Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cambodian coup of 1970

General Lon Nol
Then-Prince Norodom Sihanouk at his arrival in Moscow, a few days before he was deposed
Flag of the Khmer Republic regime (Wikipedia)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cambodian coup of 1970 refers to the removal of Prince Norodom Sihanouk and the subsequent elevation of Prime Minister Lon Nol as head of state under the new Khmer Republic (République khmère) government.


Since independence from France in 1953, Cambodia was led by Prince Norodom Sihanouk. In 1963, Sihanouk forced the National Assembly to approve a constitutional amendment that made him head of state with no fixed term of office. Sihanouk guided Cambodia into a policy which he called neutrality during the Cold War. But in fact, his government was anything but neutral. In 1965, secret agreements were made with North Vietnam and China that allowed numerous bases to be constructed on Cambodian soil. The agreements also allowed the ports of Cambodia to be used to deliver military supplies to Vietnamese forces. In exchange for the agreement, countries (including China) agreed to purchase rice at inflated prices from Cambodia. While Sihanouk talked about neutrality and staying out of the war in public, he had in private put Cambodia on the frontline of the Vietnam War. Shihanouk internally justified these agreements by saying that the friendship of China and Vietnam would ensure the survival of the Cambodian government. However, in 1968, the Khmer Rouge launched an insurgency against the government using the areas occupied by Vietnam as safe base areas. The base areas in Cambodia subsequently provoked American bombing of the region in 1969 (Operation Menu). Leftist and rightist factions in the Cambodian government and elsewhere vied for power in this scene of political instability, the left eventually became an insurgency allied with North Vietnam fighting to overthrow the government while the right called for the expulsion of Vietnamese and an alliance with the United States. The leading left-wing group was the Khmer Rouge Communist insurgency which combatted Sihanouk with North Vietnamese backing.

Sihanouk Deposed as Head of State

In March 1970, when Sihanouk was touring Europe, the Soviet Union, and China a mob attack against the North Vietnamese embassy, initially planned by Sihanouk as a demonstration to pressure Moscow and Beijing, commenced but was led out of control by government agents who managed to organize the complete sacking of it. In it a contingency plan was found for the Communists to occupy Cambodia, which further inflamed the government in Phnom Penh which engaged in combat with the Vietnamese and demanded their withdrawal. Instead of returning to Cambodia to confront the growing crisis, Sihanouk continued his tour of Communist nations.

On March 16, the Cambodian Secretary of State and police chief, Mannorine, was questioned by the national legislature about corruption occurring under Sihanouk. Worried that prime minister, Lon Nol, was preparing to depose Sihanouk, he attempted to depose Lon Nol only to be defeated by the army and arrested. Lon Nol's deputy, Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak, then advised Nol to remove Sihanouk from the government.

The next day, the army took up positions around the capital. A debate was held within the National Assembly. The assembly had been purged of leftists in the 1960s by Sihanouk and was made up at that point almost exclusively of rightests. One member of the assembly walked out of the proceedings in protest and was not harmed after. The rest of the assembly voted unanimously to invoke Article 122 of the Cambodian constitution which withdrew confidence in Sihanouk. Lon Nol then took on the powers of head of state on an emergency basis, while much of the government of Sihanouk remained the same. This marked the foundation of the Khmer Republic.


The new regime in Cambodia almost immediately demanded that the Vietnamese forces leave the country. The ports of Cambodia were immediately closed to weapons shipments going to the forces fighting South Vietnam. In response, North Vietnam attacked the Cambodian government forces and greatly increased their support of the Khmer Rouge. Sihanouk established himself in China and let himself be used as the figurehead for the Khmer Rouge movement to overthrow the government. While Sihanouk had no power over the Khmer Rouge at all, the movement was able to use his name to greatly increase its support in rural areas of Cambodia. The FUNK and GRUNK liberation groups were formed but were nothing but Khmer Rouge fronts. Lon Nol was hard pressed to deal with the opposition as he and his government were corrupt and could not effectively deal with the Khmer Rouge and North Vietnamese Army. The Khmer Republic became dependent on American arms and airstrikes for survival until the air support was cut off by the U.S. Congress in 1973 and aid limited thereafter. In 1975 the Khmer Republic came to its end as Communist forces captured Phnom Penh in April that year.

Some have accused the United States of supporting the removal of Sihanouk, but declassified documents indicate that, as late as March 1970, the Nixon administration was hoping to garner "friendly relations" with Sihanouk.


Anonymous said...

"Sihanouk guided Cambodia into a policy which he called neutrality during the Cold War. But in fact, his government was anything but neutral... ."

