Monday, April 14, 2008

Nuon Khoeun's essay "Westward March and Indochina in the 21st century" now available for download

Nuon Khoeun

The essay "Westward March and Indochina in the 21st century" written by Nuon Khoeun in the late 1969 and early 1970 is now available to download for free online. Right click on the link below to download the essay in Khmer, or click on the link to read it online.


Anonymous said...

Khoeun is right about Youn marching, but if Cambodia has all smart people instead of dumb dumb their marching will turn to benefit for Cambodians to wake up and be fruitful. But sad looklike we not gonna be because Pol Pot doctrine is coming from outside like Guchse Yim and his Viet buddy Ly Ngco Diep are infiltrating to destroy our community.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the so-called march westward got to stop, can't keep going forever. khmers can actually benefit from it if we study and plan carefully. gaining new people and new ideas isn't so bad after. this is how the world evolved. we just have to be competitive, too. plus, nowadays, people can't just do what they want like in the old lawless times before colonialism. now, the world has laws and order and we also have proper boundary, etc..., so it won't be like in the past again. history is history, i mean just learn from history and become better than that. so don't worry cambodia, we are living in a modern world and i don't think any gov't in the world would allow cambodia to be absorb into vietnam or thailand that easily like that again. plus, boundary of the world do change a lot in the past, and i don't think it is acceptable for vietnamese (youn ) to do that again like then. enough is enough already, when cambodia bites back we will bite hard.

Anonymous said...

That's correct!

With now a day advance technology and with just a click of a button, information just flow to the one who seek it. Compare to the past, information doesn't get thru easily. That's why the Youn's government is on edge and its leaders could not sleep at night.

When we all internationalize our issues Vietnam will have give in. It took Tibet over 60 years to bring International attention on it side, we are next on the list to be recognize internationally.

Let see what our Youn's under cover agents have to say :)

Anonymous said...

What they say is this is nothing more than another one of Ah Khmer-Yuon stupid propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Well, you freaking Viet pimp/parasite @2:56 AM, read on:

You Viet troller/intruder admitted yourself here on KI-Media to being a Viet-born and national.

You Viet troller/intruder have been dumping tons of trashes here on KI-Media over God knows for how long.

You Viet troller/intruder pretend to be Cambodian/Khmer speaking up for Cambodian/Khmer and giving Cambodian/Khmer a bad name.

You Viet troller/intruder trash everybody here on KI-Media calling Cambodian/Khmer all sort of names to boast, to sabotage and to destroy Cambodian/Khmer for the benefit of you Viet intruder/plunderer....

Now, you Viet trash/troller/intruder/parasite call that a debate?

Does history and now a live example of you Viet trash/troller here on KI-Media tell Cambodian/Khmer anything about the Viet's trustworthiness?

Cambodian/Khmer and the whole world see and know the true colors of you Viet troller/intruder/invader/plunderer/parasite too well already.

In plain and simple English, now, and again what part of you "getting the fuck out of KI-Media" don't you understand huh you fucking Viet troller/intruder/pimp/plunderer?

Let's see you Viet pimp/parasite's tail between your legs and run on home out of KI-Media now!

Go home Viet, go home!

You will hurt the Viet and not hurting us Cambodian/Khmer by hanging around here on KI-Media and having made such comments.

Go home Viet, go home!
The world sees and knows you Viet true colors already!!!

Anonymous said...

Nuon khoeun is an idiot.In 1972 ,he left his family behind and joint the khmer rouge and ultimately was paid a heavy price for his stupidity .He was killed by POLPOT'S butchers around 1977.Way to go dumbass.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting how the more we don't want to talk these Youn's undercover agents the more they wanted to communicate with us?


Well some of the reasons are that they are scared of the truth. They are scared of loosing all of what they have lied for. They are trying their best to divert attention on them. Once the spot light is on them then they can not hide anything anymore.

As we all know, nothing cannot hide under the sunlight. The world will know the truth in the near future.

Happy Khmer New Year!

Down with CPP/Viet People Party!

Anonymous said...

Correction @ 2:56am:

Instead of "What they say is this is nothing more than another one of Ah Khmer-Yuon stupid propaganda".

What [we] say is this [, it] is nothing more than another one of Khmer-[Krom telling us the real truth]


Our apology please forgive us.

Youn's agent(s)

Anonymous said...

Impossible, 10:51, Ah Khmer-Yuon and truth doesn't mixed.

Anonymous said...

Me think therefore me undoutedly believe that Khmer-Youn are fully supporting CPP and undeniably hating Khmer Krom, 'cause Samdech Hun SenVarman desperately need these millions Khmer-Youn to vote for him in order to win every election!

Anonymous said...

" Nuon khoeun is an idiot.In 1972 ,he left his family behind and joint the khmer rouge and ultimately was paid a heavy price for his stupidity .He was killed by POLPOT'S butchers around 1977.Way to go dumbass."

10:37 AM

Sure....and lucky you turn him down when he asked to join him. :p

Anonymous said...

Not body is right all the time, Go to school and leurn how to chose the right one !

Anonymous said...

But I got PHD and ahn am kwack!

Anonymous said...

No one is perfect,even Nuon Khoeun or
so am I,but we train ourselves to be
People always made mistakes,but they tried to correct themselves;sometimes
they could make it,sometimes they didn't.Because people have been changed their minds 50,000 in 24 hrs
per day.
It was true what he said.The greedy Vietnam ambition what some people have had known since 16 century,Vietnam took three kingdoms
of Champa,Khmer Krom,Lao,and Cambodia.
Will Champa,Khmer Krom,Lao,and Cambodia wake up,stand up,rise up
against Hun Sen and Vietnam?
If yes,that's great!If they won't,Vietnam will go on to Thai.
Thai Red Shirts are VietThai members.
It is so wonderful,if the Southeast
Asia feel the wind of change.They
can beat Vietnam back.
The essay should change,"Westward
March to Vietnam.