Friday, March 28, 2008

Another Welcome News in French and Khmer

Click here to link to

Unofficial translation from French by Tola Ek
Who are we?

Ka-set is an information website on Cambodia and Cambodian people around the world, whose objective is to promote quality journalism abiding by the ethic and professional rules. It also strives to be professional and independent from pressure groups regardless of whether they are political or economical.

The Ka-set team strives to gather around this website informants consisting of professional reporters, experts, observers and netizens concerned about bringing a new and independent look on everything concerning Cambodia.

This project, started by four reporters: Cambodian, Belgian and French, saw the daylight in November 2007. Several Ka-Set members came from the former French-language newspaper Cambodge-Soir. Wanting to continue the tradition of integrity and editorial freedom in Cambodia, this team decided to pursue their work on the web by using as much as possible the opportunities offered by this medium.

Under this spirit of openness, of information sharing, and of a community of values, the Ka-Set press medium is publishing free of charge its information both in Khmer and in French. For now, Ka-set’s incomes come exclusively from advertisers on the website and contributions from members and readers.

You can support this initiative by subscribing to the different services offered by Ka-Set or simply by helping us announcing the website.
Qui sommes nous ?

Ka-set est un site web d’information sur le Cambodge et les Cambodgiens dans le monde, dont l’objectif est de promouvoir un journalisme de qualité, respectueux des règles éthiques et déontologiques, professionnel et indépendant des groupes de pression, qu’ils soient politiques ou économiques.

L’équipe de Ka-set entend rassembler autour de ce site une communauté d’informateurs composée de journalistes professionnels, d’experts, d’observateurs et d’internautes soucieux d’apporter un regard neuf et indépendant sur tout ce qui a trait, de près ou de loin, au Cambodge.

Ce projet, porté par quatre journalistes cambodgien, belge et français, est né au début du mois de novembre 2007. Plusieurs membres de Ka-set sont issus d’un ancien quotidien francophone, Cambodge Soir. Désireux de continuer à porter les valeurs d’intégrité et de liberté éditoriale au Cambodge, cette équipe a décidé de poursuivre son travail sur Internet en exploitant autant que possible les multiples opportunités offertes par ce média.

Dans cet esprit d’ouverture, de partage d’information et de communauté de valeurs, l’entreprise de presse Ka-set diffuse gratuitement ses informations, en khmer et en français. Pour l’heure, les revenus de Ka-set proviennent exclusivement des annonceurs présents sur le site et des contributions de ses membres et lecteurs.

Vous pouvez soutenir cette initiative en vous abonnant aux différents services proposés par Ka-set ou simplement en nous aidant à faire connaître le site


Anonymous said...

Dear Ka-set,

If you are associated with KI Media in any way, you can forget about being objective.


Anonymous said...

It is a newspaper pro youn or pro CPP (Communist Pro youn Party)!

Read it carefully and you will see it. Most of the news picked from the CPP (Communist Pro youn Party) or from youn newspapers.

វាជាកាសែត គាំទ្រ​គណបក្សកុម្មុយនិស្តតាមយួន (CPP: Communist Pro youn Party)។

អានអោយច្បាស់ នឹងឃើញភាគច្រើននៃពត៌មាន ក្នុងកាសែតនេះ ទទួលពត៌មានពីរដ្ឋាភិបាលហ៊ុន សែន ដែលលំអៀងទៅរដ្ឋាភិបាល ដែលកំពុងបំផ្លាញប្រទេសខ្មែរ ដោយកាត់ដីអោយយួន តាមរយះពួកយួន អន្តោប្រវេសខុសច្បាប់ នៅកម្ពុជា។

វិទ្យុអន្តរជាតិ ដែលអ្នកយកពត៌មានជនជាតិខ្មែរនៃវិទ្យុទាំងនោះ កំពុងលួងលោមខ្មែរអោយភ្លេចគិតដល់ជាតិខ្មែរ គឺ ៖ វិទ្យុអន្តរជាតិបារាំង និង វិទ្យុអេប៊ីស៊ី អូស្រ្តាលី។ អ្នកស្តាប់ គួរចេះស្តាប់ឬអានហើយប្រៀបធៀប ពត៌មានទាំងនោះជាមួយ ពត៌មានពីវិទ្យុអាស៊ីសេរី និង វិទ្យុវីអូអេ សហរដ្ឋ ដែលផ្តល់ពត៌មានពិតឥតលំអៀង, ស្ថានការណ៍ពិតនៅកម្ពុជា និង វិទ្យុសំលេងភ្លើងទៀន របស់គណបក្សប្រឆាំង ដែលហ៊ានលាតត្រដាងការពិត នូវល្បិចកលដែលហ៊ុន សែនកំពុងបំរើយួន។

Anonymous said...

SS why you read KI?

Anonymous said...

thank you for having created this kind of independent, neutral, apolitical, aeconomical ka-set (newspaper in khmer). i think this is good for cambodia to have as we are all having some sort of interest in what's happening inside cambodia. god bless.

Anonymous said...

Dear 9.01 pm,

I read KI, not for its objectivity, but to see how silly KI comments sometimes can be.


Anonymous said...

Everyone hold your breath!! If Ka-Set company is based in Cambodia; They do not have "FREEDOM of the PRESS". It is controlled by the Pirate himself.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia has more Freedom of the Press than most countries in Asia.