Folks, this is the tricky part of all the cold war. To understand this realistic, you may have to place yourself in Sihanouk's shoes, otherwise, you'll certainly to misjudge an innocent man.

Yes, here we try to avoid the war by neutralized our country. However, being neutralized doesn't mean the Vietcong recognized it. They will used Cambodia regardless. What is to stop them? Can we stop them? Of course not and because of that it is not wise for us to do so. Just think about that. It is better to be their friend because we have to live with them for eternity; thus, it is better to let someone else to try to stop them; therefore, Sihanouk was making the right move.

Look, the US did bomb the shit out of that place and the Vietcong didn't even budge. How much better do you think we can do better than the US. Thus, I reiterate that Sihanouk was making the right move to save Cambodia. The think is I don't know if this is his ingenious move or something that God made him do, but it did save Cambodia.

Had Sihanouk sided with the US it would not make any difference, but it will meant the end of Cambodia because now we are enemy with Vietcong instead of Allied. Do you see what I mean?

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is a fukc up country. Leaders filled their own pockets, destroy their own resource, beg other countries for money. And all cambodian ever talk about is the king who build angkor. Stop living in the past. Your King was the one who gave Cambodia to vietnam. Your king was the one who let the siam take control of your land. And your king who was the one that sided with the KR.

It must be good to be KING.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about this individual named Sihanuk King when I was young in Cambodia. The Cambodia State taught me to hate him. I don't know why then they said he will come back to Cambodia to be King and I should honor him.
But when I have access to all his archive in US upon my work here I find out that he is a son of bitch.
I don't want to hear his name no more in History. I will teach my children and other khmer as long as I live how much this idiot harm Cambodia.

History Research

Anonymous said...

How could a history researcher called someone like Sihanoukd who happened to be the leader at that time in trouble a son of bitch?
Juts because you got access into his archine did not mean youu know all. Some history researcher like yourself claimed is dumb still.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 1232PM.

Anonymous said...

1:40pm, I apologize for using foul language. But no one can change the truth I am a voice of those innocent Cambodian. Some Khmer People don't know much, They only hear a bad living guys tells a good things he did. But they never heard from a good dying guys saying.......
Come on, People wake up and read more.. Ask who directs B-52 to Bomb Nak Loung and Other Khmer citizen villeges. Is it a good trick to blame on USA and Kick them out of Cambodia during that time. What a cool blood Killer!
Wait a moment! it's hard to blame you guys coz you don't have access to the sources. And some of those Commanders already passed away. Too Bad!

Young Khmer

Anonymous said...

You idiot (5:31), we don't care who direct the B-52, alright?

Anonymous said...

6:02pm (wiseman), I think you might care if you or your family are among those victums, right?
I think it wastes my time to reply to you coz you don't even care about the victum. Good Bye!

but next time, you die by bomb don't blame other for not seeking justice for you, ok?

Anonymous said...

6:53, I don't care about the victim? FYI, 50% of my close and distance relatives was obliterated in Neak Leung.

Anonymous said...

531PM. Many writers wrote the story and some are biased. The US did not have a good relationship with Sihanouk, and there were some thing missing why B -52 were dropped in Cambodia. You are a Pro US, and you don't have an access to the truth of the incident.
I suggest you do more search not only you find the sources.

Young generation

Anonymous said...

The then-prince Sihanouk supported Vietcong and North Vietnam since before 1970 to fight against the US back South Vietnam and maybe Thailand. He gave permission to Vietcong to stay on Cambodian land, privided support on food, medicine, and weapon and allowed Vietcong to use Khmer land for transporting all necessities while they were fighting against South Vietnam and the US. Vietcong moved deep in Cambodia causing US to bomb the land. And due to his support to Vietcong, CIA wanted to assassinate him. He said he was neutral, but he more leaned toward socialist and communist countries. One thing I never understand. He always says he is faithful to Buddha and Buddhism. He is a religious man, yet he likes to make friend with the commmunists who destroy and believe in no religion.

Anonymous said...

11:34, the US did indeed bombed Cambodia, but it didn't do crap. So, how much better could Sihanouk had done?

Didn't you know: they said if you can't beat them, join them.

Khmer Young said...

There are mistakes in both sides: Lon Nol and Sihanouk.

But one question that you should ask our Somdech Ta is that "Somdech Ta knows Pol Pot very well as the ruthless leader, so why he joined/conspired with Pol Pot? Pol Pot's success is because of Somdech Ta, no kidding!".

As I can answer, Somdech Ta joined with monster Pol Pot in order to survive his throne only, by neglecting the ruthlessness of Pol Pot towards Cambodian peoples.

