Friday, February 29, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Princess Ang Duong Nim Sophine, the first vice president of the NRP election committee, told the Kampuchea Thmei newspaper on 28 February that she resigned from the NRP on 27 February because she is unhappy that You Hockry, NRP secretary-general, did not act properly towards her. The princess, whom not many people knew, discussed about her hurt feelings because You Hockry called her in to question on an irregular issue related to her talking to newspapers about internal party affairs, and her discussions led to internal party official dissensions. The princess claimed that her action is not against that in a democratic society. Muth Chantha, NRP spokesman, said that the party kicked the princess out since 23 February because she violated the party bylaws which forbid party members from discussing internal affairs in public, but the princess took all these issues to reveal to newspapers and created party dissensions.
I remembered Princess Ang Doung used to have many fans on KI Media.
They used to complemented her on this and that, just like one of Khmer hero, but strangely, I don't see anyone here today to defend her.
What happened? What is changed? Did I missed something, or there is just a bunch of flipflopping gorilla here?
Without King Ang Doung the Norodoms and Sisowaths would have not been here. Vietnamese and T'ai ruled and divided the Kingdom, until King Ang Doung sent for Napoleon, then everyone survived. T'ai defeated, we got Siem Riep and Battamabang back.
Not many knew about Ang Doung because Norodom and Sisowath took over after took over.
Alors, c'est la vie.
So what you are saying here is we invited the the French here for our protection, then kick them out later in the 50's. Am I correct?
12:07, I don't know why you are not answering the question here. All I am trying to illustrate here is that the French did not sneak into Cambodia, nor did they forced their way through our gate, nor did they over threat our kings and queens to give the country to them.
And as you stated, they were called on (or invited) to protect us from our neighbor, and before we know it, Cambodia is lost to the French. Isn't that the pattern on how we lost our country to foreigner. I mean by inviting foreigner over to help us with the battle?
PS: And if you ever read from Sihanouk's side, he denied any King ever invited the French to protect Cambodia from our Neighbors. He twisted it to the French Persuaded the King to let them protect Cambodia. And the King had to accept the offer because the French was too powerful to challenge.
Now, who is telling the truth here? I think Sihanouk was full of shit. What do you think?
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