Sunday, April 27, 2008

Khmer Lands Lost to Thailand: Cambodia Must Be Firm on the Issue of Preah Vihear

Click on picture to enlarge (Map courtesy of Mr. Thhai Makarar)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Cambodia should not accept anything less than the areas’ pre-1958 boundaries, before Preah Vihear temple was occupied by Thailand, or what was judged by the court in The Hague in 1962.”
Editorial by Khmerization
On the web at

It is with great sadness to hear that the issue of the Preah Vhihear Temple has not been put to rest and still drag on, 46 years after the dispute has been judged and presumed settled in the International Court of Justice in The Hague (read about the upcoming negotiation in Paris).

It is even with great sadness to view a map showing that the areas surrounding the Preah Vihear Temple had been encroached significantly by the Thai side since 1954 (see attached map and read related article here). The map itself confirmed the suspicions and established views that the areas had been significantly encroached by the Thai side. In fact, as shown in the map, Thailand had undeniably encroached deep inside Cambodia.

Viewing the attached map, one has a sense that Cambodia had been eternally violated and repeatedly raped by our powerful neighbours. Cambodia’s territorial boundaries, both east and west, have shrunk by the day and it seemed that our present government had not done enough to protect our territorial integrity. I hope our leaders, in particular Prime Minister Hun Sen, will wake up to the fact.

It is a concern also that the Cambodian delegation to the upcoming Paris talks would be pressured to accept the Thai demands. Thailand originally proposed that Preah Vihear should be jointly listed or that Cambodia must cede some disputed surrounding territories to Thailand before it stops blocking Cambodia‘s application to list the temple.

Cambodia should not accept anything less than the areas’ pre-1958 boundaries, before Preah Vihear temple was occupied by Thailand, or what was judged by the court in The Hague in 1962. With proof of the Thai encroachments in hands, the Cambodian delegation to the Paris negotiation should not be complacent, must be forceful, must be well equipped and well prepared to present Cambodia’s case concisely with documented evidence and concrete proof that the surrounding areas around Preah Vihear Temple are Cambodian territories and that Cambodia has every right to list them on the World Heritage List without any interferences from Thailand.

Cambodia should not be intimidated in to use a 2002 agreement signed with Thailand. Cambodia must be firm and proof and documents to use in the negotiation must be maps from the 1907 treaty, maps from the 1950s and 1960s, or maps that were deposited at the United Nations before 1970. To agree to use maps from the 2002 agreement with Thailand would be a surrender of our territorial integrity to Thailand. And that would be a tragedy for Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Please note that the border from Google Earth is not authoritative. It has no legal value and is usually imprecise. It is therefore not representative to compare the borders, and does not reflect who is occupying the land.

To compare the past and present situation, it would be interesting to get a topographic map of thailand of the area and see where they place the border (probably at the same place than the American 1954 map).

Knowing the area, it's heavily mined, steep and difficult to access. But I guess it will soon be deforested by RCAF like the rest of Preah Vihear province...

So, let's focus on the facts. Who want to go there for a walk in the mountains with a GPS? ;-)

Anonymous said...

this just swayed from the yuon problem and nothing new, yuon took almost half of each provinces long khmer/yuon border, and no one say anything. Hmmmmmmm??????..when khmer will be better off with these countries?..

Anonymous said...

This is a wake up call to all Khmer leaders. Even though the Google map is not authoritative and therefore can't be used as an official document, it is representative of the status quo regarding Cambodia's borders and her neighbours. All Cambodian must acknowledge that there are significant encroachments of our territories by our neighbours. The current ongoing negotiation with Thailand on the issue of Preah Vihear must be mindful about these sorts of encroachments and the Khmer delegation must vigorously raise these issues with the Thai delegation. All documents and previous internationally recognised maps must be brought to the negotiation.

Anonymous said...

Well, what the Viet troller says here is that Cambodian and the Viet controlled regime of Hun Sen in P. Penh have to take the Viet's word for it. Isn't this the true nature and color of the Viet?

Go home Viet!
The world knows you Viet true color already!

Anonymous said...

Even the 1954 map is trash. Who the heck would want to agree on something that is made by the US. This is not America. Only Khmer and Thai can settled this issue.

Anonymous said...

So you idiot pirate @6:23PM are the one that made the world map?

Some jack arse you are 6:23PM!

Anonymous said...

So? It's still better than it being made by the French or the US, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

We all know that it is not surprising when it comes to Thais mind nad Preah Vihear or any other temples constructed by former Khmer Kings. This Thai race has lost conscience, the inner sense of knowing between wrong and right, and will not have any "SHAME" in arguing with the Khmers to defend the belongings they had robbed from the Khmers. The best way to dispute with them is the military force when the Khmers know they can take the challenge. With all you have, step forward and fight the fire with your utmost ability to aliminate the damn undying smoke once and for all. Talking with the Thai on the issue will only give them more wild and agressive spirit to harass you. Destroy the centuries old enemy if you can. There is no need to discuss with these shameless race of the thief.

