Original report from Washington
08 February 2008
A long-time opposition parliamentarian quit his party Friday, adding to the pre-election woes of an opposition that has seen a number of defections in recent weeks.
Ngor Sovann, who represented the Sam Rainsy Party in the National Assembly for 11 years, said he left due to internal conflicts in the party and petitioned to join the Cambodian People’s Party.
“I submitted my resignation today, and, approved or not, it’s not important,” Ngor Sovann said.
He applied to a position as deputy chief of Kandal Province, he said.
Ngor Sovann’s resignation follows moves by several other opposition members last week.
Sam Rainsy said Friday the defections would clear room for grassroots supporters.
Ngor Sovann, who represented the Sam Rainsy Party in the National Assembly for 11 years, said he left due to internal conflicts in the party and petitioned to join the Cambodian People’s Party.
“I submitted my resignation today, and, approved or not, it’s not important,” Ngor Sovann said.
He applied to a position as deputy chief of Kandal Province, he said.
Ngor Sovann’s resignation follows moves by several other opposition members last week.
Sam Rainsy said Friday the defections would clear room for grassroots supporters.
It could be something wrong inside of SRP hearth.If they know that SRP can win the majority like Sam Rainsy said,why those people can't hold on.I feel sorry to Sam Rainsy.You better rethink again and ask what's wrong with your Party.Don't wait until to late to form a coalition or may be you take money from CPP to denied a coalition.Tell people the true.
A dispute over who on a candidate top list has become a serious setback for the SRP. The party leadership should adress this issue honestly and openly to its members so that they can earn trust from the grassroots.
sometimes, that is the trick of CPP. Anyone loves money. I guess, before, Ngor Sovann joined CPP, he has to do sth good (but bad for SRP) for CPP. Someone may know that CPP does not have clear policy on improving people standard of living; but it has for individual within the party. Remember!! corruption has been developed by CPP's money raising policy. WHO KNOWS KNOWS; WHO DON'T KNOW, DON'T KNOW.
sometimes i'm wondering did opposition party people ever live under the KR rule? then, they should know that cambodian people have struggled so hard to get to where they are at right now. one has to walk in their shoes to understand totally what it's like to suffer and struggle almost constantly. one thing i agreed is that changes in cambodia is inevitable, however that changes will be gradual and for sure for the better ( it will be like water rushing down the hill with full force; for any one party to expect changes to take place overnight is unrealitic, given the suffering of the people. having said that, though, as people's standard of living rises, this shift will take place. i guess to understand it a little better, look at it this way: when the people have to choose between survival and luxury, i think most will choose survival. however, luxury will come naturally when the people gain confidence and trust at where they're at.
Again,it's leadership crisis.
I noticed that defection only occur during election time! It is kind of strange to know that it took Ngor Sovann 11 years just find out there is a conflict of interest within the party! Ahahhahhahah
I can’t blame him because the CPP offering a bigger prize for the position as deputy chief of Kandal Province!
Now would I do same if I were him? Of course I would do the same because I don't give a fuck if Cambodia doesn't exist tomorrow because economic interest and status of symbol dictate everything in Cambodia thank to AH HUN SEN leadership!
As I said I have seen only half of SRP MP are working hard, the other half are almost asleep(are not working hard but waiting to reap). No gain no lose let them go. (No killing like KR).
Make sure SRP's are public servants (serving people and the nation) not self servants(selfishness). If you want to be self servants no place for you within SRP.
Go and find a place for yourself with CPP as their doo is opened wide at the moment. CPP's door will be closed at the election month.
i wonder why?
First of all, we aren't in Ngor Sovann' shoes so we don't know what is the problem that drive him to left SRP because I heard that only people in SRP that know what is going on in SRP right now. So I believe there's something wrong in there otherwise Ngor Sovann won't leave, 11 years is such a long time. It must be something very serious that made him decided to choose this way.
Lastly, if I am in his position now, I would do the same thing because Sam Rainsy doesn't improve anything, he really lack of leadership skill, the same old thing again and again. People with him for a long time and don't see anything change or go forward so they're tired of it and no more motivation. Like, if you go to seek for the treasure, your leader says go 10 more mile we'll find the gold. Then go 10 more miles and 10 more miles... but never find it. So who want to do?especially everyday every year every election, everyone have to spend their own money(a lot), time and effort but no return at all just keep spending spending..... People who with Sam Rainsy for long time that can not stand anymore will leave SRP then new ones come and do the same thing, so SRP will go no where. As Sam Rainsay says "the senior ones should go so there will some free space for grassroot". So we should understand what he is talking about!
To 3:17PM
I don't need to be in Ngor Sovann's shoe in order to understand about Sam Rainsy Party! It is morally wrong to join a Vietcong puppet government installed by the Vietcong since 1979 to oppress Cambodian people!
Cambodian resistance fighters died fighting the Vietcong puppet government for 10 years to stop the Vietcong aggression and oppression on Cambodian people for 10 years! And now Cambodian people are beginning to find out that some Cambodian leaders are willing to support the same Vietcong puppet government to oppress Cambodian people again?
Some stupid Cambodian leaders are born to be traitor and have no moral and they are not afraid to show it through their political affiliation!
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