Friday, February 29, 2008

What VN means by cooperation: Facilitation, facilitation and more facilitation of Vietnamese businesses by Hun Sen's regime

Vietnam, Cambodia meet for border provinces’ cooperation

VNA (Hanoi)

VietNamNet Bridge – The Fourth Meeting on Cooperation and Development among Border Provinces of Vietnam and Cambodia wrapped up in Sihanouk Ville, Cambodia, on February 28.

The two-day meeting, co-chaired by Vietnamese Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Sinh Hung, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sar Kheng, drew representatives from ministries, institutions and border provincial authorities of the two countries.

In an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, the two sides emphasised the significance and necessity to enhance the mechanism of the meeting on cooperation and development among the countries’ border provinces.

Both sides said they were determined to maintain and increase the efficiency of this cooperation mechanism to build the border area into a region of peace and prosperity, contributing to enhancing and expanding the “good neighbourliness, friendship, cooperation and long-term stability between Vietnam and Cambodia.

At the meeting, the two sides reviewed the implementation of agreements reached at the previous third meeting held in Long Xuyen town of An Giang Province, Vietnam, in December 2006.

The sides spoke of their satisfaction in the outcomes of comprehensive cooperation between ministries, institutions and provinces of the two countries, emphasising that the results have made important contributions to changing the face of the countries’ border localities in socio-economics and consolidating security, stability and order along the common border line.

The two sides discussed measures to continue promoting cooperation in 2008 and agreed to focus on a number of key areas including upgrading infrastructural facilities, particularly traffic infrastructure as it is a key to promote socio-economic development and trade.

The two countries also agreed to promote cooperation in trade, investment, service and tourism in the borders of the two countries, build border economic regions and border markets as well as enhance cooperation in agro-forestry and fisheries, education and training, healthcare and personnel development for the two countries’ border localities.

The two sides will together enhance cultural, artistic and public exchange among border provinces, actively fulfill border demarcation and plantation as scheduled and boost cooperation and collaboration in defending security, stability and order along the common borderline.

The two sides agreed to provide preferential treatment in investment, trade and services carried out in border areas.

The Cambodian side then welcomed Vietnamese companies to invest in power plant construction and infrastructure development in Cambodia. The two sides also pledged to beef up construction of Road 78 in Cambodia that links Oyadao with Ban Lung in Rattanakiri Province and said they would speed up a feasibility study on building the Khanh Binh bridge to connect Mekong Delta’s An Giang Province with Chrey Thom in Cambodia’s Kandal Province.

The Cambodian side said it would create conditions for Vietnamese companies to cooperate in the exploration and exploitation of Cambodian oil, gas and minerals as well as in joint projects on growing industrial crops so ensure they can be carried out as soon as possible.

The two sides also decided to continue cooperation in agriculture, healthcare, education, culture, social affairs and tourism.

The Vietnamese side pledged to continue working with and aiding Cambodia in preventing and fighting plant and animal epidemics and in human resource training in Cambodian border localities.

Meeting participants applauded the fruitful and effective cooperation in maintaining security and stability in border areas shared by the two countries, in land and on sea.

They noted the need to maintain and maximise communication channels, share information and experience, and train personnel from administration, security and defence agencies in border provinces.

They two sides agreed to collaborate on joint patrols, reinforce inspections to prevent illegal immigration, and cooperate in countering trans-border crimes and terrorist activities in their common border areas.

They reiterated the need to continue the policy of not permitting outside forces to use one’s territory as a base to conduct operations against the other.

The two sides also reached an agreement to raise awareness and understanding among people, officials and soldiers from border areas about the countries’ laws, border-related regulations and signed agreements.

They decided to continue prioritising the demarcation and planting of landmarks on the shared border and strive to complete the task as previously agreed.

The countries also agreed to accelerate the opening of new border gates and upgrade existing border gates to facilitate cross-border travel and transportation as well as deploy negotiations and sign a visa exemption agreement for ordinary passport holders.

During the meeting, the two Deputy PMs signed a security cooperation plan for 2008 between the Vietnam Ministry of Public Security and the Cambodia Ministry of Home Affairs.

In addition, leaders of border provinces and representatives of ministries and sectors of the two countries held separate working sessions and meetings to discuss their cooperative programmes.

