Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Youk Chhang criticizes the ECCC request for budget, time and the increase of the number of suspects to 8

KR Tribunal criticized for budget increase

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Youk Chhang, the director of the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam), is dubious about the budget increase by the KR Tribunal (KRT), as well as the extension of the operation of this tribunal and the increase of the number of potential suspects to 8. Youk Chhang told the Samner Thmei newspaper that the issue related to the request for budget increase stems from the increase in the number of people accused and that this is done to attract the attention of donor countries. However, he said that the increased number of accused is done without providing clear justification, is baseless, and is done without true independence, therefore the time spent will be wasteful and justice for the victims of the KR regime will be cheated. Furthermore, donor countries will be suspicious of providing aid to the KRT also. Youk Chhang added that the addition of three more accused persons is tantamount to an attempt to clarify justice for the victims in order to seek a budget of up to $170 million. There is no comment yet on this issue by the KRT.


Anonymous said...

If the ECCC died Youk Chhang is unemployed.
Assuming that 5 or 10 KR were condemned, in the pockets of that $170 million go in? At least not in the pockets of poor Cambodians!

Anonymous said...

It's a lucrative money-making opportunity for those involved. I never belive in talking justice in terms of money. OK, try to finish one case, and shut down the court.