In reality, Lon Nol has no choice, and the spreading of Vietcong troops throughout Cambodian land is really a challenge for Lon Nol as the leader in that time.

However, I don't want to blame anybody, but March 18 should not be raised up to praise and blame anybody especially the same Khmer race. The past has already passed!

We should concentrate to make unity and seek out foreign's intervention that led Cambodia to destruction in order to strengthen our international relations strategies.


Anonymous said...

Error: File not found!

Anonymous said...

10:38pm,10:53pm &12:17am, it doesn't matter what i say about the truths. You guys will never except it. During the fighting with Govement forces in 1974&75, Sihanuk still have some commanders in Lon Nol side that still loyal to him. Those commanders ask what can they do to stop the war. Sihanuk replied that Cambodia needs to sacrefice some souls to stop the war. Sihanuk did anything to make Cambodia and the world to blame on US Bombs by using those loyal commanders to direct those bombers to drop at civilian areas. I have also met those generals and they regret about it.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, 3:29.

So, some of Sihanouk's loyalists asked what they can do to stop the war.

And if you were Sihanouk, what would you've told them?

As for the bomb, who should we blame?
Who are those commanders who piloted the B52, Sihanouk's Loyalists or American? Did you really think the US will allowed anyone to piloted such a deadly machine that could possibly be used against the US themselves? What are you trying to tell us, dude?

Anonymous said...

3:50am.. I think 3:29am try to say that, Sihanuk instructed his loyal commanders that remained in the govement force to report to the American Pilots to drop at the civilian sites. hmmmm.... that sounds very cruel!

Anonymous said...

Dang dude!... fuck Sihanuk.

Anonymous said...


phnom penh

Anonymous said...

Dirty monther fucker ShitHaNuk

Kompong Som

Anonymous said...

What a dirty evil man (sihanuk)!


Anonymous said...

Indeed, it sounds cruel, but the entire story doesn't make sense.

Forcing American to drop bomb on innocent civilian and American go along with it? Even so, that is still does exempt the US from war crime.

Secondly, who is the war advisers the American or Sihanouk loyalist.

Thirdly, if Sihanouk loyalist able to tell the US what to do, that will make the CIA looks awfully bad for allowing enemy to infiltrate the system.

Stop pulling our leg, 5:28. This is just a typical Lakaun Bassac by Ah Khmer-Yuon to cause trouble in Cambodia as usual. I have seen tons of it already.

Again, I advise to stay away from Ah Khmer Yuon and close relative of Sarimatak. They are still resenting Sihanouk for the dead of Sarimatak, and they are desperate for a revenge. Don't allowed yourself to get caught in between the royalist war. It is not worth it.

Anonymous said...

5:45am? who is Ah Khmer Yuon? CPP? Well CPP used to teach me to hate Sihanuk during the 80s. I don't how come they change their policy. I don't know who to trust no more.

Anonymous said...

6:25am, first of all please control your feeling. Rude language reflects your personality and intelligence. Secondly, I don't think CPP ever change their policy, just the tone.

Anonymous said...

6:25, if you know Ah Khmer-American, Ah Khmer-Barang, ..., you also know Ah Khmer-Yuon. While most of them are good citizen of Vietnam, a bunch of veterans are still regretting they lost the Vietnam war to Vietcong, and they think they could have won the war hadn't Sihanouk helped the Vietcong. Fact of the matter is Sihanouk had very little to do with them losing to the Vietcong. The Vietcong are just great warrior... So that is one the source of the tension between between Sihanouk and Ah Khmer-Yuon.

Secondly, Sihanouk ain't perfect either. I am sure he had falsely promised Ah Khmer-Yuon something that is never to be seen, but everyone know most politician does this. So now the tension is even higher,..., and that is how we got here. I mean with all sort of twisted history and fact against Sihanouk. Little do they know that that is no way to go about all this.

I hope that give you some idea of the dispute at hand.

Anonymous said...

Fuck all Viet\Yuon troller!
Go home Vietcong!
Go home Viet/Yuon Troller!
Leave Khmer people alone.

Anonymous said...

Hey, who let you out of the Vietcong's Shit Pit. Get your arse back in there.

Anonymous said...

You Yuon/Viet, get your arse out of Cambodia now!

Leave Khmer people alone!

Anonymous said...

Oh, go play with your chicken neck your idiot.

Anonymous said...

I still don't vote for CPP.

Anonymous said...

Well then, what is your term, 5:54?

Anonymous said...

CPP sucks, and have abunch of uneducate that try to be smart.

Anonymous said...

Try? you got to be blind, bro.

Anonymous said...

CPP members before yes, CPP now have more educated young people you 5:49PM don't know about.