Monday, March 03, 2008

EU commits to observing Cambodian national election

PHNOM PENH, March 3 (Xinhua) -- The European Commission (EC) has announced that it would send 150-200 election experts to observe this year's national election of Cambodia, local newspaper the Mekong Times reported Monday.

The EC wishes to support an improvement in the quality of this nation's democracy and is sending an EU observance mission to aid the electoral process, Eneko Landaburu, Director General for External Relations of EC, said at a press conference in Phnom Penh, according to the newspaper.

A team of electoral experts will visit Cambodia this week to determine the level of observance at the elections, Landaburu said.

"They will produce a global report, and on the basis of the report we will take decision on the size of the mission," he was quoted as saying.

The level of EC funding for the election will also depend on the outcome of the report, he said, adding that the role of the observers will be strictly defined.


Anonymous said...

Please send all the election experts as soon as you can!

Anonymous said...

What the hell for? We all know you are going to whine and call foul play when you lose, no matter what. Isn't that so?

Anonymous said...

Believed that RGC would not mind and will always welcome all International Observers not just from EU but every part of the world should they wish to come.

In 2003 election, the now PM of East Timor "Gusmo" himself was in Siem Reap to take a close look and experience the election prior to his country going on referendum for Independent.

Anonymous said...

Okay, let me make one thing clear: the EU Visit is SOLELY to observe the Election, period. If they go beyond that scope, their asses will be kicked back to Europe without warning. I hope they know that.

Anonymous said...

My beloved 12:34PM!

Perhaps, your short-term memory is psychologically not working magnificently brilliant! Why are you unashamedly quickly forgetting pretty soon about CPP's losing election? What did Samdech Hun Sen and his CPP's parasites do in order to regain their power?

My beloved 2:22PM!

Ya literally meant that EU just looks, but ain't count da votes!

Anonymous said...

thank you for your interest and your help, eu and the world. may god bless your country as well!

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up. We all know you guys is still going to cry and whine no matter what, when you lose the coming election. You going to called these foreign folks blind as you did in all previous election.