At the end of the meeting, the two sides issued a joint communique and agreed to hold the fifth meeting in Vietnam in 2009.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mee Jkout (Socheata), that is exactly what we needed in order to maintained our healthy economic growth and keeping it from slacking. That is FACILITATION.

Anonymous said...

The fucken Vietcong government has a long list of items to facilitate, to be done and to achieve with stupid Cambodian leaders and it look very impressive and very convincing from the outside observer!

I found out long time ago that it is the Vietcong nature to sign all kind of agreements to fool Cambodian leaders but too often nothing is achieved by any Vietcong standard! For example, when AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave signed his first border treaty in 1979 to redraw Cambodian boundary and the agreement was disguised as peace and friendship treaty by the Vietcong government! And the Vietcong master did it again 1983, 1985 and 2005 border treaties!

Now here again in 2008 the Vietcong government is still using the same dirty old tactic to make Cambodian leaders agree to every Vietcong demand from road building, to power generation, economic trade...

Cambodian leaders are behaving like little children! I believe these Cambodian leaders have a lot to study and to catch with what is going on in the world especially in dealing with the Vietcong who dare come to Cambodia to demand that Cambodian leaders must co-operate with the Vietcong on all issues as if Cambodian leaders don’t even how to think what is good for Cambodia! It is such a shame to see Cambodian leaders behave like this more like a helpless hooker even 30 years after the fall of the Khmer Rouge!

As always the Vietcong government has every right to audit AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government performance and after all AH HUN SEN is the Vietcong slave!

Anonymous said...

Don't care. We just want more investments. Our population is exploding and we can't let them down.

Anonymous said...

I know the Vietcong population is exploding and soon the free flow of Vietcong problem into Cambodia will be Cambodian problems and that is why the Vietcong government keeps pushing to build the 6 lanes express highways as soon as possible to relieve the Vietcong economic and population pressure!

Just watch the free flow of illegal Vietcong population into Cambodia, the crime, the pollution, the disease, the economic competition on dirt poor Cambodian people, pressure on available land to accommodate Vietcong population...Cambodia under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave leadership is inviting more problems which he can't solve in the long run!

Everything the Vietcong leaders had done for Cambodia is disguise in the name of “good neighborliness, friendship, cooperation and long-term stability between Vietnam and Cambodia." So tell me did Cambodia achieve friendship and economic prosperity yet since the first border treaty signed by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave in 1979?

Of course not!

Anonymous said...

Oh stop dreaming, only stupid people from the Slum (Long Beach) will move to Mexico for lower pay. Vietcong would never do that. They stay in Vietnam with a healthier economy and higher pay job than Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

cambodia people must continue to protest against what seems like the vietnamese overwhelming the cambodia investment and market place. what are youn thinking? go home, youn!! cambodia don't need you. if we need you we'll call you, but don't call us!!

Anonymous said...

To 1:13AM

The Vietcong economy is such in good shape that why the Vietcong Dong is worth much less than Cambodian riel! Ahhahahhahhahah

Get you fucken Vietcong Dong out of Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

The Viet are so good so they sold their mothers and daugther all over Assia not just in Cambodia!

Read about Vietnamese girld put on street oction in Malasia?

Or are you ah Kwack and got The stupid Vietname PHD without leurning too?

Anonymous said...

Well, Phd is better than No Phd, and it is still a hundred times better that "The Terminator Man" who govern the Slum (Long Beach) with no recognition from anywhere.

Anonymous said...

To 5:49AM

Show me the slum in Long Beach! I am curious about the slum in Long Beach...

Anonymous said...

Here, we go:

Tell me what is the average stars rating is, from the 7 commenters.

Anonymous said...

Face it, Cambodia's government always be a puppet for some other nations. The only disappointing part is a Vietnamese Pupet...SAD SAD...

The current leaders and future leaders need to set a clear agenda and become more self reliance. The Khmer leader must stand for its people, country, and its future...

Anonymous said...

Here's a recent event on youtube.

Anonymous said...

Vietnamse puppet, American Puppet, Russia Puppet, China Puppet, ..., What difference does it make, unless you are a racist (7:02)? Everyone is someone puppet, including you.

