Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cambodia willing to resume oil talks with Thailand

Saturday, March 29, 2008
ABC Radio Australia

Cambodia says it is willing to resume stalled talks with Thailand on how to divide up offshore energy resources along their disputed sea border.

Overlapping claims to undersea oil and natural gas fields in the Gulf of Thailand has kept both countries from tapping into potentially rich reserves.

Negotiations opened in 1995 but all attempts to reach a formal agreement failed, with the last round of talks held in 2006.

Now the director-general,of Cambodia's National Petroleum Authority says talks could resume as early as next month.

Te Duong Tara says Cambodia is seeking a 50-50 split of the disputed area, while Thailand wants a larger share of the fields.

Cambodia expects to begin oil production in its own offshore fields in 2011.

Oil was discovered in Cambodia in 2005 by the US energy giant Chevron.


Anonymous said...

50/50 is fair.

Anonymous said...

Talking to the enemy? Any discussion must be base on clear define demarcation! There is no such thing as the "White Zone" or the "Buffer Zone"!

Cambodia can learn a lot from those oil rich countries and how their government solved the so called overlapping boundaries!

Cambodia must not share anything with the Thaicong and anything come out of the negotiation must have clear division! It is time to call upon the experts in the field of measurement and topography!

Anonymous said...

1:01, to understand this, just draw a strait line representing demarcation; then draw a circle representing an oil well on top of the straight line. Now tell me, who the circle belong to?

Anonymous said...

To 2:51PM

What is so fucken hard about that? A straight line over a circle and the straight line represent demarcation? Well! In this case the fucken straight line represents a knife that slices the cake! Half of the cake belongs to Cambodia and the other half belong to the Thaicong! But the fucken problem is the fucken Thaicong never want to accept half of the cake because they think they are bigger and they eat more and they deserve a bigger slice of the cake! This is the issue of fairness and If the fucken Thaicong doesn't agree to take half of the cake and still demanding to have a bigger slice of the cake and I will use the fucken the knife and to stab the Thaicong mother fucker!

The fucken Thaicong always raise conflict with Cambodia anyway and why give a fuck about them! Fuck the Thaicong!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but that is what I said, "50/50", but you said it is 100% for Khmer which is unfair.

Anyhow, we'll keep on trying for 50/50, and hope for something will happened soon. We got to get going. Can't wait another 200 years. We might have an earthquake and no one will benefit from anything if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

But the Thaicong never agree to your stupid formula 50/50! The Thaicong always want more than 50% of the natural resource! So what the hell are you talking about now?

I never let the rain bother me!
I never let the storm bother!
I never let the thunder bother me!
I never let the Earthquake bother me...

Cambodia must not be in a rush to reach any agreement with the Thaicong government and beside AH HUN SEN Vietcong puppet government is the most corrupted government on Earth and the fucken Thaicong government always wants everything from Cambodia too! I just don't see why Cambodia needs to be in the fucken rush because Cambodian natural resource will never run away from Cambodia anyway!