Dear beloved countrymen,
I would like to appeal for all beloved countrymen’s attention about the Preah Vihear issues at the present, which Thailand keeps mentioning day after day about the share of the Prasat.

Preah Vihear is our national property and heritage symbolizing struggle, bravery, justice, and victory. Prasat Preah Vihear, which built by our Great Kings Suryavarman I and Suryavarman II in the 11th and 12th century, is our Pride which stands high above the nation and our life, justly judged and granted to us by the International Court of Justice in Hague in 1962 over Thailand’s claim.
Let’s us protest online now by writing email to Thai government as legitimate reaction against their persistent invading attitude. And if this is not stopped, then we should be ready to protest in Cambodia and worldwide. Let’s the World Know That Again!
Please write reaction in your opinion as a Cambodian, as group or community. This voice will be heard to Cambodian government as an attention, too.
Deepest Regards,
Pang Sokheoun
Tel: 0046761139181
PS: Below is the email address of Thai embassies, Cambodia embassies and foreign embassies in Cambodia. Please send to them.
1. Thai Embassy:
2. Cambodia Embassy:
3. Foreign Embassies in Cambodia:
I would like to appeal for all beloved countrymen’s attention about the Preah Vihear issues at the present, which Thailand keeps mentioning day after day about the share of the Prasat.

Preah Vihear is our national property and heritage symbolizing struggle, bravery, justice, and victory. Prasat Preah Vihear, which built by our Great Kings Suryavarman I and Suryavarman II in the 11th and 12th century, is our Pride which stands high above the nation and our life, justly judged and granted to us by the International Court of Justice in Hague in 1962 over Thailand’s claim.
Let’s us protest online now by writing email to Thai government as legitimate reaction against their persistent invading attitude. And if this is not stopped, then we should be ready to protest in Cambodia and worldwide. Let’s the World Know That Again!
Please write reaction in your opinion as a Cambodian, as group or community. This voice will be heard to Cambodian government as an attention, too.
We all have duty to take responsibility for the nation!
United We Win!
United We Win!

