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Dear Readers,
We are presenting below an opinion expressed by Cambodian-Americans on the US presidential primary. The opinion expressed below is solely that of the author of the article. We invite our readers to send in your opinions and reflections on other US presidential contenders. Please email them to us for posting at:
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KI-Media Team
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Op-Ed by Khmer Quorum
Originally posted at
A battlefield toward a presidential nomination for the two major parties--Democrat and Republican in the US, the largest democratic country in the world-- has turned fiercely on Tuesday night , February 5, 2008. While Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s contest has turned into a deadlock , on the Republican side, John McCain has emerged as a front-runner among his opponents-- Mitt Romney and Mike Hukabee who have adopted more conservative approach on social issue-- after wining the two key states, New York and California.
What does it mean for Cambodia if Senator John McCain win the presidency in November? As an American hero during Vietnam War, McCain is prominent among American publics for his honesty and moderate political view. During Vietnam War, his air plane was shot down by the Vietnamese anti-aircraft missile , and his fade was ended up in a Vietnamese jail kwon as Hanoi Helton. As an air force commander, he refused to leave the jail until all American prisoners would be released with him.
For contemporary American politicians, McCain is the most knowledgeable politician for Southeast Asia politics, especially Vietnam and Cambodia. He is a staunch supporter of democratic cause in Cambodia. Since 1993, McCain has openly and fiercely criticized human rights record in Cambodia and condemned Hun Sen directly for his numerous ruthless actions against his opponents. Senator McCain also has a warm relationship with many Cambodian opposition leaders such as Mr. Son Subear, Mr. Sam Rainsey, Mr. Kem Sokha, and so on.
In the US, McCain is a political icon and a trusted politician among many Cambodian Americans. He always helps Cambodian Americans to address all issues related to their homeland. As a senator from Arizona where only a few Cambodians have settled, McCain possesses a limited power to help Cambodian people to fight for true democracy for their homeland. But if he become the president of the US, the most powerful country on earth, he will have more power to help Cambodian people to fight for their freedom.
Based on his background and good record for helping Cambodian community, all Cambodian Americans should consider John McCain as a first choice for their ballot in this November election. Although recently American foreign policy toward Cambodia has been changed drastically, do not discourage because Americans have never abandoned their principle as the great democratic champion in the world. When Americans win the war on terrorism, democracy will become their top priority for their foreign policy again.
Dear Readers,
We are presenting below an opinion expressed by Cambodian-Americans on the US presidential primary. The opinion expressed below is solely that of the author of the article. We invite our readers to send in your opinions and reflections on other US presidential contenders. Please email them to us for posting at:
Thank you,
KI-Media Team

Op-Ed by Khmer Quorum
Originally posted at
A battlefield toward a presidential nomination for the two major parties--Democrat and Republican in the US, the largest democratic country in the world-- has turned fiercely on Tuesday night , February 5, 2008. While Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s contest has turned into a deadlock , on the Republican side, John McCain has emerged as a front-runner among his opponents-- Mitt Romney and Mike Hukabee who have adopted more conservative approach on social issue-- after wining the two key states, New York and California.
What does it mean for Cambodia if Senator John McCain win the presidency in November? As an American hero during Vietnam War, McCain is prominent among American publics for his honesty and moderate political view. During Vietnam War, his air plane was shot down by the Vietnamese anti-aircraft missile , and his fade was ended up in a Vietnamese jail kwon as Hanoi Helton. As an air force commander, he refused to leave the jail until all American prisoners would be released with him.
For contemporary American politicians, McCain is the most knowledgeable politician for Southeast Asia politics, especially Vietnam and Cambodia. He is a staunch supporter of democratic cause in Cambodia. Since 1993, McCain has openly and fiercely criticized human rights record in Cambodia and condemned Hun Sen directly for his numerous ruthless actions against his opponents. Senator McCain also has a warm relationship with many Cambodian opposition leaders such as Mr. Son Subear, Mr. Sam Rainsey, Mr. Kem Sokha, and so on.
In the US, McCain is a political icon and a trusted politician among many Cambodian Americans. He always helps Cambodian Americans to address all issues related to their homeland. As a senator from Arizona where only a few Cambodians have settled, McCain possesses a limited power to help Cambodian people to fight for true democracy for their homeland. But if he become the president of the US, the most powerful country on earth, he will have more power to help Cambodian people to fight for their freedom.
