Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Heavily deformed conjoined piglets born in Kampot

The conjoined piglets died 4-5 hours after their birth (Photo: Sambor, Koh Santepheap newspaper)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Koh Santepheap newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Kampot – Two conjoined piglets were born with one head, 3 tongues, 3 snouts, and eight legs, and they caused quite a stir among the people living in Kampong Thnot village, Kaun Sat commune, Kampot district, in the evening of 16 February 2008.

According to Chiv Theuy, the owner of the piglets, prior to the birth of these conjoined piglets, the sow gave birth to 5 other piglets already. During the evening of 16 February, the sow gave birth to a total of 9 piglets, and the conjoined piglets were the number 6. The strange conjoined twins have one mouth like a regular pig, but they have 3 tongues inside the mouth. The twins have three snouts, and 8 legs: 2 front legs, 2 under each belly and 2 on the back. They were male white piglets, and they died 4-5 hours after birth.

Chiv Theuy indicated that this is the first time her sow gave birth, and the conjoined twins caused a stir in the village because nobody has ever seen something like this.


Anonymous said...

The Cambodian must open our eyes! We must ask independent scientists to conduct a serious investigation. For my part I think these abnormal newborns are the consequences of more than three decades of war with chemical weapons!

Anonymous said...

This is a result of Agent Orange sprayed along Cambodian-Vietnamese borders? Scientists say the yellow dew could cause such a desform.

But Mey Samedy said it's hard to confirm as Cambodia people migrated a lot during and after the Khmer Rouge regime.

Lbang Chouch

Anonymous said...

This is a bad omen for the Khmer people!

This mean that we have to hand over the Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear Temples back to Thailand (rightful owner of cultural heritage)to avert future military attacks in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

How a bout the CPP alow other country to dumb CHEMICAL trash in the COUNTRY? IF it agent orange it more wilder spread than this!

Ah Hun Xen did open one eye but the blind one that open!

Anonymous said...

i know, cambodians are often get very superstitious about abnormal things they see in cambodia. i guess, perhaps, many cambodian people aren't aware about rare deformity in domesticated animals or even sometimes, human babies bornt deformed due to alcoholic drinking during pregnancy or smoking or any other result of drugs abuse or something along that line. deformity can happen anywhere in the world, literally. sometimes, i think the way to become less superstitious is to get educated about science like medicine, and even the studies of substance abuse which alternate the human brain to see thing like paranormal or something when people are under the influence of drug abuse. in the US, drug abuse are illegal and are well done to cause people to illusinate, see ghost or the paranormal, or even to be dangerous to self and society in general. i'm not surprise a bit in cambodia where there is no law to curb illegal substances usage in that society, not to mention that there aren't anything social service to help people who are addicted or fall victim to such abusive behavior. ngo should also focus their charity work in this field as well to help victims in cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Law is a law, medicine is medicine, deformity is deformity and chemical is chemical;however, contrary to what we religiously or scientifically believe, the Cambodian people will customarily believe that this is a bad omen, which could a precursor of something to come (based on their belief, and nothing can change that belief, or you may call them ignorant -- if you want to).