Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hun Sen: A Master of Tactician or A Master of Fools?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Editorial by Khmerization
on the web at

"By a swift change of policy, PM Hun Sen has proved that he is a seasoned politician who has no long term solution to Cambodian social ills and economic woes. His quick fix to the chronic problems is cosmetic and is nothing short of a window dressing designed to fool the voters."
Political events in the last few days and weeks have been dominated by Prime Minister Hun Sen’s political manoeuvrings and election gerrymandering. By engineering key defections from the oppositions, Prime Minister Hun Sen has proved himself to be a master of skilful political tactician. It has been proved time and again that, when it comes to saving his political scalp, and to a certain extent political demise, the prime minister has proved that he is a great political survivor. Some might want to go further by calling him a political Larzarus. Case in point, the events in the last few days have seen Mr. Hun Sen scurrying and scuttling in a panic mode. After the Sok Pheng Affair had subsided, the PM has remodelled himself as a nice guy and is heard saying all the more familiar, but the-easily-forgotten, tone of siding with the poor land victims by attacking his own subordinates for abuses of power. First he ordered the release of four men arrested in a land dispute in Sihanoukville and the compensation to one other injured victim. He then viciously attacked his officials in Banteay Meanchey for failing to resolve local land disputes. Then comes the soaring prices of rice.

The soaring prices of rice at a time when Cambodia is holding the election has unnerved Mr. Hun Sen. The authority, including the Governor of Phnom Penh Kep Chutema, has blamed middlemen and speculators for deliberately inflating the prices of rice. The soaring prices of rice, in my opinion, have been caused by the shortage of rice supply due to over-exports and hoarding by people due to panic in anticipation of chaos in the upcoming election.

Rice has been a staple food of the Khmer people since the beginning of time. The Khmer has a saying that “we cultivate rice with water and make war with rice.” (ធ្វើស្រែនឹងទឹកធ្វើសឹកនឹងបាយ). And, as 100% of Cambodians survived on rice, it is sure to play a very important role in the election and is therefore Hun Sen’s political survival at this stage. And, again, by announcing the moratorium on rice export to curb rice shortages and price rises, Hun Sen has once again proved himself as a political master of tactician. But, does this is enough to sway voters? In my opinion, the PM’s recent political manoeuvrings will not sway the voters. People have seen enough of Mr. Hun Sen’s empty and broken promises. In saying this, I still believe and strongly believe that Mr. Hun Sen and the CPP will win and win handsomely the upcoming election, not through free and fair election but, through cheating.

The PM’s, almost 180-degree, turnaround, in a swift change of mind, doesn’t surprise the long term and experienced Cambodian political observers. Instead his political manoeuvrings and this sort of election gerrymandering have unmasked more of his political failures and hypocrisy. While I applaud his goodwill gestures of compensating and releasing the land victims in Sihanoukville and his attempt to solve the rising prices of rice and other social ills, I doubt that this policy will be carried through to the next term, if he wins the election. By a swift change of policy, PM Hun Sen has proved that he is a seasoned politician who has no long term solution to Cambodian social ills and economic woes. His quick fix to the chronic problems is cosmetic and is nothing short of a window dressing designed to fool the voters. And, I for one will not be fooled.


Anonymous said...

Oh butt you lip, Gorilla Fucker.

Anonymous said...

Me in that voter, with my modest wage, I prefer a lot of the measures of the government to fight against the price increase of the rice to allow me to eat to my hunger instead of your useless gossip.

Fuck to you!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is A Master of Fools!

Ah Hun Sen Out!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen should stop barking if he can't keep the promise.

Anonymous said...

Whether you think he's good or bad, Hun Sen is no fool. He is a seasoned and canny politician and knows how to get his way, how to project himself to the people - it's not the voters fault they are not educated enough to see through his crap

He is the big fish but only in his own small pond. Among the international community he's nothing but a bully and fear mongerer, just like his supporters eh 3:04pm??!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice editorial.

But the main issue is whether the opposition is smart enough to outplay Hun Sen.


Anonymous said...

Yes, and I am a very proud supporter of my admirable PM Hun Sen, 5:26.


Anonymous said...

Irrespective of what these retarded gorillas are complaining and whinning, we're doing everything in our power to ensure we're synced and resonated with voters.

Vote CPP!

Anonymous said...

5:58PM, your short comment elaborate deep meaning and reflecting secrecy of fool Hun Sen.

Nice analyzing article.

Anonymous said...

And how did you figured that, 6:22?

Anonymous said...

We note that facing the very good measure taken by the government to assure the food security of basis to the population more modest, the political opposition is mute and without voice.

It is necessary to say that this good governmental measure surprised totally the political opposition that in the economical plan has not any serious things to propose to the people except the social agitation!

Anonymous said...

After the election, if Hun Sen wins, all these problems, like all other of Hun Sen's promises, will be forgotten. Hun Sen must stop lying to the poor people for their votes.

Anonymous said...

No surprise because that is all oppositions know how to do. I mean anything that deterred jobs from Cambodia and causing suffering is their number one goal. The more suffering we got, the better they look. However, evil will not succeeded on our holly ground.

Anonymous said...

PM Hun Sen doesn't lie, 7:04, only westerner oppositions does that. It is their natural way of living.

Anonymous said...