Anonymous said...

i rather be a puppet of the USA, japan and europe, not the viet and thai, please. siem and youn must go home. don't call us, we'll call you. actually, we're not going to call you. so get lost, siem and youn people. if you persist in cambodia you will be our indentured slave for life! be warned! there is no future in cambodia for you!!! 1) you can't even speak cambodian, 2) cambodians have to love you, 3) you can't even write cambodian, 4). finally, you are not cambodian citizen by birth or by blood. and we can not get along with you, because your nothing similar to us in many ways. we don't prefer you, we prefer the USA, japan, europe, australia, korea, china, russia, etc., but not siem and you. sadly, but very true if you ask any khmer person!

Anonymous said...

To 6:54AM!

Gee! This is a fucken virtual tourist! Do you even know what the word "virtual" mean? Virtual mean it is not real!

I don't live in Long Beach and I wouldn't claim to know everything but from my recent visit to friends in Long Beach! Long Beach has change so much and there are more police on patrol since 9/11 the terrorist attacked of the world trade center! Long Beach is one of the most diverse than any other cities in America! And when Long Beach has such a diversity with people coming from all part of the world with different cultural background, different mind set, and different perception how thing should be and of course there are bound to be some kinds of conflicts and that is the price Long Beach will have to pay for being diverse!

But I notice Long Beach is becoming very expensive place to live and soon many of the bad and lazy people will have to move out the city to find a cheaper place to live!

By the way all the comments were around 2002 and 2005 and 3 to 5 years had been passed and things have changed! You don't expect me to believe the information that is 3-5 years old! And the comments never say anything about slum but a danger or caution and the danger is usually at the edge of the city of Long Beach which is bordering with another city! Well, this is life in a big city and what you expect! You did such a poor job in convincing me and you should be ashamed of yourself!

One more time, please tell me where the slum in Long Beach because it is a golden opportunity for real estate investment and this is what you called “depress property”

Anonymous said...

Agree to some extend that virtual is not real. Textbook are virtual, but there are lot of truth in text book also, aren't it?

And what you mean by, "soon many of the bad and lazy people will have to move out the city to find a cheaper place to live!"? Do you mean poor people will be driven out by making thing too expensive for them to hack, and then grab their land, is that what are you telling us?

Anonymous said...

Here more source for you, 10:25:

Are we happy yet?

Anonymous said...

To 10:41AM

Are you trying to change the subject on me? What you are telling me is the story of a slumlord! You suppose to tell me the slum in Long Beach!

Are you telling me that slum (location) = slumlord (human)?

You are fucken stupid to argue with me in the first place! Your mother will be happy with your stupidity!

Case closed!

Anonymous said...

To 10:38AM

Hey! I suggest that you read my writing carefully next time before you jump to conclusion okay! I don't like to curse at people but if you do it again and I will curse the hell out of you!

I never once mention anything about "poor people" in my writing and all I said "bad and lazy people" okay! When I say bad and lazy people and they could be criminals, gangsters, drug dealers, prostitutes, child molesters...I heard that Long Beach even have housing program for the poor people to help pay for their rent!

You better watch your mouth and I won't kind to you next time!

Case closed!

Anonymous said...

Who are you trying to kid, moron?

I am sure you don't mean "rich bad people or rich lazy people", Motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

gentlemen to some of you and monsters to others: this is why education is really important so we can learn to respect one another!!!! please always, always emphasize the important of getting a good education, at all cost, no matter what. in the USA, you are nothing until you are educated. go in the military and you will see how important education is. a rude awakening?

Anonymous said...

To 3:15PM

You stupid Vietcong slave mother fucker! You and your Vietcong theory and logic won't cut in the real world and you can only apply to your stupid leader AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave dictator mother fucker!

If you Vietcong slave mother fucker doesn’t know shit and you could have asked! But the fucken problem is you even ask the wrong question and that how fuck up you are!

Now run to your Vietcong motherfucker and cry on her shoulder stupid mother fucker!

Even in 2008, the Vietcong slave system still produces this kind of fool!

Shaking my head!

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up. Just tell us what you know about land grabbing in the US.

Anonymous said...

Is this how you go about asking people question? You fucken rude mother fucker and if you don't ask nicely and you aren’t going to get anything from me! Ahahhahahah

Anonymous said...

Well, I ain't no corrupted diplomat from the UN, you know?