Based on his background and good record for helping Cambodian community, all Cambodian Americans should consider John McCain as a first choice for their ballot in this November election. Although recently American foreign policy toward Cambodia has been changed drastically, do not discourage because Americans have never abandoned their principle as the great democratic champion in the world. When Americans win the war on terrorism, democracy will become their top priority for their foreign policy again.
From 1970 to 1975 Khmer people were left behind by US's Foreign Policy .....the result was 2.5 million Khmer lives who were died in the hand of Evil communists Khmer rouge & Viet-Hanoi.
We,Khmer,will wait to see another Dream-Pie will fall from the Sky (US's Foreign policy).
Will Uncle Sam win on Terrorism War ?
We, Khmers, should not be extremely siding with China or US.
Effective foreign policy of Cambodia must be in the moderate way.
However, comparing to current influence of both US and China; Cambodia has received huge benefits from liberty ideology of US, democracy aids from US, and economic liberalization (ex. garment factories) from US. But if we look at China: is also the supporter of KR, and aids from China fully prolongs authoritarianism in Cambodia.
However, Cambodia should utilize China to balance politics with Vietnam and US. It is the priceless goods that Cambodia has in the diplomatic bargain.
Is he the guy who dropped bombs to kill our nation in 1972-73?
Why the fucking Khmer should vote for him? Bullshit comments!
No American should be trusted!
No, he wasn't the guy who dropped bombs in 1972-73.
Please study some more history of Southeast Asia.
It was Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger who secretly dropped them secretly without the American public, which led to Nixon's Watergate scandale and led to his drop out of office during his tenure.
However's America's mood swings all the time. One time, they wanted to invade Iraq then now they want to get out of it due to high casualties.
Don't forget about their own interests also, folks. Change also happens whether it be good or bad.
This is why there's only 2 terms in office for an American president.
Maybe right now, we need to side with the super POWER. Because hanoi is progressively taking controll of cambodia and cambodian government. More and more high official in cambodian government is vietnamese incase some of you reader don't know.
SO, maybe the solution for cambodia, and cambodian in this century is JOHN McCAIN.
SO, think about it khmer people!!!!!!!
let get hanoi out of cambodia, KHMER is getting poorer and poorer, and more and more khmer is trying to get out of cambodia due to the result of vietnamese occupying in cambodia.
Make no mistake, no candidate, whether Democrat or Republican will have Cambodia on their agenda. This is decided on by their secretaries and under-secretaries. Don't expect anything to change in U. S. policy towards Cambodia and its government.
Did we hear anything from Mr. Obama? or Mrs. Clinton about Cambodia?
Mr. McCain is perhaps the only candidate that we know of, voicing his support the development and freedom in Cambodia. Does relation matter? You bet your life!
President Ronald Regean is The Giant when it comes to freedom and democracy. This was truely leading to the withdrawal of the Vietcong troop in Cambodia during his term.
President Bush is best known today as the hardcore Freedom Fighter around the world. Without Mr. US's Ambassador in Cambodia, we can forget about the Human Right, The KR trail and most of the trades in our country. You can also forget that we can even get this far as well. So vote carefully and vote for the right President!
Ordinary Khmers
If we want to influence our vote in America on Cambodia, pls vote for Mr. McCain.
Pang Sokheoun
Dear Cambodian Americans,
MacCain is our one and only hope to liberate our country from the imperialist YUON XEN.
Please support him completely.
From Samrek chheam Khmer neak sne ha cheat.
Madeline Albright has also advocated for freedom in Cambodia. She's a close friend of the Clintons. The Albright-Cambodia relationship is similiar to the McCain-Cambodia relationship. But we can see more advocating for Cambodian causes if a Hillary was in the White House because she has a history of being for women's rights, children's rights, human rights. McCain as President will help Cambodian causes as well, but I doubt he will be effective.
i supported any one individual that won the election. it shows that the american people have choosen their leader, and it is every citizen responsibility to respect and except that, no matter which side they originally sided. this is how american people think, in terms of consolidation of power to make our nation the strongest in the world and will always be, no matter who's in the office.
