Sunday, January 13, 2008

Vn to lose all the lands it stole from Cambodia with climate change?

Flooding will become even more of a problem as sea levels rise

Climate change, sea level rise to cost Vietnam dearly

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Thanh Nien News (Hanoi)

Vietnam is highly vulnerable to climate change, with rising sea levels to affect vast areas of the country, including heavily populated regions, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) said Friday.

A sea level rise of one meter will flood up to 12 percent of Vietnam's land and affect nearly 11 percent of its population, according to a MARD report released at a climate change conference in Hanoi.

A one meter sea level rise would inundate about 5,000 square kilometers of northern Vietnam's Red River Delta and up to 20,000 square kilometers in the Mekong Delta in the south.

River and sea dike systems would crumble in destructive typhoons and storms caused by climate change, the report said.

Higher sea levels would also decimate the nation's crops, with food output reduced by 12 percent, or five million tons a year.

Extreme weather would cause natural disasters such as severe floods, which could lead to outbreaks of human and animal diseases.

Deputy Minister Dao Xuan Hoc action must be taken immediately or it would be too late.

The ministry is conducting research to develop a plan to promote afforestation, the use of environmentally-friendly production technology and upgrades of the nation's dikes and irrigation systems.

Hoc said scientists were drafting plans for reinforcing dikes in the Mekong Delta and the central region.

The resettlement of vulnerable residents from flood and landslide-prone areas had already been carried out effectively.

However, the number of residents that still need to be resettled was massive, he said.

Southern hub concern

In a talk with Thanh Nien on the sideline of the conference, Hoc said the ministry was conducting studies on how to reduce flooding in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC).

Under a draft plan, the city will build eight major drains at a cost of about VND8 trillion (US$500 million) in the precincts of the Saigon and Dong Nai rivers.

Hoc said the plan would be put to the city administration before being submitted to the government.

The ministry also recommended the municipal administration increase the capacity of water reservoirs in order to reduce city flooding.

Reported by Quang Duan


Anonymous said...

if that/s the case migrate to cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Go burn in hell!ah youn-chong riay!!life suck!when you stealing our lands and hate it our people.some time,I'd hated my own people too,for siding up with your gorvernment."ANANIKUM AMERICA RULES!"

Anonymous said...

So should you stop cursing at VN?
And why are we smaller and smaller?

Anonymous said...

Our beloved Bouddha will punish the youn vietcong and I hope he will create a big tsunami to kill them all.

Anonymous said...

All Yuons deserve to be burned alive

God damn it! The US should have nuked the fucking commie Yuon during war.

One day, yes, one day, if they (Viet Cong) will be destroyed by our brother Chinese; the Chinese will nuke them.

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese people are one of the Mon-Khmer tribes, btw. Why are you cursing our brothers?

Anonymous said...

Flood in VN is part of final prediction of ex-King Buddha of Cambodia in 12th century. VN must die and must be killed very soon.

Anonymous said...

who said Veitnamese are Mon-Khmer?? Where did you get the information from ? Khmer and Youn may be come from Austroasiatic. But not in the same Family. they belong to Veit tribe. Origin from southern part of China. Mon-Khmer could also be found in the northern part of Thialand who could also be our ancestor long before the pre-angkor time. Youn only took Khmer korm.. But Thai betrayed us and announce independent after Angkor. Let we live in peace together. no more war, and hatred.

Anonymous said...

if khmer could not take the land back, the mother nature will not let ah youn enjoy khmer land.

Anonymous said...

Only Khmer people can live in Khmer lands in armony with the nature (like the mekong river).