Kampuchea Thmei newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Opposition MPs raised the issue of the draft law on peaceful demonstration, which will be debated and ratified in the near future, saying that it is in fact a law restricting the demonstration organizers. However, CPP MPs rejected this claim and said that the law is not drafted for (the benefit of) any particular party, but that it was drafted to serve the interest of the people.
SRP MP Yim Sovann told reporters at the National Assembly, in the afternoon of 30 January 2008, that the draft law on peaceful demonstration imposes severe restrictions on demonstration organizers, such as the one stipulated in Article 26. In this article, the demonstration organizers are responsible for the damages and any violence which would occur during the demonstration. Yim Sovann pointed this article out to show that, during a demonstration, there could be unscrupulous people who would take this opportunity to create problems in order to blame the demonstration organizers. Yim Sovann added that if there is no change on this issue, nobody would dare demonstrate.
At the same time, Yim Sovann also criticized some wordings used in the draft law, such as: “social order and national security”. He said that in the past, the authority tend to use the excuse of “affecting social order and national security” as an excuse to prevent demonstrators from protesting.
CPP MP Chiem Yeap said that this law existed earlier, but because it was too restrictive, the government then decided to review it, and prepared this new draft law, in order to be up to date for the Nation. He added that the “law” does not set a limit on its use, and even the king is under the law also. Therefore, this is not a further restriction, he said that those who raised this issue only do so to accuse the CPP only. However, the CPP will not hold on to power forever, and that only this law will still be in use as long as there is no amendment to it.
He said that even though the CPP is now winning the election, in the future, when another party wins the election, it will still put this law into practice as well. This law will become into effect in cities as well as in rural areas. This means that everybody must abide by this law. Chiem Yeap indicated that this law was dutifully reviewed by experts before it was sent to the National Assembly for debate and ratification. Furthermore, he said that NGOs also were called to participate in its review, evaluation, and to provide their input also. It was not prepared haphazardly.
He added that, anything that is backed up by a law is very good, there is nothing bad to it, because the law can defend and lead the country to one with the rule of law. This law will provide an application with clear goals.
The draft law on peaceful demonstration includes 6 sections and 30 articles. According to a MP, this law will be presented to the National Assembly for ratification in the near future.
SRP MP Yim Sovann told reporters at the National Assembly, in the afternoon of 30 January 2008, that the draft law on peaceful demonstration imposes severe restrictions on demonstration organizers, such as the one stipulated in Article 26. In this article, the demonstration organizers are responsible for the damages and any violence which would occur during the demonstration. Yim Sovann pointed this article out to show that, during a demonstration, there could be unscrupulous people who would take this opportunity to create problems in order to blame the demonstration organizers. Yim Sovann added that if there is no change on this issue, nobody would dare demonstrate.
At the same time, Yim Sovann also criticized some wordings used in the draft law, such as: “social order and national security”. He said that in the past, the authority tend to use the excuse of “affecting social order and national security” as an excuse to prevent demonstrators from protesting.
CPP MP Chiem Yeap said that this law existed earlier, but because it was too restrictive, the government then decided to review it, and prepared this new draft law, in order to be up to date for the Nation. He added that the “law” does not set a limit on its use, and even the king is under the law also. Therefore, this is not a further restriction, he said that those who raised this issue only do so to accuse the CPP only. However, the CPP will not hold on to power forever, and that only this law will still be in use as long as there is no amendment to it.
He said that even though the CPP is now winning the election, in the future, when another party wins the election, it will still put this law into practice as well. This law will become into effect in cities as well as in rural areas. This means that everybody must abide by this law. Chiem Yeap indicated that this law was dutifully reviewed by experts before it was sent to the National Assembly for debate and ratification. Furthermore, he said that NGOs also were called to participate in its review, evaluation, and to provide their input also. It was not prepared haphazardly.
He added that, anything that is backed up by a law is very good, there is nothing bad to it, because the law can defend and lead the country to one with the rule of law. This law will provide an application with clear goals.
The draft law on peaceful demonstration includes 6 sections and 30 articles. According to a MP, this law will be presented to the National Assembly for ratification in the near future.
They will continue to pass more laws to curb people's rights and freedoms the same way they have done in the past to go after opposition groups. This law would definitely put a lot of pressure on anyone who plan to organize any event. They will send their people to infiltrate the crowds and create violence or destructions to properties in order to get the person they wanted.
Why always pass the fucken laws to restrict Cambodian people right to free expression?
AH CHEIM YAP needs to pass anti-corruption law first which can reduce the cost of living and promote more competition in the market place so Cambodian people have more choices in moving their goods and services!
such as the one stipulated in Article 26. In this article, the demonstration organizers are responsible for the damages and any violence which would occur during the demonstration.
Believing, in mother land of democracy "USA" - if demonstration turns violence and public/private property[s] is/are damaged, police force will enforce law and order, culprit[s]/suspect[s] will be arrested, fully investigate, and charged will be laid according to the severity of violence/damage[s] so does the organizer will be liable for the damage.
Hey! What do you know? In the past AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government sent his thugs to disrupt any peaceful demonstration by Cambodian people or even by Cambodian monks! AH HUN SEN always find ways to frame Cambodian people to shut Cambodian people up!
What about grenade attacked in 1997 which injured American citizen too! The evidence clearly pointed to AH HUN SEN military bodyguard and nothing had been done!
AH HUN SEN needs to understand by now that Cambodian people needs an outlet to express their feeling otherwise they have a choice to copy AH HUN SEN ruthlessness too!
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