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Hun Sen and Lok Chumteav Thom Bun Rany in South Korea for Lee Myung Bak's inauguration ceremony
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, center, salutes upon his arrival at the Seoul Military Airport in Seongnam, South Korea, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008. Hen Sen Sunday came to South Korea to attend New South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's inauguration ceremony. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, second from right, is greeted by Cambodian Embassy officials upon his arrival at the Seoul Military Airport in Seongnam, South Korea, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008. Hen Sen Sunday came to South Korea to attend New South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's inauguration ceremony. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
អូ! សម្តេច... អាសារី វាជិតងាប់ហើយ។ តើសម្តចគួរត្រូវគិតយ៉ាងម៉េច?ខ្ញុំឮថា អាផន អាជា និងអាឌុច បានឆ្លើយដាក់វានិងប្រពន្ធរបស់វា ឈ្មោះមីណារីច្រើនណាស់។ គួរឲ្យហេង តែគ្រីចាក់ថ្នាំសម្លាប់វាតែម្រ៉ងតូវហ្អី! ប្រយ័ត្នតែស្រួលមិនងស្រួលវានាំគ្នាឆ្លើយដាក់សម្តេចវិញ?ប្រាកដជាយឺតពេលហើយ!!!
I love Sadach Hun Sen. He's the greatest.
This trip will certainly will bring a lot of jobs to Cambodia.
Again, thanks for your leadership!
My beloved 6:29PM!
Honestly, I literally initiate to love your magnificent statement above. Unfortunately, you are simply forgetting about the hundred thousand miserable and homeless Khmers, who are logically becoming the suffocating victims from landgrabbing in order to build these Korean factories.
well, if the cpp changed their way to help every poor cambodians, would you love this party, then? so, it's a matter of differences in political stance or way of helping your compatriots. i think maybe if the cpp listen to the opposition party and other good cambodian people, then they would do a better job? god, aren't people are so different in opinions, party, philosophy,etc. if god made us all the same, wouldn't it be soooo boring!! cambodia has a very colorful history! thank god, we are different.
Please don't let Cambodia owe any more money. The current government is full of YOUN agents pretend to be Khmer and lobby other countries to borrow money. Who owes them? It will be us the next generation. Please stop the lending to corrupted government.
Who care? So long as the country move forward. We don't want no idiot to walk us back to Year-Zero; that much is for sure.
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