Monday, April 21, 2008

Life and death in Anlong Veng, the former KR stronghold

Cambodian labourers pulling a cart-load of Thai goods in Anlong Veng. (Photo: AP)
Sieng Kim Chean, a 40-year-old Cambodian villager, pointing to the grave of the late Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot in Anlong Veng, a former Khmer Rouge stronghold, about 305km north of Phnom Penh. (Photo: AP)
Incense stick holders stand at the grave of the late Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot. (Photo: AP)


Anonymous said...

Why someone put some incent stikcs at the grave of an atheistic dictator? He went so deep into hell!

Anonymous said...

Dirt poor Cambodian people still push cart like animal in the 21st century?

Hey! The Thaicong should know how to make these dirt poor Cambodian people work like animal!

Anonymous said...

There are still some khmer in that part of the country believe that POLPOT's soul can help them win the lottery.

Anonymous said...

There are still alot of Khmere in the country prefer to work like animal for a living than be Hungry with the Vietnamese popet!

Anonymous said...

the first picture above show some men pulling on a loaded cart like animals. why don't they use a truck or something to transport their trades? why they still use stone age style of transportation? i don't get it!

Anonymous said...

I am going to google map this site, so the next time i visit Sroak Khmer, i will exhaust all efforts to shit on this grave. Make this one of my missions in life.

Anonymous said...

1:57 AM
Pay attention to the details in the picture. Now, let me ask you this........ Why don't they buy a pair of shoe first huh? Could it be that the gas is too expensive that they have to park their Mercedes? Judging by their loads, do you think that these guys looking forward to returned for another load? Last but not least.... can you see them smiling ears to ears while pulling their load? You get this?

Anonymous said...

pol pot's grave deserves to be pooped and pee on. if i ever go near there, i'll be the first one to do so. hahahahahah!@!!!

Anonymous said...

10:03, I hope i don't stumble on it! Make sure you write your initials on it, that way I know that you were there. I'd tried and do the same.