Krom children cannot learn about Khmer History.
2. Almost all Khmer-Krom ancestral farmlands(sre-chamka) are now in Viet's greedy hands.
3. All Khmer-Krom towns and villages have been renamed to Viet names.
4. Most Khmer-Krom can only speak Viets.
5. There are no Khmer school for Khmer-Krom children to study. Most Khmer-Krom only study in Viet.
6. Khmer-Kroms are not allowed to talk Khmer history.
7. Khmer-Krom Theravada buddhist temples are under total control the Viet government and its Mahayana buddhist branch. Buddhist teaching and documents are in Viet language only.
8. Khmer-Krom buddhist institution has been stripped of its Khmer leadership, hence the teaching quality is downgraded to precarious condition---Khmer-Krom monk population is lowest level in each temple comparing to the past.
9. Most Khmer-Krom poor and youth are leaving their traditional hometown to find out odd jobs in Viet-concentrated towns and cities--hence Khmer-Krom identity is dying because less and less Khmer-Krom speak Khmer languagte and practice our traditions at home.
10. Khmer-Krom children are dropping out of school because their parents too poor to support and because they have no farmlands to grow rice.
11. Khmer-Kroms have zero institution in Kampuchea Krom--no association, no newspaper,no TV, no Radio, no representative at all level of governments(city, province, and national), no representative in judicial system, simply no voice at all.
12. Most Khmer-Krom children drop out of school due poverty, while few managed to finish school but end up with no job in the Viet-favoured system. No Viet-blood no hide mentality.
These are the real issues the Yuon Vietcongs are depriving Khmer-Krom people in the Mekong delta, Kampuchea Krom. This is real and alive that Khmer-Kroms have to endure every day in our homeland.
What? in srok Yuon you have to learn Yuon history first, just like in the US, AU, UK... . Let's face fact, Khmer history is only good in srok Khmer, not srok Keh. Furthermore, no one is going to give you good job by speak khmer in srok barang, jen, or yuon,... Get it? Don't you want a good paying job so that you can buy land and raise family? If so, you must stop dreaming and think correctly.
Eh !!! Ah Lop
Kampuchea krom is not Srok Youn, Ok?
Ber Eng Lop, Lop mnak eng teu!!!
Stop living in the 17th century, 10:04.
YES AND YOU STOP LIVIN 1N 20 10:41PM! IT IS 21!!!!
To 12:06AM
I agree! ahahhahhahhahhahhah!
Ah 4:18pm and ah 10:41 pm chea chkae yuon hanoi, vea min dael skorl srok vea nov ti nah teh.
pii prous vea min dael mean srok!
I dont get this at all. How come a Cambodian citizen is jailed and sentence by VN. Cambodia is an independent country, not under VN colony or whatever. VN control Cambodia for about a decad already.
I just don't get it???
""""Anonymous said...
What? in srok Yuon you have to learn Yuon history first, just like in the US, AU, UK... . Let's face fact, Khmer history is only good in srok Khmer, not srok Keh. Furthermore, no one is going to give you good job by speak khmer in srok barang, jen, or yuon,... Get it? Don't you want a good paying job so that you can buy land and raise family? If so, you must stop dreaming and think correctly.
4:18 PM""""
In US, you can do whatever you want, you can learn what you want, you can say what you want. It is people choice.
How about VN? people cannot learn what they want, people can not criticiz government. It is a different world. Don't compare VN'S SHIT with US.
Yuon's shit just the dirt poor country in the whole planet. But, after yuon invaded Khmer and stolen of the country goods, now they become better than...
I name Yuon is "The thief robber" in the world.
That's why Khmer called Yuons in many ways:
1- Ah Kantorb, when they rob baby's diaper from khmer.
2- Ah Trakuon, when they rob khmer's Watercress from the farm.
3- Ah Srakei, when they rob and hide in coconut.
4- Ah Yuons, when they aggressor on khmer.
5- Ah Tmil, when defrocked like Tim Sakhan.
6- Ah Chhlean Pean, when they invaded khmer like 7/79. etc....
Wrong 5:54, in the US all kids must go to English schools and study US history. That is the US law. You can do whatever you want afterward. Otherwise, you'll be in jail.
In US, i've seen people will be in jail because they learn their language. That exist only in the country of slave's master.
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