Tuesday, February 19, 2008

VN Kova paint opens $3 million factory in Svay Rieng

Viet Nam-based Kova Paint Group’s new factory in Svayrieng Province, Cambodia. — VNS Photo Ngoc Hai

VN’s Kova paint opens $3m factory in Cambodia


VNS (Hanoi)

SVAYRIENG, CAMBODIA — Viet Nam-based Kova Paint Group opened its first manufacturing facility in Cambodia on Saturday after two years of construction.

The paint factory, built on 1ha in Bavet Commune in the border province of Svayrieng’s Chantrea District, can turn out 60 tonnes of paint per day.

The factory employs some 100 people, two-thirds of whom are Cambodians.

The president of Kova Paint group, Dr Nguyen Thi Hoe, said the Kova Investment International Cambodia Co, a subsidiary of Kova group, had invested US$3 million in the new factory.

The Vietnamese group contributed 70 per cent of the company’s capital and Singaporean companies the remaining 30 per cent.

Hoe also announced the opening of Soma Kova Holding Ltd, a joint venture between Kova group and a Cambodia company that specialises in selling products manufactured at the Kova’s Cambodian factory in local and overseas markets.

Kova’s products, such as stone-like paint, metallic paint, water – based paint for floors, and heat-insulating paint, among others, made in the Cambodian factory would be exported to Malaysia and Cambodia later this year.

According to Rajeev Vaidya, managing director of DuPont Titanium Technologies, Asia Pacific, Kova began operation in a small unit in the yard of HCM City’s University of Technology in 1992, and now has eight subsidiaries and five plants today.

"In 16 years, the growth of the Kova group under the leadership of Madame Hoe has been phenomenal," said Vaidya.

He said Kova and Dupont had enhanced their co-operation over the last 14 years.

"As Kova has grown, so has the partnership. There are many things that connect Kova and Dupont," said Vaidya.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Paul Keng, the CEO of Kova International Singapore Pte, a subsidiary of Kova group, said the presence of Kova in Cambodia and Singapore would create a gateway for the Kova group to ASEAN countries as well as global markets.


Anonymous said...

These days Cambodia is attracting only low wage intensive labor factories and now there will be toxic chemical factories is on the horizon! I wouldn't be too quick to praise the Vietcong-base Kova Paint Group investment in Cambodia yet because it would years to see the real environmental impact on the local Cambodian community and I will pray to God that dirt poor Cambodian workers are prepared to handle the calamity that will happen to them! The Vietcong government is in process of exporting toxic chemical factories to Cambodia to kill dirt poor Cambodian people and thank to AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave for the so called Vietcong investment!

Check it out!




Anonymous said...


I am not pro Vietnamese but what kind of wages do you want for Cambodian workers when they know have no skill to begin with? Cambodians must be serious of what they want for their lives; if they want high wages, they go to school and work hard to get there.

Anonymous said...

4:39 is a sick idiot.

Anonymous said...

To 9:05PM and 9:25PM

Thank you for pointing out that I am an idiot! But then again you have nobody to thank except AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave for destroying Cambodian educational system! And when dirt poor Cambodian student starting to bribe their teacher just to get attention then you know what the hell I am talking about!

So tell me who long does it takes to train dirt poor Cambodian people for a better job? I would say it would take 2-3 years for technical job! 4-6 years to be engineer, and 10-15 years to be a doctor! Now base on this time line and AH HUN SEN dictator had been in power for 30 years and what has AH HUN SEN done for dirt poor Cambodian people in the area of education besides sending his children oversea for better education?

Let not talk about for 30 years since AH HUN SEN came to power, what about the past 10 years or the last 5 years? I had seen AH HUN SEN so called school and it looks more like a barn than a school! Yes there are a lot of school named after AH HUN SEN but upon closer inspection and the fucken schools don't even have basic supplies such as book and library, running water, toilets, lighting, unqualified teachers, low standard and low expectation, just to name a few...

The way all of you fools talk like Cambodian people are running out of options for better education! But don't blame me if your children get lung or throat cancer from one of those Vietcong factories! I told you that it is painful to be stupid and when dirt poor Cambodian people are forced to be stupid to take dangerous job and they will die early from working and living in such dangerous environment and their potential will cut short and the burden of healthcare cost will break Cambodian primitive healthcare system!

Anonymous said...

Case study (help me what you can):

Case number 1: we eat at one of high class restaurant (but not a uppper and fancy one). Although there are many varieties choices (from too expensive to less expensive dishes. We didn't choose very expensive menu because we can't effort but we would like to go there to eat what we can effort in that restaurant. We beleived some people may have chosen top menu because they can effort. We choose what we can pay for. What is our point to bring this up: " to consider individual ability to od thing or to pay for."

Case study # 2: There are four grown children in our family:
1. The oldest one is a med doctor.
2. The second one is a financial
3. The third one is a speech
4. The fourth one is working odd
jobs: she can be cashier at
grocery store or working in
fast foodplace and another
time she does nothing.
So, what our point: We wish if all of children had the same ability. But not all of them. So the people of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

people start off small, like any job anywhere. it's called entry level job, especially if they don't have any experience or skill, etc. so, it's ok like this; at lease they have a job to earn some income to support their family. so, stop being so greedy. i know, don't we all want a high paying job; that's why it is very important to stay in schoold and get educated and earn a degree, etc. it would help tremendous. this is a khmer person talking. so, stop demanding a high pay until at least pass you probationary period or something. the other thing is work to get a foot in the door, first before making unrealistic demand like higher pay. i know, some of us wanted to be the hero to the poor people, but please be realistic about it; don't overdo it, too soon! even, jobs in the US won't increase salary for their workers until perhaps 3 to 5 years into the job. that is why there are many union workers in large jobs in the US and Europe to form strike if their demand, after a certain year is not met.

