Friday, February 08, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
The city of Phnom Penh plans to inaugurate the statue of Samdech Sanghareach Chuon Nath, the former monk chief of the Buddhist Mohanikay sect, as well as the statue of Neak Phirum Pheasa Ou, also known as Kram Ngoy, one of Cambodia’s most famous poets, on 20 and 21 February. The Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper reported that the inauguration of these statues will be presided by Kep Chuktema, the governor Phnom Penh, with the participation of about 3,000 students and government workers. The inauguration will start with a Buddhist blessing of the two statues on 20 February. In the evening of that same day, a Bassac theater show will feature of the story of Preah Vessandara (one of Buddha’s incarnation before his illumination), followed by an all-night-long show of Chapey Dorn Veng, in the Hun Sen park. In the morning of 21 February, the official inauguration of the two statues will take place. These two statues were built since 28 September 2006. The statue of Samdech Sanghareach Chuon Nath is located in the Hun Sen Park, in Chamcar Mon district, and Kram Ngoy’s statue is located in the park facing the Cambodiana hotel in Daun Penh district.
Atta hi attanoneartho attahi attanokati tassmasaing yakmac attanaing saksakyakphak takraingvak vearnichhau.
"Oneself is one's own protector,oneself is one's own refuge.Control,therefore,your own self as a merchant,a spirited charger."
I am very proud of my great uncle-the great Samdech Sanghareach Chuon Nath.
Proud of Samdech Preah Sanghareach Chuon Nath only?
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
When you was at Romlorng Taingkok,I was with Vietcong and Sihanouk.
"La vérité est comme le soleil,elle fait tout voir et ne se laisse pas à regarder"
Can everyone provide me informantion where I can order or purchase Chuon Nath electronic dictionary in Khmer-English and Khmer-Khmer,or vice versa.
I have always admired Samdech Chuon Nath for what he had done for our heritage.
Thank you for your help.
A British electronics retailer's survey concluded that 47% of men would give up sex for six months in order to get a free 50-inch Plasma TV.
revive cambodian language and literature. encourage more reading and studying.
don't forget Sihanoi and Uncle Ho's statue.
And other khmer heroes as well. Please pardon my absent-minded posting.
May God bless our mother land, Cambodia.
Let's build the statue of Samdech Hun Sen in front the the royal palace to thank the people for his achievments and other significant milesone in Cambodia.
Let's all vote for Samdech Hun Sen for the general election in July 2008.
Who is ever Support Ah Tep Vong is Chkut Chhoook.
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