Wednesday, February 27, 2008

In response to the article in the Downtown Gazettes

On Monday, February 25, 2008, the Downtown Gazettes published an article entitled, Controversy Surrounds Cambodian Parade

Below are 2 letters to the editor in response to it:

Dear Editor,

I want to thank you for including an article about the controversy over Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister’s Sok An appearance in the upcoming Cambodian New Year Parade. I would like to respond to a few of the comments in it. First is a comment by Heam that “Cam-CC has done its best to answer Phim’s questions and address her concerns.” After CAM-CC invited us to a closed-door meeting, my colleague sent an email asking that the meeting be open to the community and that a town hall meeting would be more appropriate. I also responded to the email on February 5 and asked three basic questions, 1) What organization and/or person issued the invitation? 2) If it is Sister Cities of Long Beach, who within that organization issued the invitation and what is the requirement and procedure for approval? 3) Was there a discussion within the Board of Cam-CC and the New Year Parade committee before the invitation was issued?

CAM-CC never responded to or acknowledged our emails and to date, has not answered those questions. For Heam to say that they have done their best is very sad indeed when their best is to ignore and pretend that it is only a handful of people who are creating this controversy.

The controversy over this invitation was raised by members of the community even before I knew about it and a petition was already being circulated before I posted the online petition. Beside myself and a group of my colleagues, there are many different Cambodian organizations, such as the Cambodian Veterans and the Killing Fields Memorial Center that are against it. Members from these organizations alone would surpass the few handfuls that Heam mentioned.

In addition, this invitation appears to be in direct violation of the parade committee’s own parade entry rules:
  1. All entries should have a positive theme which respects diversity, is non-controversial, and does not advocate any political candidate.
Mr. Sok An’s participation in the parade (in an election year—2008 Cambodian elections) is the very definition of a political and controversial entry, as evidenced by the community response.

The delegation that went to Cambodia took it upon themselves to issue this invitation without discussing it with the community first even though the New Year Parade is a community event. There are board members within CAM-CC who are against this invitation and are embarrassed by it.

One of the objectives of CAM-CC as stated in their bylaws is (b) To provide community leadership through consensus building activities, needs assessments, and effective programming. There was no consensus with this invitation at the board level or at the community level.

After violating their own parade entry rules and their objectives, they continue to disregard the community by refusing to rectify it.


Navy Phim


Dear Editor,

Mr Heam side tracked the issue by stating “I don’t think he [Mr. Sok An] is a controversial figure.” It is the hast, unsound decision of the Cam-CC delegation to Phnom Penh to invite officials of a corrupt and oppressive government that stirs up the controversy within the Cambodian community in Long Beach.

I find it excruciating to read Heam’s statement “These are speculations of human right violations?” when there are over decades of reports on Cambodia from multitude of sources. I guess it is ignorance like Heam’s statement within the Cam-CC leadership that leads to controversy and division within the Cambodian community like the 2005 parade where Cam-CC unilaterally charged ahead with April 17 despite repeated warning from elder members of the community that it should be a mourning date to commemorate love one and fallen veterans. Now, like the April 17 date in 2005, the Cam-CC board still charged ahead with their unsound decisions without regard to the community.


Ratana Lim


Anonymous said...

Fingers pointing time! The dam has cracked and the flood is coming! Karm-C is salivating!

Anonymous said...

My friends

Be clear that Sok An's invitation was made in secrecy. Nobody knew about that. There was absolutely no discussion at the board of directors meeting prior to the travel to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Don't blame Borann Heam. He is just a young SOB who is used by Richer San, Sithea San and Peter Long to step forward to be a scapegoat.
Heam don't know anything. He just recited what he was told to say.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid that might be true because so far we have not heard anything from Akek Moha Dekcho Lok Tum - Richer San & Peter Long and Chum Teav Sithea San yet!

Anonymous said...

My beloved Khmers!
Why not entirely blame Borann Heam?
He is a young and educated man, who is emotionally proudful of himself getting out of the dark crave!

Anonymous said...

Richer San & Peter Long and Chum Teav Sithea San need their buds kick by the community, or even a few slab will do.

Anonymous said...

If anyone attempts to gain benefits by associating themselves with CCP/Sok An, don't dream on it. CPP has many people linning up to take positions wherever they can find. So if anyone in Long Beach think that Sok An might reserve as path to reach his/her membership with CPP, just ask a few guys in Houston, Texas: Laykheang, Sovann, Norng Dum....etc.

I grew up with the CPP, I do know them well.

Anonymous said...

Well, we don't expect jazz musicians to fit with a rock band if you know what I mean.