Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Thomico: Defecting MPs are betraying the voters

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

In response to a question asked by the Kampuchea Thmei newspaper: “With the defection of Funcinpec MPs to the CPP, can Funcinpec still be a partner with the CPP in the future or not?” Prince Thomico replied that, based on his view, what these MPs are doing is tantamount to their betrayal on the votes given to them by the people who placed their confidence in these MPs. The prince said that the betrayal of the voters’ confidence will make the voters no longer wanting to meet these defectors anymore. Providing a vote to a (Funcinpec) MP means that people like MPs from the Funcinpec party, a royalist party. Therefore, if these MPs defect from Funcinpec, this does not necessarily show that they would join the CPP only, they could also defect to join the SRP, or Kem Sokha’s party, or the NRP. The action taken by these MPs by defecting to one party or another is a betrayal of the people’s vote. However, he said that joining a political party is an individual rights, but these defectors lose all their worth.


Anonymous said...

Defecting/Defector means Poli-Tourist who has no more choice...guy who seeking for position Money Srey Sra Dollars ...

This is the root of so-called Royalist/Democrat or Royal Dogs who are biting each other they are worth than animal Fece(Ach Ko)....

Director of RGC Co. Ltd

Anonymous said...

Defecting/Defector means Poli-Tourist who has no more choice...guy who seeking for position Money Srey Sra Dollars ...

This is the root of so-called Royalist/Democrat or Royal Dogs who are biting each other they are worth than animal Fece(Ach Ko)....

Director of RGC Co. Ltd

Anonymous said...

Realistically, any party memebers would look for an party that would sustain. Of course, ideally, members would stay and help strengthen their weak party. These defectors actually just want to secure their position in the government. Most MPs, if not all, don't really represent interest of people at all.

As for Thomico, not on the comment he made in particular, but in general, I think he is just an idiot fooling around without any clear destination and goal. He does even know what is talking about! Has ever he proposed something worthwhile?

Anonymous said...

So you stupid head prince think that better to be corupted and collaborated with the group that you promise to charleng at the first place to get the vote, it make you honest to the voters?

you must be too stupid than than the rest of royal or you all fucking stupid think that selfish and better your selves is good to the people even people got killed and you live in the palace with every night party?

if you thought like above, i have words for you!


Anonymous said...

wake up, the world is bigger than cambodia. people have the right to change political party. it's not right or just to label those so do so as traitor or or defectors or what have you. people do it all the time in america , europe, etc. please learn from these countries as they are a model for true democracy around the world. people have rights, you know! especially if they see that a political is undermining their beliefs. it's their rights (common law).

Anonymous said...

people, please study common laws, study law and get good educations in order to understand the big picture and please, please learn the analytical skill; it is very important and useful for a leader to be able to think in terms of the interest of the national and society than one's own. please, I beg everyone to stay in school, be self-taught or anything along that line. at least, have an elementary education, experience or something. i don't get along with ignorant people. sorry, that's just the way i am.

Anonymous said...

This [defecting] is not the 1st time and it will not be the last time either.

Sometime, it would be wise for the leader of the party starts to ask themselves why, what is wrong and going on, in particular their political platform and policy.