Editorial by Khmerization
Originally posted at http://khmerization.blogspot.com
"In the past, Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Cambodian People’s Party cohorts have always asked for evidence whenever there are claims of border encroachments by our neighbours ... To ask for evidence every time someone reported about the border encroachments is like the police blaming someone for not catching the criminals when they reported about crimes. Ridiculous and irresponsible!"Every time I read about border agreements with Vietnam, a question has always popped up in my mind: will Cambodia lose any lands in those agreements? (Click here to read the article).
The recurring problems of border issues with our neighbours, particularly the two powerful neighbours, Thailand and Vietnam, have scared many Cambodians. Cambodia seemed to have no border problems with our less powerful neighbour, Laos. This shows that Laos has never encroached on Cambodian lands because it is less powerful than Cambodia- scared of Cambodia, if I can use this term. Likewise, Laos has never complained about Cambodia encroaching into her borders.
On the contrary, Cambodia’s recurring and persistent border problems with her two powerful neighbours indicated that Cambodia had always been encroached by these neighbours. And any border talks or agreements had always seen Cambodia conceded or even seceded parts of her lands to these neighbours.
Before the present government took power in 1979, Cambodia have never had any border issues with her neighbours. Cambodia has never had any “overlapping areas”, the so-called “white areas” or “dombon Sor” in Khmer. Presently, there are many “overlapping areas” along the borders with Vietnam and Thailand, including on our maritime borders. In many cases, the “overlapping areas” are in fact Cambodian lands. And as a result Cambodia has to share her natural gas and oil resources with Vietnam and Thailand.
Cambodia’s borders with her neighbours should have been settled once and for all since the period of the French Protectorate in Cambodia. Cambodia’s borders with Thailand have been delimited and demarcated in the 1907 border agreements between the royal government of Thailand and the French Protectorate in Cambodia. And Cambodia’s borders with Vietnam and Laos have been settled by the French Protectorate Authority before they left Indochina in 1953-1954. So, the border issues should never have been a problem at all between Cambodia and her neighbours.
The fact that the problems have occurred and recurred continually meant that Cambodia’s borders have been encroached and encroached on a larger scale by our two powerful neighbours.
People do not have to ask for evidence. In the past, Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Cambodian People’s Party cohorts have always asked for evidence whenever there are claims of border encroachments by our neighbours. To find out exactly the evidence, the prime minister and his cohorts must travel to the border areas that have been encroached and physically examined them, using the maps that Cambodia had kept at the United Nations and by asking the villagers on the grounds. To ask for evidence every time someone reported about the border encroachments is like the police blaming someone for not catching the criminals when they reported about crimes. Ridiculous and irresponsible!
The hell! Let's give all of our land to the Vietnamese for their grateful liberartion of Cambodian people from the masscre.
I'm for it! I'd say to the Vietnamese: take it ALL! And thank you!
In the picture I can't find AH SVA KIM HONG the negotiator! I believe the Vietcong are taking too much credit for liberating Cambodia from the genocide! The Vietcong were smart enough to wait until 2 million Cambodian people turned into fertilizer by the Khmer Rouge and then they pretend to invade Cambodia and take advantage of the Cambodian killing by calling it as liberation! If the Vietcong want to liberate Cambodian people from genocide and why do they need to sign 25 years friendship with the Soviet Union?
The so called Vietcong liberation of Cambodia was too little and too late and not only that the Vietcong liberation of Cambodia prolong another 10 years of Cambodian civil war and more Cambodian people were killed under the Vietcong K-5 plan called the Bamboo Wall aiming to stop the Khmer Rouge and the Resistance force infiltration long Cambodian-Thai border and Cambodia remain isolated from international community which make Cambodia fall behind by at least 30 years in term development of the country!
I say no thank to the Vietcong liberation because nobody invite them to come to Cambodia in the first place!
It doesn't matter to take and to kill their own race to be in Power ,ah Hun Sen will do more harm to it own people and country ,this is called the buffalo boy ,or the ignorance become to be power man that it own people do not even need him,stept down ah Hun Sen for better of my race.
Thanks u
I would agree more for border encroachment. Thats why we need Sam Rainsy. We need to recall Paris Peace Accord. All border or boundaries of Camabodia should be well know internationally not just with YOUN.
All problem cause by ah Kwack and the fucking slaved group CPP!!!
The Paris Agreement must be enforced before any more future negotiation with the Vietcong regarding Cambodian border agreement!
UN thank for saving us from tiger and send us to crocodize!
May your selves face the same faith some day!!!
My beloved 11:27PM!
