Saturday, March 29, 2008

Samak to propose Mekong tourism routes

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej will propose "cross-basin" tourism routes when he attends the third Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) summit in Vientiane tomorrow and Monday.

March 29, 2008
Supalak Ganjanakhundee
The Nation (Thailand)

The Asian Development Bank has supported development of transportation routes into the Mekong region since the GMS's establishment in 1992. Some routes, including Highway 9 connecting Thailand, Laos and Vietnam and Highway 3 linking Thailand, Laos and China, have been completed and are ready for transportation.

Samak will propose his own ideas for using these and other roads to promote tourism, said Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama. The minister did not reveal the exact routes the Prime Minister would propose during the meeting.

Leaders from Burma, Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam will gather for their third summit in Vientiane to review the 16-year-old development scheme and seek further cooperation.

They will sign a number of documents, including a memorandum of understanding on transportation, and endorse the Vientiane Action Plan for 2008-12 for further cooperation.

The GMS is also involved in other areas of cooperation, such as energy, telecommunications, trade, investment, tourism and human-resource development.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia is unique country among Southeast Asian countries and also Cambodia has a niche in attracting tourists and so please don't let any Thaicong scheme hijack Cambodian tourism!

If Cambodia want to be notice and they will have to stand out among the countries! For those countries that can’t go alone with have to cooperate and Cambodia doesn’t need to cooperate with any country because Cambodia needs to preserve the uniqueness to attract more tourists and this is how it should be!

Anonymous said...

I am for Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej's idea 100%. However, I think this idea can be negotiated locally among us than through the committee.

What we should consider in the third GMS summit instead is something that benefit to all members of GMS, and I would like to propose railroad connectivities to support trading growth among our Mekongers.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia should be cooperated in the field which Cambodia doesn’t have such as in technology with involve transfer of knowledge and know how! What is the fucken point in cooperating on something which Cambodia already has? So much for AH Samak’s idea!