Saturday 2nd February 2008
Pattaya City News (Thailand)
Police from Sattahip were on routine patrol on Friday Night when they spotted a pick-up containing a number of passengers who appeared not to be of Thai Origin. It was decided to pull over the Grey Mazda pick-up which was being driven by Khun Oran aged 45. In the back of the pick-up were 10 Cambodian Nationals, including 2 children. None had passports and one of them who could speak Thai explained that they had paid the driver to bring them from Cambodia to illegally work here in Thailand. Khun Oran was charged with harboring illegal immigrants and the Cambodian Nationals who were on their way to the Samaer San Fishing Port will be deported at the earliest opportunity.
that is ridiculous. look Thailand are finger printing even little children who have no idea anything. They already gave a record to the innocence so they can give difficulty when they grow up!
talking about human rights abuse. where is the human rights people when you need them. i suggest human rights group should have an office in thailand to monitor such human abuse. also, talking about human trafficking. the US should also campaigne this cause in thailand as well for human trafficking from cambodia to work as their cheap labor like in their constructions, farming, and fishing business. human rights group and the US, please have your people help the poor people in thailand and protect or rescue them from abuses in thailand as well.
2.16 AM what? Did you read the news? Khmer people paid the driver so they can come to Thailand and work. Who want who? Khmer want to come or Thai want Khmer to come. Just like in USA. Do USA want illegle worker or illegle workers wants to work in USA. Are you telling me that USA's fault that have illegle workers? Don't be bias. Be fair to other too if you want a fair treatment from them.
If Thai´s drop finger of mother I am ok. But what this boy has wrong to do? All khmer, please take attention for its people!
Don't feel bad my friend,in any country would do the same thing befor you entering to another country, you must have a passport,or some kind of proof,only in our country allowing ah youn-in to cambodia,illegal with out any document that is not the right way.we're feel sorry to much for people that is why no one respect the law.that is why our law is so weak so corrupt."ANANIKUM AMERICA RULES!"
thai can do anything to cambodia at any time they want, and the khmer cannot do a shit.
khmer are fucking weak
thai go to work in cambodia, because they have brain, whereas cambodia has no brains, that the main difference
khmer people are not among to anything but slaves to their regional countries
your khmer goverment does not care about the welware of your people as long as they receive bonus from us
the khmer never wake up to the reality, becausse they're dumb and stupid
remember khmer cannot do any shit without the thai goverment and its peple to help them
it's not whether one has brain or no brain, it's about attitude. Cambodia need to adjust to a new, better attitude. it's all the mentality, mentality, my child. change some of it if not all of it to adjust to the changing world, please. this is how thailand did it, they change their thinking a bit and keep old thinking a bit. for example, men in cambodia should learn to cook like men in china can cook, in thailand can cook, in the usa can cook, etc., but most men in cambodia hate to cook, they think it is women's job only. this is just one example of attitude adjustment. i think cambodia people need to change some of their attitude, even just a little because it could makea a huge difference for the entire nation. stop discriminating against women, be versatile, flexible and cooperate in all task, men or women, mix it all up. stop being to male-chauvinistic. this is part of a problem in cambodia, most look down on women. look at Japanese society, they were once like that in cambodia in terms of discriminating against their women. but now their society have completely changed to make their women courageous and be like men in the work place, etc. this is why cambodia needs a lot of education to better society. please learn from some great countries of the world.
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