I am totally agreeing with you, "The Paris Agreement must be enforced" now, not later! Otherwise, these land will be eventually become like the land of Khmer Krom. Unashamedly, look at Samdech Dey DekCho Hun Sen's smiling face can simply tell us that he desperately wants his master Youn to fully support him forever in order to exchange more land with power. Frightfully speaking, I really don't know when all the people of Khmer are finally awaken in order to conscientiously realize that how much more land and water we will be lost to Youn?
i think what they mean is to stop cry wolf all the times because every khmer person is conscious about not to lose anymore land to the enemies (or at least historical enemies), but for someone to always claim this, is sometimes, there is no evidence to do so. i mean, it is good that every khmer person look out after their land and cambodia, but politicizing this is not good.
i studied in geography that the best borderline or a country is to use natural landmarks e.g. rivers, mountains, etc., if used artificial landmarks, make sure they are well known and well-marked. also, having a village or town near or next to the borderline helps a lot to mark a national territory. khmer, please, the way the vietnamese, since ancient time, how they always have a town, villages or other area of population on or near the borderline of cambodia to mark their territory. so, cambodia needs to do the same like youn. this is the best way to mark a national boundary. it wouldn't hurt to learn from the vietnamese as the vietnamese learnt this from the chinese in ancient time. and natural boundary like rivers are best, too. please learn!!!
I support the Paris Peace Agreement. Cambodia should recall this agreement.
Ah kwak Hun Sen always O K s with Yuon.
Did Sam Rainsy and other parties in Phnom Penh knew about this border disagreement. If they do why they do not put red flag. The opposition should have brought up the old agreement from Paris or from somewhere to assure the borderline.
My beloved 2:16AM!
Forgive me for speaking noting, but the truth. Evidently, Youns are slowly inside Srok Khmer, they also have paid some money for Khmers to cut the palm trees and to farm the rice for them. After a few years, the farming lands were no longer belonging to them, because there were no more palm trees!
My beloved 2:16AM!
Forgive me for speaking noting, but the truth. Evidently, Youns are slowly inside Srok Khmer, they also have paid some money for Khmers to cut the palm trees and to farm the rice for them. After a few years, the farming lands were no longer belonging to Khmers, because there were no more palm trees!
This is great news indeed. I am looking forward to see many many happy faces when the border trading goes into full swings. Everyone will be rich from the increase in real-estate property along the border.
Damn! I wish I have extra cashes to invest.
It is simple to solve this complicated issue. Hun Sen must be assassinated because it has done everything for the sake of his boss, Ah Youn Thleum Khmaov.
What is a retard?
Assassination? The overseas retarded gurillas must be out of their minds. How many more times do we need to tell you to stay away (as far as you could) from Cambodia. WE DO NOT NEED YOU!
As long as the ANTI-CORRUPTION LAW is not in place and I won't be investing in any big business in Cambodia! But I will continue to donate money for low level economic activities through micro financing!
I will go big once the ANTI-CORRUPTION is in place!
Don't be silly, 2:23. Hardly, no one ever observed traffic law. Having law is one thing, and enforcing the law is another thing. It's just politic, my friend.
In any case, if you are an investor, you will be well protected from the hungry mob in Cambodia and other places, and that is a fact. I don't care what anyone said otherwise.
To 4:36PM
I am not trying to be silly and in fact I try to go big at one time and one of AH HUN SEN officials asked me to cough up $100,000 to get the title of Okhna if I want to hold on to my business and that not even a guarantee that my business will last because due to unregulated cutthroat business environment. There are too many unfair competitions from Vietname, Thailame, China...
Thank for bringing up the issue that "no ever observed traffic law" in Cambodia. Did you know that traffic accident cost Cambodia 120 million dollars a years!
As long as Cambodian leaders continue to behave immaturely and lack the seriousness about everything they do such as the issue of traffic law, economic law, and civil law...and Cambodia can never catch up with the rest of the developing world and Cambodian people will be the working poor of the world!
Come on Dude, we are not denying some corrupt individual here, but all investors are well protected by our system. Otherwise we will be in deep shit right now.
The problem is you don't know how to fight these idiots who tried to extorted money from you. Isn't that right? So stop try bullshitting here, will ya?
To 4:13AM
The reason I don't know how to fight these idiots because I am doing real business and you are doing monkey business!
Well it seems that you know too much that why Cambodia is still such a fuck up place to do business! You can’t make bread without dough!
Bullshit, Cambodia has drastically improved. We had nothing after the fall of the Khmer Rouge, remember?
Anyway, the truth is you are not alone. There have been some others who have been in the same shoes as you are. However, there are 10th of thousands successful businesses here. And you can deny that. Furthermore, you can't denied that there are many stories here about our court biased toward the business sector; that is if you have been reading stories here. Thus, you can't pull our leg that you are scared of those greedy fools who try to extort money from our investors either. You catch my drift?
To 12:49PM
Do you ever listen to yourself fool! Here you are still talking about the Khmer Rouge even 30 years after the Khmer Rouge!
To let you know that all the land grabbing, deforestation, the selling of state assets and corruption all happen during AH HUN SEN government in power! Why is it that you always blame the Khmer Rouge for everything? The Khmer Rouge is long gone from Cambodian political scene!
Claim all you want fool because Cambodia is still the same fuck up backward country on Earth! Cambodia is the Africa of Southeast Asia!
I don’t mind catching the next train and that when the new Cambodian government takes power!
Okay, but don't hold your breath while waiting for the stupid train, alright?
I just want to say again and again that vietname created KILLING FIELD then got credit from Cambodia and from international communities about the killing field.
So ... what you are saying is the international communities are blind and stupid? Is that what you are telling us?
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