(Yui Mok/Pool/Reuters)

Olympic Torch Relay Upstaged as Protests Over China Span Globe
By Demian McLean
April 7 (Bloomberg) -- Demonstrators from San Francisco to Paris sought to upstage the Olympic torch relay today with protests over China's human rights record and crackdown in Tibet.
In the French capital, protesters slowed relay runners to a crawl, forcing police to carry the torch and deliver it to its destination by bus.
On the other side of the globe, demonstrators in California scaled San Francisco's landmark Golden Gate Bridge and unfurled banners saying ``Free Tibet '08.'' The torch is set to arrive in the city later this week. About 20 percent of San Francisco's 744,000 people are of Chinese heritage; the torch relay does not go through Chinatown.
The debate even entered U.S. presidential politics, with Democratic hopeful U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton calling on President George W. Bush to boycott the Olympics opening ceremony.
``The Bush administration has been wrong to downplay human rights in its policy towards China,'' Clinton said in a statement released by her campaign. ``President Bush should not plan on attending the opening ceremonies in Beijing, absent major changes by the Chinese government.''
The procession of the Olympic torch to Beijing has been disrupted by protests since it began in Greece on March 24.
China faces increasing scrutiny of its human rights record in the run-up to the games, which open Aug. 8.
Groups such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Reporters Without Borders are pressing the government on a spectrum of issues, including arms sales to Sudan, detention without trial and media freedom.
Tibet Unrest
The Foreign Ministry in Beijing has accused Amnesty of being biased in its assessment.
Tibet, annexed by China in 1951, has experienced its biggest protests since pro-independence demonstrations two decades ago.
China says supporters of Tibet's exiled Dalai Lama are trying to undermine the Olympics and says rioters killed about 20 civilians as demonstrations last month spread from the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, to the western provinces of Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan.
The U.S. State Department said in a report last month that China continues to deny its citizens fundamental freedoms.
In its global human rights survey for 2007, it dropped China from the list of worst offenders while criticizing the government for increasing censorship of the Internet and tightening restrictions on freedom of speech and the media.
The Bush administration has repeatedly said it has no plans to boycott the August ceremonies. The president has accepted an invitation by the Chinese to attend ceremonies related to the Olympics.
The Chinese Embassy in Washington didn't immediately return a call requesting a comment.
To contact the reporter on this story: Demian McLean in Washington at
In the French capital, protesters slowed relay runners to a crawl, forcing police to carry the torch and deliver it to its destination by bus.
On the other side of the globe, demonstrators in California scaled San Francisco's landmark Golden Gate Bridge and unfurled banners saying ``Free Tibet '08.'' The torch is set to arrive in the city later this week. About 20 percent of San Francisco's 744,000 people are of Chinese heritage; the torch relay does not go through Chinatown.
The debate even entered U.S. presidential politics, with Democratic hopeful U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton calling on President George W. Bush to boycott the Olympics opening ceremony.
``The Bush administration has been wrong to downplay human rights in its policy towards China,'' Clinton said in a statement released by her campaign. ``President Bush should not plan on attending the opening ceremonies in Beijing, absent major changes by the Chinese government.''
The procession of the Olympic torch to Beijing has been disrupted by protests since it began in Greece on March 24.
China faces increasing scrutiny of its human rights record in the run-up to the games, which open Aug. 8.
Groups such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Reporters Without Borders are pressing the government on a spectrum of issues, including arms sales to Sudan, detention without trial and media freedom.
Tibet Unrest
The Foreign Ministry in Beijing has accused Amnesty of being biased in its assessment.
Tibet, annexed by China in 1951, has experienced its biggest protests since pro-independence demonstrations two decades ago.
China says supporters of Tibet's exiled Dalai Lama are trying to undermine the Olympics and says rioters killed about 20 civilians as demonstrations last month spread from the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, to the western provinces of Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan.
The U.S. State Department said in a report last month that China continues to deny its citizens fundamental freedoms.
In its global human rights survey for 2007, it dropped China from the list of worst offenders while criticizing the government for increasing censorship of the Internet and tightening restrictions on freedom of speech and the media.
The Bush administration has repeatedly said it has no plans to boycott the August ceremonies. The president has accepted an invitation by the Chinese to attend ceremonies related to the Olympics.
The Chinese Embassy in Washington didn't immediately return a call requesting a comment.
To contact the reporter on this story: Demian McLean in Washington at
I am glad to see the world take notice of how cruel china is to its people, Tibet,Cambodia, Burma,Laos, and many more of its neighbor. It is time to let the world know that china is evil. china do not deserve the prestige.
Xi ha noun and pol pot supported by imperialist china killed and starved 2 million Khmers. This kind of friendship claimed by sdach thmil and yuon xen is very bad for our country. Look out! What they are doing with poor Tibet. They are exterminating them.
cambodia, please see the world is free to make demonstration. please learn from the good old USA and europeans. thank you.
Okay, once we are fully developed like the US and EU, we will, but not now, alright.
You stupid head 11:18Am told ah Hun Xen that he should not ride on Mercedes and play golf! He should walk and jump like monkey!
DOo mair ah chkourt!
Hey you Viet troller/pimp/parasite/plunderer @11:18 AM,
You Viet troller/intruder admitted yourself to be a Viet-born and national here on KI-Media.
You Viet troller/intruder have been dumping tons of trashes here on KI-Media over God knows for how long.
You Viet troller/intruder pretend to be Cambodian/Khmer speaking up and speaking out for Cambodian/Khmer and giving Cambodian/Khmer a bad name.
You Viet troller/intruder trash everybody here on KI-Media calling Cambodian/Khmer all sort of names to boast, to sabotage and to destroy Cambodian/Khmer for the benefit of you Viet intruder/plunderer....
Now, you Viet trash/troller/intruder/parasite want to have some real debates?
Does history and now a live example of you Viet trash/troller here on KI-Media tell Cambodian/Khmer anything about the Viet's trustworthiness?
Cambodian/Khmer and the whole world see and know the true colors of you Viet troller/intruder/invader/plunderer/parasite too well already.
In plain and simple English, now, and again what part of you "getting the fuck out of KI-Media" don't you understand huh you fucking Viet troller/intruder/pimp/plunderer?
Let's see you Viet pimp/parasite's tail between your legs and run on home out of KI-Media now!
Go home Viet, go home!
You will hurt the Viet and not hurting us Cambodian/Khmer by hanging around here on KI-Media and having made such a comment.
Go home Viet, go home!
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