Wednesday, January 02, 2008

SRP Youth trash collection campaign in Battambang

SRP Youths collecting trash around the Battambang market (All photos: SRP)
Boys and girls of the SRP Youth are working diligently to collect public trash and contributing to cleaning up the environment.
Proud SRP Youths after a day of their trash collection campaign.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

A group of about 200 SRP Youths were collecting trash at the Battambang market on Tuesday, as part of a one-day campaign to collect trash organized by the Sam Rainsy party. SRP official from the Battambang province indicated that the (volunteer) trash collection campaign was organized by the SRP Youths to set a good example to other youths, and to lead other youths to avoid the danger of drug addiction and gambling by contributing to the improvement of the environment instead. The trash collection by the SRP Youths met with some interruption when the cops circled the SRP party headquarters in Battambang with the aim of preventing these youths from undertaking their trash collection campaign. In Prey Veng province, some 600 SRP Youths plan to help villagers with rice harvest during this harvest season.


Khmer Young said...

This is a great initiative for SRP. Youth only who are full of energy and they are not under the pressure of 1/.khlao=uneducated and 2/.khlach=fear like their parents and elders.

so to find justice for Cambodian peoples through youth movement is the right thing for SRP.

especially, give them the opportunity for community services is the best pioneering.


Khmer Young said...

Declining of Khmer civilization profoundly recognized by most scholars is during the end of King Jayavarman VII in around 1215. This decline happened again after Khmer Empire had controlled by Java during 7th century, and Angkor Wat capital city was captured in a short period by Champa navy troops in 1117 (Martin et al, 1989:10). The causes of Angkorean Empire’s decline were described by researchers as:

* 1) the abandonment of the Royal Court’s adherence to Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism,
* 2) the adaptation of Theravada Buddhism that emphasis on simple life, opposing luxurious Royal Ceremony of god-king,
* 3) there were drought and failure of economic development as the intricate hydraulic system was not able to repair (Martin et al, 1989:10),
* 4) the total sacking of Angkor Wat capital city in 1444 and the rapid Southward expanding of Dai Viet,
* 5) eventually, the rise of Siam in Ayutthaya of Thailand in 1238 and the Dai Viet with their successful Nam Tien expansionism to the South.

The declining has continued affecting and exacerbating the politics in Cambodia in later 400 years before the arriving of French colony in 1863. The significant political situation that Cambodia firstly became a vassal state was likely during the King Barom Reachea IV in 1603 when Siamese successfully installed him in power; and also few years later King Chey Chettha II who was a successor to Barom Reachea declared independence from Siam by the assistance of military force from the Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam (Martin et al, 1989:11). Cambodia has impressively been intervened by these two dominant countries, Thailand and Vietnam, since the declination of Angkorean period. There have had silence of Cambodia politics after independence in 1954, but during American war and Pol Pot regime, Vietnam headed Thailand because they can oust the Pol Pot and installed their vassal government. Although politics have significantly been changed since 1993 to present, but the installed leaders who assisted by Vietnamese military in 1978 are still in power nowadays.


Anonymous said...

Congratulation SRP youths....
You win Khmer Hearts forever.
And again good deed that you love
Cambodia & its People.
Jeyo SRP Youths !
Jeyo Free Cambodia !
You-Hanoi go home !

Anonymous said...

We love this act of SRP. SRP youth should act this way forever, but unlike CPP youth who use their money only threatens students every school to follow them.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsey! Sam Rainey! Sam Rainsey!!!!!!!!!!! Please save our old memory in Battambang for our children. Restore Spein Dek Or the Iron Bridge, Sir!

Anonymous said...

The true Party that by People and for People, Party that serving Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk broke it, Sihanouk must fix it!

Get Sihanouk to back out of the not-so-secret deal he made with Hun Sen.

Get Sihanouk to denounce the Viet's vision of annexation of Cambodia.

Get Sihanouk back to be the father of the Nation by befriending with the West and the outside world, now that Vietnam has been re-united/unified.

Get Sihanouk back to be what he once was but with less or none of the Vietnamese and/or the Chinese.

After all, Sihanouk had been flipfopping all his life politically and after all, what is that humongous Embassy near Watt Phnom built for?

That's, in my honest opinion, how we can solve our beloved motherland's problem otherwise Khmer will never ever rid of the Viet's new and systematic yoke of colonialism.

No one political party will never ever be able to save Cambodia without Sihanouk whether it be united or otherwise!!!


Anonymous said...

So if lightning strike Shihanout we are all DOOM! 10:44PM

Let pray he live forever, stupid fool!!

Anonymous said...

No...Get Sihanouk to do it before he dies you Dummy@12:40AM!

Anonymous said...

You can clone him! before lightning strike himif he real not chinise faked kidnee!

Anonymous said...

Great job SRP youth!!!

Anonymous said...

A job well done SRP youth!

..Unlike the CPP youth who come down from trucks and goes into the streets with sticks and stones in their hands intimidating others.

Anonymous said...

Better, yet. Set up a trash can and rule for those that keep trashing the market. We need to get beyond that soon. Good for those kids for doing good deed, but they should be the one cleaning after those market's hawks all the time. Tell them, they need to watch their rear ends after eating or drinking or shoping or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...they should not be the one cleaning after those markets' hawks all the time.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the market people dont take advantage of these youths' helpful contribution. It's not their responsibility and the market people need to have some kind of civil responsibility to not create such environmental nuisance.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation! It's will be best if all Cambodian youth do this social work, without any Party's logo.

Anonymous said...

Good , but do tell those hawks to clean after themself also! If the can trash around they can also clean up! and where is the penalty for trashing the public place! Let's get some fine money here and use it to do some thing better!