Friday, January 04, 2008

Assistance through the World Food Programme (WFP) to Cambodia

04 Jan 2008
Source: Government of Japan

1. On December 25 (Tue), the Government of Japan, in response to a request from the UN World Food Programme (WFP), decided to contribute US 500,000 dollars (about 58,000,000 yen) to the school feeding programme in Cambodia, US 300,000 dollars (about 34,800,000 yen) to the mother-and-child health and nutrition programme in Pakistan, US 253,000 dollars (about 29,350,000 yen) to the rural development programme in Indonesia, and US 100,000 dollars (about 11,600,000 yen) to the school feeding programme in Colombia.

2. In Cambodia, WFP will utilize this contribution for the school feeding programme. It provides access to education to children who are expected to play an important role in forming the country's future, and thus contributes to the economic and social development of Cambodia which is tackling nation building. A Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV), who is stationed at WFP's country office upon the request of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Cambodia, has been working on the collaboration between the school feeding programme and the home care programme as a comprehensive support for AIDS orphans and malnourished children. We believe that our contribution should make positive changes in the fields of both education and health. WFP provides school feeding to more than 20.2 million children in 71 countries worldwide. It contributes to bringing up the future generation to achieve a whole country's development through raising enrolment ratio, addressing gender disparity, and enhancing children's learning ability as well as improving children's nutritional conditions.


Anonymous said...


Can Sam Raingsy alone win the 2008 election?
Can Kem Sokha alone win the 2008 election?
Can Sam Raingsy and Kem Sokha et al together united win the 2008 election?

If not,

Can Sihanouk be Khmer's last resort solution to Khmer's problem?

Khmer people, please think:

The Viet uses Sihanouk, the Chinese uses Sihanouk, Hun Sen uses Sihanouk, why can't Khmer make good use of Sihanouk before he dies?

Don't let Sihanouk go to waste Khmer people!
Enough said?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you do yuo mean of using Shihanouk!

But to fuck him, forget it ! he may have HIV/AID! DO it yourself and let I know if you had fund!

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk has a big ass.
It must be very funny for the vietcong to fuck him hard .