Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sok An's history redux: Cambodia just knows peace for the first time in 500 years of history ... Sorry King-Father, there was no peace under your SRN!

Sok An, too eager to praise Hun Sen's formula to eradicate the KR soldiers, failed to mention that there are a few former KR soldiers still left running loose in the country, there former KR soldiers are: Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, and Chea Sim, as well as a few other KR cadres: Sok An, Sar Kheng, Y Chhean, etc...

Sok An: Cambodia is peaceful for the first time in the last 500 years

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Sok An, vice-prime minister and minister in charge of the Council of Ministers, declared that in the past 500 years of its history, Cambodia just knows full peace currently only, through the win-win policy of Samdach Dek Cho Hun Sen who discovered the formula to totally eradicate the Khmer Rouge structure and army, and allowing the country the opportunity to develop in every fields as can be seen now. Sok An made this declaration on 27 March during his presiding over the screening of Stanley Harper’s movie Cambodian Dreams. Sok An said that it took 20 years for this film to be completed and it reflects the hardship left over from the war in Cambodia, in particular during the Pol Pot genocidal regime. This movie also reminds about the history of the breakup of solidarity among the Cambodian people.


Anonymous said...

Prix Nobel de paix à l'ONU!

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all who work hard to bring historical peace and prosperity to Cambodia.

We love you and may God blesses all!

Anonymous said...

Ah Pleur Sok An,you are the youn communist!!!You don't know ,how is the peace?You are the most corrupt in our homeland!!!You are the terrorist and the killer of khmer people. You are very crazy and you will die on 27.07.2008 with your Ah Kvang Hun Xen.

Anonymous said...

Oh sit on it, Ah Jkout (3:56). No one is dying here except for criminals.

Anonymous said...

Sok An is Richer San Brother In-law and Peter Long Ex-Wife.

Anonymous said...

After 500 years of work, now Ah Khak Hun Xen help YN control Cambidia.

Anonymous said...

That is still a lot better than Ah Khmer-Yuon help the Khmer Rouge to control Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Is Sok An referring to the History of Vietnam? I heard that his real name is Huy Sok Anh. The guy is Vietnamese by origin. Now, we, as nantionalists, can bark as much as we like, but we are still playing the Vietnamese game. Unitl, all of us realized that as a people and a nation, then we might one day winding up like our brothers in Kampuchea Krom. You want to learn Khmer? Learn it at the temple. Those days are real and it won't take more than 50 years to do it, unless something drastically were to occur, i.e. a popular uprising which could be pretty bloody. Remeber, when you are dealing with our Comerades CPP, do expect the worse. Otherwise, you are only kidding yourself.
My 2cents for the day

Anonymous said...

We don't care what Sok An real name is. He's a Khmer Citizen, and that is all that count.

Furthermore, we don't give a damn about Ah Khmer-Yuon low life. Get it?

Anonymous said...

Sok An is a Vietnamese ethnic, he is Ah Khmer-Yuon. This comming from Ah Khmer-Yuon is laughable. 4:00AM is also Ah Khmer-Yuon, or just Ah Yuon filth.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so forgetful when you praise of having peace in your country. The loss of the Khmer territory both land and maritime continues. Don't be complacent with temporary peacefulness you see. Because subsequently when you become weak and small enough to be eliminated you WON'T be found in the world map. Don't be foolish and forgetful. Be vigilant and hard at work to regain all your stolen properties. Your killer enemies can NEVER be your friends and good neighbors... NEVER. Don't become a fool and die slowly in a coil of a constrictor.

Anonymous said...

So what if it happened? are you the only one who is allowed to make mistake? Everyone is entitle to make mistake, and you made yours already. Now stay out of our way, we are entitle to make our own mistake, alright?

Anonymous said...

Sok An have no place to speak about cambodia, for he is a vietcong himself.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, the Khmer DPM have the duty to address the public of everything directly or indirectly.

Anonymous said...

For 500 years, the Vietcong spread their seeds in Khmer Kampuchea Krom, Khmer Leu, and Khmer Kandal...too many Vietcong bad seeds and it must be eliminated and not allow to grow!

Anonymous said...

Nonsense, first) there is virtual no Vietcong associated with Khmer-Leu. second) if you want to eliminate Vietcong, you should have done centuries ago, not now, alright?

Anonymous said...

yes, it's only the beginning, though, cambodia please don't let your guard down just yet. we still have a lot of works to do for our country and people's prosperity and modernization. thank you.

Anonymous said...

8:17, the difference between us and Ah Khmer-Yuon is Buddha protection, and Ah Khmer-Yuon have none because they politicizing Buddha name. Get it?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE BOY SCOUT LOOK, sooo sexxxayyy.