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god, i hate that so-called term 'indochina'. i think this word ought to be banned permanently in cambodia because this word conjured past image of french colonialism and vietnam dominant over laos and cambodia. now that cambodia is independent again, this stinky work should be banned permanent in cambodia! if you ask me, this word is good for nothing as the old french colonialism did nothing for cambodia in terms of development and education, except caused cambodia to lose khmer krom and khmer leu to vietnam and thailand. so sick!!!
Khmers can run from Yuon? cos Yuon is so big. :-s
Mr.Sacrava please dont put Khmer put hunsen
This cartoonist is talented but he is inane.
I keep saying"ANANIKUM AMERICA'S RULES!"why aren't our leaders not listening?go with the best and put the rest to rest."ANANIKUM AMERICA'S RULES!"
Agree with 4 08 am.
His toons are good but he's dumb.
god, i hate that so-called term 'indochina'. i think this word ought to be banned permanently in cambodia because this word conjured past image of french colonialism and vietnam dominant over laos and cambodia. now that cambodia is independent again, this stinky work should be banned permanent in cambodia! if you ask me, this word is good for nothing as the old french colonialism did nothing for cambodia in terms of development and education, except caused cambodia to lose khmer krom and khmer leu to vietnam and thailand. so sick!!!
Why do you hate the truth, 2:03? What is in your sleeves, huh? Come on, out with it.
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