Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Following a short publication lapse, the Sralanh Khmer newspaper which used to support the opposition SRP party and used to attack the CPP, has now turned itself around and is starting its attack on the SRP instead. In its Monday’s edition, the newly bought out pro-CPP newspaper not only attacked the SRP, it also attacked the HRP and the NRP as well, while praising the CPP. Eng Chhai Eang, SRP Secretary-general, said that he is disappointed with this newspaper which used to criticize corruption and the ruling party, but is now turning into a newspaper which no longer criticizes corruption. Thach Ket, who was a member of the SRP steering committee, recently defected to join the CPP. This is the reason why this turncoat newspaper made a full 180-degree turn and now supports the ruling party instead. The Cambodia Daily reported that Thach Ket who defected to the CPP was rewarded with a position of government advisor, just like the other defectors before him.
Oh stop crying; there is still not enough Pro-CPP media to balance out the Pro-Oppositions.
KI Media next.
Actually 10:14am the actual fact is there is not enough Pro-Opposition media to balance out the Pro-CPP. A quick count of newspapers and radio stations can prove that.
Dont' worry about what Thach Ket and Srolanh Khmer said, no one will read it anymore. Soon it will die by itself.
On the contrary, there is high demand for the new Sralang Khmer paper. If Thack Ket wanted to, he can charge higher price and still have problem meeting the high demand. Furthermore, he might even put a few opposition papers out of business too.
4:26, the CPP have only TVK, a couple radio stations, a couple new papers, and a couple internets, but you guys got the rest, which is hundreds. I mean right now you are on opposition internet. And then there are more internet all over the places. I am sure you have been to places like Khmer Community, Khmer Future, Cambodia Forum, ... I can't even count them all, dude.
We'll read always sralanh Khmers.
Thach Keth has a great mind.
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