Anonymous said...

To 11:42PM and 1:44AM

All of you are creating too many excuses that Cambodia must start slow or eat what they can afford or stop demanding high pay or some want to be a hero to Cambodian people, comparing Cambodia to US and Europe...

I believe that AH HUN SEN must not put restriction on every Cambodian people to progress at the same level because real progress doesn't work that way! For example, most Cambodian people knew about the Khmer Rouge government that implements the communist program base on the concept that all Cambodian people are equal! The Cambodian population must wear the same black cloth, all Cambodian population must eat in commune (or sharing), all Cambodian people must sleep on dirt, and all Cambodian people must work without pay like a slave...

What I am talking about is that Cambodia as a nation must progress at the pace of the developing world quickly and that is why AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government must create a very competitive system with incentive to all those Cambodian people who want to be very successful and to move beyond the simplicity of life!

If Cambodia doesn't want to progress with the developing world but rather to go with AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave slow pace philosophy and soon the enemies will come to Cambodia door step to negotiate more treaties to give away more land and to give more economic concession to control Cambodian economy which will have negative impact on every aspect of Cambodian people life!

Please remember that some Cambodian people don't born to be a worker but to be a leader!

Anonymous said...

of course, we have to compare cambodia to the US and Europe if we want changes and if we want to learn. this is how people learn, from others who are more fortunate and better than themselves. this is a learning process. look what happened in cambodia already in the past 30 years or so while the entire world advanced forward, we advanced backward; its a sign that cambodia need to learn from other advanced countries. we can't discard that, especially, if we want cambodia to be productive. it's called competition. we have to adopt this new worldly attitude. in fact, many things in this world is already well-known all over the world, perhaps except in cambodia. this is why we all need to educate our cambodia in a worldly fashion. aren't you aware that people can learn in many different methods; i'd like cambodia to be able to adopt a worldly attitude as well so our people are not left in the dark for too long. wake up and look outside of cambodia as well. nowaday, children can learn in school and don't have to rely on their parents anymore, especially if you lived overseas like the USA or European countries you can see this is so true. so , i hope cambodia can learn from the world as well as the world can learn from cambodia. we all can learn something from everybody. please get with the program, think outside of the box for once, and see the world in a big, big picture way and stop being so pessimistic in one's view and expect others like myself to see like your narrowed-mindedness. i won't do that. i think it's better to encourage cambodian people to be smart because apparently, not everybody there are smart enough to see the world as you and i see cambodia from outside of this ignorant box.

Anonymous said...

you don"t make any sense 3:35am

Anonymous said...

I'm not exicted at all as a Khmer to see Vietnamese chemical factory come and produce chemical stuff in Cambodian land. The only, I mean only, two reasons they the Vietnamese come in build the factory in Cambodia are:
1) The Vietnamese want to divert the health-related risks, caused by chemical harzards coming out from the paint production, to Cambodian land and people.
2) It's easier to manipulate the business in places like Cambodia where corruption is a common preactice.

They are not coming to help Cambodia, but they are exploiting it under the name of development investment. The question here is why they don't open this kind of business in some of the areas in their own coutry where there are a lot of poor Vietnamese that are in need of this similar job. It's because they gov't cannot afford to deal with health-related cocnerns that may happen to their people as a consequence of the chemiclly-involved paint production.

Anonymous said...

Health concerns make sense more! Cambodia has to be careful in accepting some investment project, especially, if it creates health hazzard for our people.

Anonymous said...

Stop all your nonsense,their would be any khmer worker in that factory place to begin with.ah youn-have enought of their own low wages worker to worker their and after 10,to 15 years their would be any cambodia,left in that province."ANANIKUM AMERICA RULES!"

Anonymous said...

Hazardous my ass!!what is it that you people wanted?to live with pigs and raise a chicken under your house with all kind of disease.no clean water no toilet to go to ect?

Anonymous said...

To 8:31AM

Hey Jack Ass! It sounds like you are speaking from experience! Ahhahhaahahahah
I bet you used to raise pigs and chickens under your house because you were so afraid that your neighbors or thieves might steal for dinner!

Frankly I had been to dirt poor Cambodian farmer residence and because their house is high off the ground and the pigs and the chickens were running all over the places and I don't remember see any dirt poor Cambodian farmers raise pigs and chicken under their house!

Now where did you learn that by having dirt poor Cambodian workers working in a Vietcong toxic factory and it is the same environment as raise pigs and chickens? Is this what you are trying to say? Help me understand you some more because what you said don't make any sense at all!

Do you know anything about toxic waste from heavy metal such Lead, cadmium, nickel and other industrial metals...

For example Lead can cause brain damage and that is why you heard so much about products recalled over the years especially million and million of children toys made in China which the paint used on the children toys were contaminated with Lead!

Oh! What the fuck and you will never going to understand anything because your brain has too much salt and contaminated with Lead!