Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hun Sen Blasts UN Office Over Refugees

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
29 February 2008

The UN's office for refugees has used Cambodia as an asylum without the consent of the government, Hun Sen said Thursday.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees had put Afghans, Pakistanis, Nigerians and other Africans in Cambodia, he said.

"There is no Taliban in power. Why are there Afghans coming to request political asylum in Cambodia?" Hun Sen asked. "It's not proper."

In 1992 Cambodia progressively signed a UN convention and refugee protocol, but the stream of Montagnards from Vietnam has tested the country's relationship with the office, a UNHCR Web site says.


Anonymous said...

If they not taking those refugees out, kick them out and pul your goverment out too!

Come on, stand on your word lier!

Anonymous said...

I think just kick them out is enough, and there are various means to do that.

We don't have to pull out.

Anonymous said...

We believe it is fairly plausible that the UNHCR must ,first and foremost, confabulate with the Cambodian government prior to making any decisions on asylum issues. After all, this is the UN-established democracy, and therefore the UN must respect the Cambodian government. Moreover, any unilateral decision that is or was made by the UN is unacceptable.

Question of the day: "...Why the UNHCR is acting like a bunch of retarded gorilla bastards?...!"

It is critically imperative and paramount that the UN must understand the repercussive action with its unilateral decision.