Saturday, March 29, 2008

Son Chhay asks for a strengthening of the electricity administration

Friday, March 28, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

SRP MP Son Chhay asked the government to strengthen the administration of the electricity company first before it decides to use state funds to help pay the loss incurred by Electricité du Cambodge (EDC), Cambodia’s electricity company. RFA reported that Son Chhay wrote a letter dated 25 March 2008 stating that he just learned that Prime minister Hun Sen plans to use $24 million of state funds to dole out to EDC in order to help pay for the losses incurred by this company. Son Chhay indicated that the price of electricity in Cambodia is the highest in the region by at least threefold. He also indicated that experts claimed that there is no reason for EDC to incur any loss, even at the current oil price. He said that if EDC was properly administered without corruption, it can only make an even higher profit. Besides asking for a better administration of the electricity company, Son Chhay also asked the government to transfer the $24 million it plans to use to pay for EDC losses to increase the salary of civil servants, teachers, police officers and soldiers instead.


Anonymous said...

CPP government is the government of jon jer tloh or bottom-leaks and/or corruption. It does not how much you fill or feed, it will all be gone somewhere, somehow.

Anonymous said...

They should privatize the EDC.

Anonymous said...

All consumers know that EDC has manipulated the Power Meter and the Water Meter so that they run faster. It's that way EDC has been working! A Maffia state!

In the Provinces like Battambang, the Private Power company has to pay unofficially to the governor 100 Riels per KWh. It the money taken from the consumer's heads.

Do you know this?

Anonymous said...

The 24 millions is not for paying the loss for anyone, but to help upgrade system to make it more efficient; thus, lower the cost of electricity and save the state hundreds for millions that could be used for raise, health care, ... .

The 24 millions is too small by itself to be used directly for raise for hundreds thousand of people. Ah Son Chhay, need to think beyond gorilla mentality.

Anonymous said...

correction: The 24 millions is not for paying the loss for anyone, but to help upgrade system to make it more efficient; thus, lower the cost of electricity and save the state hundreds of millions that could be used for raise, health care, ... .

The 24 millions is too small by itself to be used directly for raise for hundreds thousand of people. Ah Son Chhay, need to think beyond gorilla mentality.

Anonymous said...

No one is happy with the EDC. There are a lot of problems with their operation. The company is inexperienced, inefficient and money mongering.

Their rate is at the top but their service at the bottom and they are losing money, how do you take that? For the HUN SEN government this is business as usual and they will give more money to keep as usual. I don't have to say much everyone knows why...
They charge and disconnect you if you don't the line? That's odd and when you restore the service they charge you again. What do they think the money grow from the tree? They would not be in the business if there are other private company or companies for the comsumer of choice.

Anonymous said...

Son Chhay and the sam rainsy party laugh at the population when they assert that if they wins the elections in 2008, they are going to create jobs for all the young people, to increase salaries for everybody, to look free of charge cares and treatmens for everybody, to turn down all the rises of prices....

It is indeed to assert that we are going to make this, or to do it for population, but the party sam rainsy does not answer the important question, they do not say how?
How they are going to make all these économics measures?

Indeed, all these measures have a cost!
How much it costs? (100, 200 or 500 millions dollars?)
The party sam rainsy did not even calculate or code it!
Because they do not know realy how much it costs!

And to finance all these economic measures, how the party sam rainsy is going to find money?
Nobody knows how !

It is promises of the elections that you know well that you cannot realize, Mr. Son Chhay.

Son Chhay and the party sam rainsy are not serious people.

Stop Mr. Son Chhay to fool people.

Nobody is dupe of your election pledge .

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but you are talking history, 8:33.

It used to be unacceptable just a couple years ago when our economic growth peak out and severely overload the system and causing black out rather often. As a result, this overload the staff with works and drive up the cost ... Any engineer can tell you the efficiency of the system can be as bad as 50% when you overload your system beyond its rating. Consequently, this further compounding the cost that make Cambodia electricity the most expensive in the region. It is really no one fault. The root of the problem is out small budget to up keep with the exponential growth, which is why we all praying for our oil and resources to rescue us from this nightmare.

But now thing are getting better, the blackout is nearly eliminate, at least for the next 6 - 9 months, and we are trying to extend this period further by motivate people to save electricity and upgrade the system, air condition, insulation, .. in order to avoid overloading our plant and wasting our revenue so that the saving can be used toward building new power plant, give raise to worker, health care, and whatever else has priority ...

Anonymous said...

Yes, 11:30, the SRP is only lipservice. They know fair well that they don't have what it takes to run the country. Aside from lacking plan and vision, Cambodia security and stability will be at high risk with them. I can easily see our neighbors cut exporting to Cambodia and causing the inflation to sore and cause violent uprising to coup their asses, ... and that will be certainly to bring us back to Year-Zero again.

Now, who in their right mind would wanted that?

Anonymous said...

agree, cambodia ought to strengthen electricity department, the postal department, the water depart, the cable and other utilities out there as these are money making apparatus for the gov't if they strengthened these areas for long-term usage. a good thought for cambodia is now the land of opportunity in all areas of economical growth.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:51. If someone can do it better, they can have it. Government shouldn't be in any business. It just mean more unnecessary criticisms for them.

Anonymous said...

Electricity is still a major concern for dirt poor Cambodian people! 80% of Cambodian population doesn't even have electricity!

Anonymous said...

Well, that is because they live away from civilization, but we'll get to them soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Son Chhay is an incapable.

He speaks on heaps of things without ever advancing concrete figures.