Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ensuring history's right on both sides is key to better ties

Tuesday January 29, 2008
Bangkok Post

One of the keys to closer ties between Thailand and Cambodia lies with the Thai-Cambodian Association that was set up a year after the 2003 riots.

And for the association, a way to prevent violence recurring is to create a proper understanding of Thai-Cambodian history. Trying to correct history textbooks is a good way to start.

But five years on, there hasn't been much progress on this front even though academics from the two countries have met frequently to discuss the textbooks.

''What is different in the textbooks [about Thai-Cambodian history] is that the two countries write history differently,'' Dhonburi Rajabhat University vice-president Prayoon Songsilp said.

Ms Prayoon said it might be wise if the two countries studied each other's history more and softened the words used in textbooks.

The future is also encouraging as Thailand is helping Cambodia design a curriculum for the Thai language at the bachelor's degree level at the University of Cambodia in a task expected to be completed next year, she said.

Allowing Cambodian students to learn Thai in universities also shows that the Cambodian government is more open about education these days, she said. In the past the Phnom Penh government feared Thai influence, she added.

The Thai-Cambodian Association has also launched more than 30 projects - mostly in arts and culture, literature and student exchanges, Foreign Ministry spokesman Tharit Charungvat said.

''We believe that Cambodian people have a better attitude towards these projects,'' he said, citing the good response from Cambodian university students who know the Thai language who have been invited to visit Thailand. ''They know Thailand better,'' he added.

Bangkok has taken Thai movies and songs to Cambodia to show to Cambodians and the two countries also have cooperated to produce dictionaries as well as projects on reading and writing the Thai language for students at the secondary to university level.


Anonymous said...

Good, this is a good step. Iron out all the ambiguity's in their textbooks and state facts base on archaeological findings instead of assumptions. Let the scholars write the facts keep the government out of it.

Anonymous said...

No, this is only beating around the bush; the problem will never get solve this way. This is an excuse to solve problem. The right approach is to rewrite the Thai history books based on the history books around the world. Their history books were not about truth but catered to fit their stories and distorted the Khmer kings' successes and achievements. The facts are that they took Khmer provinces and thus our land but they are shamelessly still demanding Prah Vihear is theirs and the land around it, in addition to the border encroaching. I want to see the Thai newspapers write about the Thai encroaching on border... Why are they so shy to accept the truth? and only write shits of Khmer people?

Anonymous said...

6:07am, you are absolutely right...
Siam r Thai they never have their own history, religion, culture.....
but, they pick a litle here and there to make up their history. I'd remembered Siam ran the magagine in 1964 about Angkor Wat was belong to Siam and many Khmer Temples in Korat, Trat, Chhunburi, Sisaket, Borirum etc......were build Siam.
We Khmer must find out where the "Siam" come from? where were their country of origine?


Anonymous said...

607 and 922 the time for change is coming and so must your attitude or you will be left behind. If Khmer and Thai progress cannot bring in people like you to understand mutual benefits of these projects and the progress of better understanding then you will be shun out and cornered on the narrow-minded, stuck in the past label.

Its too bad that your bitterness cannot make you see that the attitude that Bankok has taken towards Phnom Penh is way more open now and looks like progress is being made. I don't know why you can't accept it and keep on the bringing up pass issues.

How many times have you read on here that Thailand has come out to defend the statement of of some of their spokesman as not reflecting of Thailand, and personal views and now what Thailand opinion?

I think they have done well in not offending the Khmer and coming to admit that no doubt Khmer Preah Vihar is Khmer, but you still go on to claim they say claim that.. and this..

Haven't you been reading? or you're just stuck on the past?

Please, I'm kind of tire of that attitude of some Khmer people. Its really keeping progress from developing a better relationship with Thailand based on mutual understanding and respect.

Time to move on. Thailand is not claiming our preah vihear anymore. you heard it from them. Now move on.

Anonymous said...

Peace to all khmer people, NO matter where they at.
Because I love my people and I love my Country very much.

Anonymous said...

To 11:30PM,

I know you Thai and I know you are trying to reach out for peace; I saluted you that. But what importance is not about you or me trying to make peace to change our two nation from being hostile to each other.

My wish to change in the mass; and to do that the Thai government must be willing to accept the truth of the world history so that a new history can be written and so Thai people can learn the truth about the two people and their kings and culture.

Third, we must face reality about the border issues. I don't know how much you know about the border markers between Cambodia and Thailand before Cambodia felt into civil wars. All those border makers now have been moved ten of kilometers inside Cambodia territory and force Cambodian people from their homes and farms. Why do Thailand have to treat Cambodia this way? You tell me not to bring back the past? This is not the past issue; it is the issue that concerning every Cambodia today... Our life and land is at steak here. Cambodian people will not allow your country to do whatever they want to Cambodia. Cambodia is no longer the country for you people to bully...

Anonymous said...

11:30pm your weakest on foreign policy applied here in KI, wich is tell us khmer, that you are not standing for our rights at all.

The remind of the pass is learning the present and to the future, what and how we have lost.

Siam and Yuon based on mutual understanding and respect? hhhhh
How are they respect? such as....?

11:30 pm you must be one of the defender of the foreigner control.
Sooner or later Siam will say Kompong Chhnang is belong to Siam and call for white zone. And Yuon will call all east of Mekong belong to yuon and call the white zone as problems.
Khbot cheat!