Hun Sen Receives FBI Director, Says Cambodian-US Relations Proceed 'Very Well'
31 Jan 08
At the working meeting with Samdech Akkeak Moha Senapakdei Decho Hun Sen, prime minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, on the morning of 30 January, Mr. Robert Mueller, director of the Federation Bureau of Investigation- -FBI, for short--of the United States, thanked Samdech Decho Hun Sen and the Royal Government of Cambodia [RGC] for authorizing the creation of the legal attache office in Cambodia.
Along with this, Mr. Robert also thanked Samdech Decho Hun Sen and the RGC, for having, since the beginning, constantly offered the closest cooperation and operations in combating terrorism and money laundering as well as arms trafficking. In this sense, Mr. Robert emphasized that he personally, like the FBI as whole, would continue to cooperate with Cambodia in these sectors more firmly and closely.
Samdech Decho Hun Sen said the relations between our two countries, Cambodia and the United States, were proceeding very well, because this was the first time that the United States owned its Embassy in Cambodia. Moreover, the United States also provided Cambodia with a lot of humanitarian aid and assistance for combating terrorism, human trafficking, money laundering, and so forth.
Along with this, Mr. Robert also thanked Samdech Decho Hun Sen and the RGC, for having, since the beginning, constantly offered the closest cooperation and operations in combating terrorism and money laundering as well as arms trafficking. In this sense, Mr. Robert emphasized that he personally, like the FBI as whole, would continue to cooperate with Cambodia in these sectors more firmly and closely.
Samdech Decho Hun Sen said the relations between our two countries, Cambodia and the United States, were proceeding very well, because this was the first time that the United States owned its Embassy in Cambodia. Moreover, the United States also provided Cambodia with a lot of humanitarian aid and assistance for combating terrorism, human trafficking, money laundering, and so forth.
this is a historical moment for both the US and Cambodia. US, please continue to give your interest and support for Cambodia; this can make a permanent impression in Cambodia because of your interest in our country. welcome to all American corporation in Cambodia.Khmer-American Friendship forever.
Sorry, I'm not here to discourage anyone in our beloved country; however, we need to be level-headed and conscious of the FBI presence, and attempt to , if not fully, grasp their function and priorty, and understand as to why and what led them here (Cambodia) in the first place. Additionaly, the FBI agency does not have their field office and spend millions of dollars for nothing. Therefore, they must be going after something in which we never know. However, please don't expect to believe what you've seen or heard from the FBI or local medias in Cambodia or abroad. Remember two plus two, does not always equal to "four" in reality.
Moreover, the FBI presence will be unprecedented -- does not make it a significant milestone for the country (Cambodia)-- and inarguably make numerous high-profile officials jittery. Therefore, my fellow Cambodian, it's imperatively paramount to understand that the FBI does not want any of these corrupt high-ranking officials to kowtow the agency. More importantly, the bureau of the agency has its own spy to ensure that its people (FBI) does not involve in ethnical misconduct, or embed a mole in the burea.
While the FBI is working with the Cambodian government -- the Cambodian government shoudl not expect anything more from the agency the fact that the bureau will share their aparatus or equipments with Cambodia; however, the Cambodian government should anticipate the only-know-basis, and should not expect the know-it-all from the bureau.
Until then... we welcome those who believe in good (not evil) in our beloved country.
In addition, believe me, these FBI agents (G-man) must believe in good, because these agents had arduously and rigoriously gone through the most daunting panel interview in Cleveland OH, yet one or two bad ones managed to slip by, which is why the bureau has its own dempartment to ensure that these bad apples does not threat the national security.
this fucking cambodian government think that the u.s. will help them becuase the u.s. is in cmbodia.
fucking these cambdooian goverment officials are still uneducated and stupid
they only know how to fuck, drink and fucking someone's spouses and entertainment whores
Human mind are very powerful,I think Cambodia government are not stupid and i believe our Country welcome all nations for friendship not for enemy.
10:10 PM
Stop fucking kid yourself and your country, shithead!
You're stupid as a door knob! You and the rest of your men never learn, and never will.
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