so, i think cambodia, as a fledgling democracy nation can learn a lot from our beloved america. and, mutually, america can learn from cambodia and the world as well, in some aspect. everybody can always learn from everybody else. i would like america and the powerful nations of the world continue to help cambodia in all fields, more so in the field of gov't reforms, establish a strong justice system, establish a good public services system like healthcare for the disadvantaged from all walk of life, help strengthen democracy, good governance,and even establish a social services in the field of mental health, rejuvenate the social security system to lessen corruption in the country, and strengthen the postal system and tax system in the country as the khmer rouge reign of terror destroyed everything that cambodia stands for. cambodia is very fortunate to receive humanitarian assistance from the western countries, japan, china, etc., i can reassure the world that the cambodians have always appreciated that assistance.
cambodia today ie. the new generation of cambodian people want to make cambodia at great nation for everyone to enjoy living and visiting and doing business there, we mean every nation is welcomed to be good friends with cambodia and cambodia strives to make our country and the world a better place for our children and posterity to come. thank you all for your commitment and continued support. god bless us all.
I encourage all Cambodian American should cast their votes for Sen. John McCain, the most trusted and honorable of all the presidential candidates of 08.
I want him to be us's president. He can help us and our oil or the war
of oil will explode if yuon want to exploit it ??????????
McCain is a sure bet to advance democracy in Cambodia. Hillary is not too bad a choice either, but don't count on OBAMA. I for one will vote for John McCain in November for the sake of Cambodia.
I hope you too.
Dont rely on anyone to help Cambodia but yourselves. Cambodian Americans, Cambodan French, Cambodian Australians, and everyone who is Khmer. You have the power to change our country.
First of all would like to praise and congratulate everyone who comment and debate and the author for posting the Super Tuesday what it means for Cambodia.
My view, I would personally congratulate whosoever will be elected to be the next President of the USA however I hope that the next President of the USA will be ONLY the President of that particular nation and NOT the President of the WORLD, will not abuse his/her mandate or the white house power or a super power nation as everyone have known because right now the world is more shaky places than ever, in particular during the President G W Bush's administration.
If one ever remember the unprecedented and utmost objective of US invasion of Iraq was WMD. Yes, the Weapons of Mass Destruction. Until date, there is not a single WMD found, and that objective has been since then changed to "War on Terror" to justify the current occupation of Iraq.
The only weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq now are suicide bombers - blown up themselves and took away many innocent Iraqi lives.
Even the former British PM "Tony Blair" admitted a mixed up of intelligent [resigned on the height of his political career and paved way for fresh, astute politician] so does the former PM of Australia "John Howard" [since was voted out from the office] - the two astute nations support for the invasion of Iraq based on inflated dossier by CIA and FBI.
The race between Obama and Clinton is yet over, only one of them will the presidency candidate nominee for November presidential election, against McCain - the front runner and sure to be presidency nominee from other party.
Wish that whosoever will be finally elected by the Americans people to the White house would listen to its people and would share the feeling of people from other nations wide world regarding US foreign policy in which majority of Americans if not all American in particular those Americans who have since settled in other parts of the world after September 11 - would like their President to change their foreign policy and their vision for the world, to make a better world and place for all not just USA.
God bless America and its people.
Regardless, I will vote Republican because America is not ready for an African-American or a Woman President yet, personally. It is just my voice, again personally and don't bite my head off because of it. Thank you.
Yar!, I'm Hanoi. Get your best man in the arena, then I will go back. if you cannot find your leadership, remember I'm stil your technical assistant.
to mr hanoi ! cambodia and vietnam don't need no fight. mr.hanoi, it the french who control your country and abuse your country , and not cambodia.
so, stop doing what the french did to you and your history. stop being a bully. f n B. two wrong don't make a right, if " you are the better man " stop being a bully ... its B S .
Mr. Hanoi simply told you all that if you still vote Hun Sen, technical assistance from Hanoi is still in need.
I believe if McCain was the President, he would make some voice when there is political turmoil in Cambodia because he was in the region for many years during the vietnam war and feels the US are somehow responsible for what happened to Cambodia since that war.
Clinton and Obama won't be as concerned when it comes to Cambodian issues.
However, there is little that the US can do to change the situation in Cambodia. Hun Sen will be elected every term he's alive. Hun Sen successfully implemented the Yuon's scheme and fear tactic to make the Cambodian people to vote for him regardless of what kind of person they think he is.