To talk about lying, asian people are better than westerners. In Europe lying is one of the most embarrassing to do but in Cambodia it is normal to tell lies. And the maggot Hun Sen is even better in lying and cheating poorly-educated residents. he is such a thick-skinned maggot which can tell white lies in front of people who know him well. He is afraid to have debate because he could not lie or cheat people on TV while debating. His evil's will would be exposed to the public and he would be dismissed from his present position. You and your followers are such cowards as you are number one over one person. bloody coward.................

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, westerner are not embarrassed by their own lies; and that is why they lie, lie, and lie. Just look at the claim of WMD in Iraq. We all know its a lie, but do you see anyone embarrassed from it? of course not.

Anonymous said...

In front of the rise in prices of food products, the political opposition does not know how to propose that social agitation, strikes, political demonstrations, public debates for elections, the subversion's democracy and subversion's human rights , but nothing concrete.

With you Mr. Prime Minister, we have rices cheap to eat.

Thank you very much Samdec Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

My beloved Khmers!

Bravo, bravo, bravo!
Samdech Hun SenVarman has done the excellent job once again!

He has intentionally saved a few criminals of hundred thousands who are languishly and suffocatingly fighting to save their own land, and millions of miserable Khmers are quickly gladful and thankful Samdech Hun SenVarman for the job well done? Bravo, Bravo, bravo??

Anonymous said...

Mr. Prime Minister, in 1979 you came to free us from the genocide, when Pol Pot killed us silently.
Today, you give us some cheaper rice to allow us to eat when we are hungry.
You are really extraordinary.

The political parties of the opposition do not love to you, because they are jealous of you, of your success.
Certain foreign countries as the Americans or Yash Ghai does
not appreciate you because you do not leave manipulated by them.

For Us the Khmer people, You are a national hero. A big Khmer politician.

Cheyo Samdech Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

Again and again, Khmerization proves that he doesn't really know anything about what's really going in Srok Khmer, like most of the posters on this blog, including Heng Soy and Socheata (who claims to live in Cambodia while she really lives in LB).
The people are hoarding rice like before each election in the past. Combined with a shortage of rice in Indonesia and Thailand because of deficient crops this leads to an increase - simple supply and demand situation. Put greedy wholesalers in the mix and you get more than $1/kg for Jasmine rice (m'lis). The people aren't as stupid as you guys believe they are. They know it's not the government's fault so they see Hun Sen's freeze on independent exports as a good sign. No swaying is necessary here. They will vote overwhelmingly for the CPP, because they know they have never had it this good in a long time. Nobody talks about forced evictions, human rights violations in Cambodia. Go out to the countryside and talk to the simple people there. They don't know about it and they don't want to know about. They worry about rice, the price of gas and gasoline. And they believe there is only one who can handle it, even if his record is anything but exemplary - Hun Sen. What you guys thing here isn't really playing in Cambodia. Why doesn't anybody get this? How many Khmer in Cambodia read this blog anyway? Close to zero. Check it out in the internet cafes in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

who care about khmer ,our popular king was fool with china now hun sen activitie and mind of fool VC ( viet Cing ) calle Yuon.
1 ankorwat ,rice field ,land, water ,oil field and industry alot of thing we all are unbelievable to they gone so deep in our heartland.
ingrease or desgrease is up to youn master mind and Hun Sen is just a dog no tail and do the fool .

Anonymous said...

In front of the rise prices of rice and foods that what propose the political parties of opposition?:

public political debates, democracy and yash Ghai with his report on the human rights of shit!

Us, Khmer people, we want jobs and works and to be able to eat cheap!


Anonymous said...

Som-arch Hun Sen is great leader. whether there is law or not, he can lead the country.

the problem he should do is to punish perpetrators not to compensate and forget the criminals.

Anonymous said...

No WITH LAW THE FOOLZCAN'T LEAD , He would end up in jail!

Anonymous said...

ah Hun Sen is A Master of Tactician or A Master of Fools?

We can answer :

ah Hun sen is ah Master of Fools

Anonymous said...

5.58pm and 7.09pm.

I hope you get something from Hun Sen. there are several people claimed to be Hun Sen and Youn's friends, so they will get something, you know what they got? shits, at the end they shit their their pants. I wish you the contrary, my friends.

Chinese will get to Cambodia before youns. And you know what else, your useless asskissers will be grounded to dirth.

my name is Chan Si,
what's your name? put your name when you reply to my comments.

Anonymous said...

1:39, Snap out of it? You have been hanging around with Ah Khmer-Yuon et Al for too long, buddy. You are paranoid. No one is out to get Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Oh! shut the hell up 1:39am.You are just idiot.

Anonymous said...

In a free market economy people can do anything with their goods, export or not to export. The law of supply and Demand dictates the price of goods. So the rising prices of rice are caused by shortage due, not only exports but also from, shortage of farmlands and less yields from the farms. Hun Sen's measures to curb export will never work because, after all, it's a free market economy where people will sell to where they can get more money for their goods. So Hun Sen's declaration is only to get more votes in the upcoming election. If he is serious about solving the problems he would have solved them long, long time ago like- forced evictions, land grabbings, corruption, unemployment, increase wage for govt. public servanta etc. So don't fool us, PM.

Anonymous said...

Well, so far so good.

Anonymous said...

You meant stop threatening the voters 7:04 pm.

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot 9:47! You're not that bright are you?
Thanking the same people that killed you family. Perhaps, you are blind like your daddy HS. Better yet, go do a little researched about your daddy's integrity.
Dumb fuck!!!