Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Hun Sen changed his mind and authorized the export of rice paddy from Takeo, Kandal, and Prey Veng to Vietnam, the CPP’s former benefactor

Rice paddy export authorized for three provinces

08 April 2008
By Ky Soklim
Cambodge Soir Hebdo

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Prime minister Hun Sen changed his mind on his previous decision to ban the export of Cambodian rice to Vietnam without providing any explanation.

Hun Sen’s (previous) announce (on the ban of rice export) was done to make it memorable. Less than 2 weeks ago, when the price of rice reached a new high, Hun Sen announced a 2-month ban on rice export.

But now, at the express request of Cham Prasidh, the minister of Commerce, Hun Sen just authorized farmers from three provinces – Takeo, Kandal and Prey Veng – to continue their export of rice paddy (unhusked rice) to Vietnam.

The reason for this u-turn remains unclear. To some, this was done so as not to penalize farmers who will have to stock rice from the rainy (KI-Media: CSD indicated “dry”) season crop – at a time when the price of rice is at its highest – and resell them back a few months later, when the price is lower because of the availability of the new (dry season) crop.

For now, farmers from other provinces who are still under Hun Sen’s export ban order, did not react yet.


Anonymous said...

Haiti Riot happened because of the soaring food prices! Why can Khmers get together to boot the Flip-Flop ah Youn HunSen! People must act up, or they will eat shit that ah HunSen & cronies do it in the sidewalk.

Someone told me that one can't drop the luxury lifestyle to have people power going because no-one wants to risk his/her life. It just might happen if the current government KEEPS EXPORTING RICE TO FEED THE VIETNAMESE, BUT NOT HIS OWN PEOPLE, KHMERS.


Anonymous said...

Ah hun xen is Ah yuon slave as we all know. The question is when will the people come together just this one more time to risk their life for the better of our Khmer future and Khmer race?

Millions die for nothing during the KR, a couple of thousand lives between now and the election will ensure that Khmer race will start to flourish. Come on people be brave, one mass demonstration will kick the cronies hun xen out of the country.

Anonymous said...

Generally, some commands or measurements from our PM have been issued when he gives speech. Most of them are the ideas that happen without prior thinking or discussion. That is why all of those measures have not lasted long.

Anonymous said...

why Takeo, Kandal and Prey Veng? Because these provinces border Vietnam. Why not Battambang or Batey Mean Chey? Because they are not bordered Vietnam? Can you judge who this government serve?

Anonymous said...

AH HUN SEN never make decision base on economic reasoning but a political expedience to please his Vietcong master! It is always the case that the Vietcong will never buy any finish products from Cambodia such as rice but the Vietcong are willing to buy the rice that are unprocessed and in another word it is the raw material that the Vietcong want from Cambodia! Cambodian must demand the same treatment and Cambodia must not accept any finish Vietcong products but to allow only the Vietcong raw material into Cambodia!

This is the real flaw in AH HUN SEN reasoning as we know it! Cambodia can never succeed as a nation as long as AH HUN SEN is still in power!

Anonymous said...

Many nations worry about the rice shortage. They try to save those rices for their own people and also to keep the price down by not leting them leave the country or selling it to the out side. Our own P.M seems to know nothing about it or may be he just needs some cash in hurry and says , to hell with you people! You just have 100 or 200 times more later. That is all folk! That is ours dumb ass P.M.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we must not forget brother (Yuon) is our liberator.

Anonymous said...

1115, VN is invader. If they are liberator they must respects Khmer borndery and received Youn immigratants back from Khmer. Additionally Youn teach their childrens that We're Khmer stool thier gandfarther (Ho) land and encourage their childrens to come to the west.

I'm not insult you but you should wake up if you're Khmer.

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong always claimed that they are the liberator but they want to stay in Cambodia for 25 years and more and they even label the situation in Cambodia is irreversible! But they soon realized only after 10 years in Cambodia and the Russian cut off all economic and military aid and Uncle Sam and China put military and economic pressure and only then the Vietcong put the tail between their legs and ran back to Vietname! Ahhahahhahhahahhahahh!

I mean what kind a Vietcong liberator is this when the Vietcong arse need to be kicked for the Vietcong go back home!

Anonymous said...

Hey you Viet troller/pimp/parasite/plunderer @11:15 AM,

You Viet troller/intruder admitted yourself to be a Viet-born and national here on KI-Media.

You Viet troller/intruder have been dumping tons of trashes here on KI-Media over God knows for how long.

You Viet troller/intruder pretend to be Cambodian/Khmer speaking up for Cambodian/Khmer and giving Cambodian/Khmer a bad name.

You Viet troller/intruder trash everybody here on KI-Media calling Cambodian/Khmer all sort of names to boast, to sabotage and to destroy Cambodian/Khmer for the benefit of you Viet intruder/plunderer....

Now, you Viet trash/troller/intruder/parasite call that a debate?

Does history and now a live example of you Viet trash/troller here on KI-Media tell Cambodian/Khmer anything about the Viet's trustworthiness?

Cambodian/Khmer and the whole world see and know the true colors of you Viet troller/intruder/invader/plunderer/parasite too well already.

In plain and simple English, now, and again what part of you "getting the fuck out of KI-Media" don't you understand huh you fucking Viet troller/intruder/pimp/plunderer?

Let's see you Viet pimp/parasite's tail between your legs and run on home out of KI-Media now!

Go home Viet, go home!

You will hurt the Viet and not hurting us Cambodian/Khmer by hanging around here on KI-Media and having made such a comment.

Go home Viet, go home!

Anonymous said...

It is clear that our country is under one man rule, family rule. It is absolutely dangerous for our country long term future. Where is democracy, check and balance system, absolute power seperation between parliament, government and courts?. THERE IS NO. Our PEOPLE Must be empowered. WE MUST STRUGGLE FOR OUR GRANDCHILDREND

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about, 1:42?

The situation between VN and Cambodia is exactly the same as US to Iraq.

Anonymous said...

To 10:04PM

What I am talking about? Ahhahhaha!

You are so ignorance to compare the VN to the US! The VN is no superpower okay because they depend on the Russian for their survival!

The Vietcong are a shrimp among whale and they need to understand that clearly unless the Vietcong want a repeat of the past!