Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
The hearing for the court case for Heng Pov – the former Phnom Penh police commissioner who ordered 3 of his subordinates to shoot Kim Daravuth, the director of the EdC Chak Angre office, and crippled him until now – is scheduled on 28 March, after a delay of two months. The Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper reported that the accused in this case include Heng Pov whom the tribunal charge with collusion on murder attempt; Hang Vuthy, the other accused in this case, escaped from jail; Prum Sor Phearith, the former director of the light crimes office of the city of Phnom Penh; and Am Sam Kheng, aka Kong Sophal, the former crime police office of the Minitry of Interior. The latter three have been charged with murder attempt because of their involvements. The original hearing date was set on 28 January 2008, but, based on Heng Pov and his lawyer’s request, it was delayed to 28 March, two months later.
Do not promote violence. Don't play with fire it will burn your arse.
Hear 4:19PM Hun Xen and Hok Landee?
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