The truth is Cambodia now is at its best since forever. Its economic boom, foreign investments, garment businesses,...and the PEACE convince Cambodian people that current regime is one of the best in their lives although poverty is still consuming the lives of many Cambodians.
I don't think Cambodians want anymore distability. They want the current government to improve its leadership roles. Most of us who live in Western countries tend to cry and protest for the change of leadership in Cambodia without taking into consideration what kind of change will turn Cambodia into. Cambodians are tired of wars, political fights that only result in more corruption and backroom deals.
Cambodian people living abroad should help educate and provide health care to poor cambodians regardless of personal feeling toward the current politicians.
And i believe this is the only way we can change Cambodia and strengthen the very young democracy Cambodians are having right now.
I voted for Obama and hope to vote for him again in November. I like McCain, but I don't like anyone who believes that war can solve problems. Unfortunately McCain is the pro-Bush when it comes to war in Iraq.
All of us know war is a terrible thing. Having seen all the trauma in many Cambodian people resulted from the civil wars, with my moral value, i won't vote for McCain.
Hillary is also a good candidate but she is tricky and tried to use race to make White people vote against the Black Americans. It saddened me a great deal to see such a smart, well educated person use that kind of dirty, and disgusting scheme just for the sake of satisfying their power hunger.
Obama has stood out as the best candidate. He is for PEACE. With his diverse background, he can make unprecedented PEACE deal happen.
As a Cambodian living in the US, I believe that all of us immigrants (Cambodians, chinese, vietnamese, laotians, hmong,phillipinos,.....)owe a great deal of gratitude for the civil right movements the African Americans carried on to to pave the way for us (late immigrants) so we can enjoy what we are having right now.
Therefore it is very silly for someone to say that we are not ready for a Black president. I'm sure that person is not ready for anything that he feels he's not entitled to.
Yes we can change!!!
Obama 08
It doesn't matter who became the president of United States because Uncle SAM want to improve relation with the Vietcong government to curb China influence and the past history will replay itself again!
Clinton, McCain, or Obama and it doesn’t matter!
i agree that the civil rights movement of the 1960s did play a vital role for all newly immigrants today (it was more like the last straw that broke the camel's back, a pivital point in history). the real beginning of the freedom period started off with the american civil war era of the 1860s. a huge credit was given to president abraham lincoln for his 'emancipation proclamation' policy when the union of the north had to fight against the backward south or confederacy of the south, started the civil rights movement since then. US history is a very interesting subject as well.
"distability" you said, 11:44AM? Who wants that, whatever it means because that word doesn't exit in any dictionary...If you meant to say the opposite of "stability", I'd still say - who wants that, while Hun Sen has been subjecting Cambodia and Khmer people to being the Viet's slave already? And you still love to see that regardless of who will be the President of the U.S, right 11:44AM?
So Being Viet/Yuon's slave is better than 11:44 AM's so-called "distability"...
Go to hell 11:44AM!
Hello Mr. 11:44AM,
I think you got yourself confused and shot yourself in the arse by trying to pretend to speak for Khmer people in general (in Cambodia and abroad) and other nationals...The word there is "African American or woman" Mr. 11:44AM...Please don't play a card game that you have no idea of what it is...
McCain, McCain, given what you knew then and what you know now about our people suffering, what would do differently from our currently government to aleviate or possibly edicate these tribulations of Khmer people?
McCain will work with Sam Rainsy to eliminate all commies in Cambodia. McCain will revenge the YOUN over his pass that he was in Hanoi's Hilton. McCain and Samrainsy are best friend you know that?
You all should know that MaCain and Sam Rainsy are together who are forcefully against CPP. That means MaCain will support Sam Rainsy to topple or destroy CPP. At the end, we cambodians will be hurt because of Cambodians fighting Cambodians. Will this lead to another civil war? Think about it, people.
If someone audaciously dare to bring a change to Cambodia, they will be dealt with unprecedented force, which could lead to civil war. The country is moving forward. We DO NOT to change anything.
McCain will support SRP, then Cambodia will be like 1970 again.
Can you imagine what will happen?
We tested many regimes, Lon Nol, Khmer Rouge, Communist and Ranarith(Shit), Nothing work, but got worse.
Just be careful! I agree with some previous comments we should not trust other people than KHMER ourself. As long as no Foreign Influence we are quite safe.
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