Monday, April 28, 2008

Beggars to be removed from tourist areas: Thong Khon

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Cambodia Daily reported that Thong Khon, the minister of Tourism, indicated that the government plans to clear out all beggars from all tourist areas, starting from Siem Reap province. Floating beggars from Chong Khneas area, most of whom are reported to be Vietnamese beggars by the Koh Santepheap newspaper, will also be cleared. Thong Khun indicated that the government will work to find jobs to these beggars. Dr. Pung Chiv Kek, President of the Licadho human rights organization, urged to government to provide homes for the elderly and education for the younger beggars. Chea Vannath, former president of the Center for Social Development (CSD), noted that the increasing number of beggars in Cambodia “coincides with the rising cost of food,” The Cambodia Daily reported. She urged the government to provide safety net for Cambodians so that they stop becoming beggars.


Anonymous said...

Very wise move!

Anonymous said...

Nice lie,Sihanouk Year Zero plan works like magic in 1975,Viet Cong plan works its magic in 1979.
Co chi Phu ,bo doi Sok Kong, aim bun rany are on top of illetrate chhlaob hun Xen

Pay back time July 28 2008,chik smao tiaing reuss.

Anonymous said...

cambodia ought to get rid of this kind of begging tradition. well, i don't think it's a tradition at all; it's just people's attitude thinking that they could make easy money by begging, i guess. should turn it around by having people do something kind of work for returns or profit instead of begging. let me tell you, begging does no one any good, in the long run. it may help temporarily, but staying in school, get a job by doing something, etc, is more meaningful and better for one's future than begging on the streets for handouts. i strongly discourage people from doing begging in the streets, especially small children. when people stop handing out free stuff, the begging will stop. however, that may take a little time to get used to. people in cambodia will stop if you tell them what a low life they are by making a living by begging for life? use humiliation or embarrassment to stop people from begging. and please do not encourage them to keep begging, instead, teach or preach to them not to beg for it is such a low life, and there is no future for them if they continue to beg. by all mean, do educate them constructively, please, if you want to help. cambodia must stop this begging tradition. this is the 21st century not the stone age. thank you.

Anonymous said...

please help to educate the beggars as tourists don't like to have beggars bothering them. they come to cambodia to learn and enjoy the good weather, sceneries, food, culture, temples, unique culture, etc, not to see or have beggars bothering them non-stop. please help to stop this annoying scenes of beggars. please educate the beggars that it is wrong and unpleasant for them to beg because it can give tourists bad impressions on cambodia as not all tourists are educated enough to know cambodia that well. so their first impression could be a lasting bad impression if beggars are allowed to keep doing their deeds in cambodia. thank you for your cooperation, cambodia.