The report above also mentions about an article published by The Khmer Post, a Cambodian local newspaper in Long Beach, on this issue also, this article is available by clicking here.
Due to the length of this report, KI-Media apologize to our readers for not being to post the English translation.
Dear fellow Buddhists !
As a Buddhist who have been in and out of Wat IRAP or "VIPASSANA" since the creation of this pagoda in 1981, I just want you all to take a little times to understand the word" VIPASSANA" which the pagoda bears the name:
"VIPASSANA" is totally different from "PASSANA". In the language of India in the time of Buddha, PASSANNA meant seeing things in the ordinary way, with one's opened eyes; but VIPASSANA is observing things as they actually are, not just they appear to be.Apparent truth has to be penetrated until we reach the ultimate truth of the entire psycho-physical structure. When we experience this truth then we learn to stop reacting blindly, to stop creating negativities-as naturally the old ones are gradually eradicated. We become liberated from misery and experience true happiness. And from that wisdom will take place of ignorance. Because out of ignorance we keep reacting in ways which harm ourselves and others. But when wisdom arises-the wisdom of observing reality as it is, the habit of reacting falls away. We cease to react blindly, then we are capable of real action-action preceding from a balanced mind, a mind which sees and understand the truth. Such action can only be positive, creative, helpful to ourselves and others...
Dear fellow Buddhists !
Only the Buddha's teaching can solve the Buddhist's problems. Please practice compassion all the way and settle the problem peacefully!
Neung Sin
Lok Diep Tvoeu trov...
Lok Sin Niyeay trov...
This dispute is totally secular world or the world of greedy. So, we should solve it according this greedy world, not vipassana world.
When we check with greedy world, we can see according to articles that former temple committees have fiercely committed wrong such as:
1. no preparing term-election
2. controlling/occupying the Buddhist monks in the temple
3. no transparency in using public budget (temple donations).
Above few errors would be a serious question for former committees.
I do hope the conflict can settle down peacefully and fraternally among Khemrs, especially among Buddhist khmers.
Khmer Young (Kaun Khmer) kor niyeay trov.
Toeu K-yom niyeay trov té?!
Wondered, why Ly Diep and Soth Poline have involed into the Temple? Becareful, don't let them guys made a big mass like Wat Willow and end up with law suit....
Venerable Kong Chhean won the case.
Soth Poline end paid him for 10 years with terms and conditions.
Hahaha Ly Diep and Soth Poline again..... but another Wat. We hope the Board members won't sue these guys as Wat Willow.
Pi Doeum
Wat Willow = Wat Ta Chhean
Wat IRAP = Wat Ta Chhèm
Eilov: Wat IRAP = Wat Khmer Yoeung.
Wat Willow Chit dor Chhmuos hoeuy!
Cheyo! Kamlaing Ouba-sak, Ouba-seka!!!!!!
U r confusing with Soth Poline, and Soth Palin.
These both guys are brother, but very different.
Warm you mind first!
This conflict has proved to me that this tribe,the khmer,no matter where they lived they will never get along.America should get rid all these scumbag once and for all.
Why all these medias people get involed with this Temple? Is there any interest for them? Is there any political or money prior to conflict? All these paper bag never get along no matter where they go. Khmer society is really divided. Ly Diep may wants the people from temple to support his khmer krom exile goverment, because he is serving himself a position as Head Goverment Advisor.
Pouch Neak Chambaing !!!
Nev soall tea pi neak ko chbaing knea dea ! Khmass ke nass khmer eui ! Lmom deung khluon khlah tev ! When the Khmer bouddhists go to the court with an anger heart, the whole world will get really confused; who these people are ?
Conflict is normal for normal peoples like you and me. Conflict is not bad when we can explore benefit from it.
Life without a conflict is a stupid one. Peoples are diversely different, and it is naturally diverse. So, human beings cannot avoid conflict regardless of Khmers, or ethnic Khmers,....every race has the same conflict.
But one important thing is that, they know how to benefit from conflicts. If Khmers know how to benefit from conflicts too, it would be fair enough for Khmers who are the descendants of Angkor blood.
It's funny since you mention Angkor blood. Apparently, the new Khmer generation is nothing close to the Angkorian. It's a pitiful shame and a shameful pity.
I heard Ta Chhèm is Mé Klooang, Mé behind the crooked people.
Check out "Wat Irap" on youtube for the truth. Soth Paline, Bryant Ben, Ly Diep and their gangs are all phonies putting on a show for all to see. Beware of the tall white man by the name of Gary Fountaine or something like that. This guy also has a hidden agenda of trying to be some US government official to Cambodia. All of these people are actings like viruses, causing destruction everywhere. We all need to stand up and try to get these kind of people out of the lime light that they are currently living in. Khmer Post and Serey Pheap are just a few bad newspapers that never really became anything once people found out about their hidden agendas. Please take a look. Justice4watirap is justice for all Cambodians...
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