Anonymous said...

I found a very interesting website regarding the US military map on South East Asian War-Area of Operations during the Vietnam War (1965-1975) all South East Asian country) (show KHET PREAH VIHEAR)

Anonymous said...

To write a comment using inaccurate maps is pure demagoguery and is basically trash talk. Although Preah Vihear is indisputably Khmer the territories in that region have a bone of contention for a long time, the matter can only be resolved by going back in time and looking at the various agreements and maps recognized by the two governments. The problem is that both countries have had a series of different governments, which have never really seen eye to eye on this matter. And there is no end in sight. This will most likely last another 20 years.

Anonymous said...

We should also contact Google to learn about the derivative of their map. All concerns must be studied for its sources urgently before the meeting in Paris. We must go to Paris with preparation and equip with info to back all our stances.

Anonymous said...

What about the world map accept by international community, the world court and United Nations?

Hey! It is nature of the Thaicong not to recognize anything belongs to Khmer and it is in their interest to prolong the conflict because they think they are bigger more powerful! This mean the Thaicong think that they can bend international law and the world court decision to fit their political agenda!

Khmer government must stand firm on the issue of Khmer Phrea Vihear temple!

Anonymous said...

I am with 12:"52. The Khmer government must be smart, firm, and use the international law for our help (The Hague world court decision, Thailand versus Cambodia, Preah Vihear and the surrounding lands case,1962). Thai foreign minister Mr. Noppadon Pattama is a smart lawyer. In Paris meeting, his tactict will be:Anything belong to you is negotiable, but anything belong to me is off limit (not negotiable). We must be carefull.

Anonymous said...

No matter Vietcong or Thaicong Mr.Hun Sun and all the people that work in the Government,I am a simple khmer person that love our Country and our people; I believe for the sake of our khmer people and our honest ancestors that build our kingdom of cambodia,we need to be smart let,s play by the rule and let's International law& world court make decision firt.

Anonymous said...

Throughout the Cambodian history, Thailand and Vietnam have been stealing our territory several times. We have never forgot taht Thailand used to take over Preah Vihear temple from Cambodia by military force but finally we successfully got it back as it should be. To date, Thailand is still attempting to take away our precious lands including the areas adjacent to Preah Vihear temple. They have hurted and burnt down houses of our people who live near the borders. It is the issue of national integrity to save the remaining territory of our country. Any further lost must never happen from now on.
P.S. I personally hate Thai government so much because of what they have done to us.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, Thai and Viet did not stole anything from Cambodia. They were rewarded some land for being protectorate of Khmer's land. You don't expected them to work for free, do ya?

Anonymous said...

stand firms, cambodia. no ifs or buts about it. case closed a long time ago. please don't be fooled by thailand's approach. if they don't like it, they can stay the hell out of cambodia. khmers have enough problems of our own and we don't need another problem by having siem staying and living in cambodia. go home, ancient enemy!!!

Anonymous said...

Wrong, Thai had saved many king lifes before the French arrived. They are not enemy.

Anonymous said...

The thais is pirate!
The Viet is plunderer!

Anonymous said...

We must work to clear with land encroached around Preah Vihear. It is a bad sign that they try to blur the border line; thus, gives them a reason to reclaim Preah Vihear. Look for the subtle moves. Some times it takes years for them to achieve their goals. Don't be a fool again.

Anonymous said...

"Bullshit, Thai and Viet did not stole anything from Cambodia. They were rewarded some land for being protectorate of Khmer's land"..whoever wrote this clearly need to learn about the true Cambodian history. Are you even a Cambodian? Do you even know why Khmer king requested and pledged the French to help protecting the country? Do you even know why Cambodia were having so many wars with Thailand and Vietnam before the French protectorate era? and what were they fighting for? Thailand and Vietnam were trying to conquer our territory, our land where Khmer people live for generations, numerous of time in the past. Even during the French Protectorate era, they had never stopped their attempt to take control of Cambodian territory. We lost Siem Reap, Battambong to Thailand and Kampuchea Krom to Vietnam during French Protectorate. Do you think the French did that on purpose? Don't you think there were any other reasons behind the scene? First they asked the French, then when that didn't work, they forced the French by use of force. The French had numerous battles with Thailand over the issue of Cambodian territory. And Vietnam, of course they tried a different way, they pleased the French and pursuaded the French to reward them with CAMBODIAN TERRITORY. Were Thailand or Vietnam really a protectorate of Cambodia at any time at all in the history? Thailand conquered us, colonised our kingdom. They let Khmer monarchy live but they made us no-longer independent, Khmer King had to do what Thailand desired. Thailand saved Khmer monarchy just because they hoped to take control of our Kingdom through obedient monarchy who feared of Thailand. Preah Bat Ponheayat, of course, got raised and educated in Thailand but fortunately, he saved our Kingdom from Thailand to an extent. There is so much more you should know before writing "Thai and Viet did not stole anything from Cambodia. They were rewarded some land for being protectorate of Khmer's land". You are disgraced!!