Pang Sokheoun
Tel: 0046761139181
PS: Below is the email address of Thai embassies, Cambodia embassies and foreign embassies in Cambodia. Please send to them.
1. Thai Embassy:,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,, , ,,,,,,
2. Cambodia Embassy:,,,,,,,,,,,,
3. Foreign Embassies in Cambodia:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
as a khmer citizen, i have said many times before that preah vihear is non-negotiable with thailand. thailand need to respect the international court of justice at the hague that ruled in 1962 when thailand tried to claim this khmer temple for itself and lost in cambodia's favor. case was closed already. why is now thailand still think that preah vihear is negotiable? the way i see it is that thailand tries to get the piece of the economic development when the temple is listed in UNESCO as a world heritage site by choice of cambodia and thailand should not have any saying in this matter regards what cambodia can or can not do when cambodia want to list it as world heritage site. if thailand continue to disrespect the court ruling and try to take advantage of cambodia's 30 years of civil unrest as result of the pol pot killing fields, than i advice cambodia to take this case to court for the last time and let the whole world be our witness permanently so we don't have to deal with thailand harrassment again in the future of cambodia like this ever again.
cambodia, please don't let thailand's new gov't misleads us into thinking that we should negotiate with thailand about preah vihear temple. all cambodians and the whole world have already aware that preah vihear temple belongs to cambodia and is located on cambodian soil and it is not negotiable without the consent of the cambodian people and gov't. this preah vihear case is closed to any future joint management or what have you, period. cambodia will not allow thailand to continue to make claim like this. look, if the push come to shove, cambodia can break tie with thailand and there will be no thai allow in cambodian soil, period, if they can not stop this crazy, wishful thinking of them over cambodia. thank you.
In my opinion, my solution to this senseless non-existing quarrel is plain and simple: Ignore all Thai requests and or comments about Preah Vihear by officially asking them to stop all interference in Khmer affair either concerning Preah Vihear or any other matters unless we find any and all matters that actually draw a necessity and importance for the Khmers to displomatically get involved. Other than that the Thai should not have any say in any and all of Khmer affairs. And we'll maintain the neighborly good relation between us. Therefore contacting the Thai in this non-existing quarrel is a waste of time and it can get the Khmers tangled in a net a thousand miles away in the middle of the sea, which means it should not have happened if the Khmer did not get drawn to that net a thousand miles away from home. So, Khmers, do your other businesses as usual and ignore this non-existing quarrel. We can manage our our affair without any interference, or it should be considered as an unwanted but persisting molestation which could spark anger.
Yes, we don't have to pay attention to this non-existing dispute or an unofficial claim from Thailand. If we protest them, it means we recognize there is still a dispute with them about our historical site. But, in actuality, there is nondispute and nonegotiation after the verdict in 1962.
Dear Khmer Leaders and beloved Cambodain People!
I can't help myself from thinking about the Preah Vihear's issue. This is because i am very afraid we could lose one more beloved heritage to Thailand. I think there is nothing to negotiate with Thai any more, because Phreah Vihear lawfully belongs to Cambodia as per fair judgement by the International Court of Justic in Hague in 1962. The international body has already given a justic to Cambodia. Therefore, please ignore and don't care about Thailand's request.
I wonder why we should share the benefit with Thailand while the temple is ours. Thais must have someting secret in thier heart. That is why they keep insisting us to join a negotiation with them.
This manner shows that Thailand is very aggressive and violate the rule by the international court.
I am very worried that we would fall into Thailand's trap through the negotiation. I know thai will raise many interesting points about the joint development of Preah Vihear and lure the govenment to fall into this trap.
Now, they say Cambodia and Thailand can share percentage of the Preah Vihear's benefit , and later on, sooner or later, they will say that Preah Vihear is owned by Thailand.
I have one question to ask you.
If Preah Vihear belonged to Thailand, does the Cambodian govenment dare to propose such a request to Thai? The answer will be that " Impossible ".
We have lost a huge piece of land and many beautiful temples from our ancestors to Thai. We can't risk losing any more.
I am very happy if thing goes as what Mr. Hor Namhong, Minister of foreign affairs, has said Cambodia will raise many points to clarify in the negotiation that the listing of Preah Vihear into the World Heritage does not affect Thailand's torritory.
I believe that what the Cambodian people are longing for now is " Cambodian Govenment must not agree to share benefit with Thailand or with any kind of Thai request regarding the Preah Vihear's issue ".
Thank you and wish all the best to khmer people.
My best regards,
What a fool! I visited Prasat Preah Vihear on July 14, 2006. I crossed the boarder into Thailand to the Thai side of the mountain. I read the green posted sign on a plague under Thai flag pole that said the World Court Judge granted Preah Vihear to Cambodia on June 15,1962. Thai Interio Minister Propas Rojasteos moved the flag pole to the Tahiland side.
Thailand wants to ignore the court decision and whined to the present Cambodian government official. The CPP wanted to discard the judge also by agreeing to talk over this issue. Why negotiate with this sucker? What a dumb leader the CPP is! Give in to the the enemies by giving out the territory nonstop.
Chheam Khmer
I will rally for a protest regarding this matter if the Thais don't stop harassing us and objecting our proposal to list Preah Vihear as Cambodian’s national world heritage site.
The Thais know damn well that it is Cambodia's national heritage site, but they don't give a damn. This is a serious issue and requires serious action. We have already lost a large chunk of land on to Thailand and no one could do anything about it.
I think this is a good chance to flood Thais embassy's emails regarding this matter. Some of us will never be involved in Cambodia’s politics but this is a good opportunity to make a difference. Fight for Cambodia’s rights while we still have the opportunity to do so. It doesn’t cost us anything but a simple email to remind them that Preah Vihea conflict is nothing new and that the Thais should not interfere. There is negotiation needed here.
Thank you
euhhhh correcrtion... There is NO negotiation needed here.
hi all
u all talked well . the thai already stole ta moan, sok kak tom, now they want preah vihear ? what else do they want after they also stole lands of former khmer reistance like chum rum chas, chum thmei, whole of site ii camp, site b, etc ? cpp govt never talked about these losses, I am sure they will budge to the thai as they have no khmer brain. let protest to the cpp first if we want to win. that is i always let fuck the yuon dogs out first.
we love our country our heritage, i wish Mr. strongman HUN SEN can be stronge with THAI to tell THAI to fuck off, election come close if Mr strongman HUN SEN can tell THAI to fuck off he will win the election again, at the mean time, i also want to hear something from the democratic man SAM RANSY too, until today i dont not hear anything, may be Mr. democracy RANSY also afraid of THAI too?? if so let us know now, we will rethink about election. i just want someone as a leader who care about the country..........
hey fool 5:47pm hun Sen needs do nothin' he automatically win anyway thru manupulation the election only idiots like you srp hrp whatsoever still dreaming hun sen and his party will rule forever untill a brave man like polpot start people revolution!
Preah is undisputedly Khmer. There should no be any pretend for Khmer to protest to give the Thai any impression that this is a contested site. Let's not make the same mistake with the border issue that was reconginze by the UN in 1954, where the Hun Sen government sign a supplemental border treaties with both the Thai and VietCong to created a white zone that we're keep on loosing. The Hun Sen should station troops around Prea Vihear and ready to defend if needed. The Thai will not risk any major conflict on an already international reconized site. They have much repuation to loose should they risk this conflict.
no latter supplement treaties or whatever can supercede the official 1954 maps when cambodia was officially recognized by the world and cambodia was ok with it, then. cambodia will always stick by our original maps and treaties so this way, enemies can't take advantage of us while we're having internal conflict or what have you. period, case closed! no more excuses for thailand and vietnam with their bad intention to cambodia; and don't called them our friends, they're never will be our friend given historical records. god, i hate thai and viet. they better leave cambodia alone. so sick of these people wanted to control cambodia when they aren't that better than cambodia themselves. go fuck yourself, siem and youn. you're not welcome in cambodia for what you people did to us.
Take Ah Kwack and CPP out of Cambodia and Cambodian will know how to use laws national and international!!!!!!!
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